Dianne Emerson created the first online forum for victims of psychopaths over 25 years ago. Over the years several books have been written using “composite” characters to describe psychopaths. The general public and the media report stories about “stranger danger” when in reality a psychopath in your life is likely to damage more lives than the most prolific serial killer.
We think of serial killers when we hear the word psychopath, but the vast majority are not in prison, but walking among us. Lacking a conscience, they leave a path of destruction and despair as they pass through life.
“You will have a glimpse into the mind of the everyday psychopath, the one for whom you may work, the one whom you may run into in the grocery store or at the gym, or possibly the one with whom you live.”
— Dianne Emerson
- BIOLABS: 1st GERMANY Riems Island 1910 *Fort Detrick *Plum Island and Lyme Disease. Sadism and Torture Inventing Disease Creating Vaccines to Cure. The 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade.“A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. […]
- Those Dutch Rascals ran the Dutch East India Company (VOC) & East India Company (EIC) = Private Companies with Private Military Enforcers. Just like NOW, USA Military is enforcer for corporations. A rascal can refer to two different things: A mean, unprincipled, or dishonest person: […]
- The Netherlands & USA * Child Pornography Ring Connections More like PARTNERS? Rosa Koire & Susan Wojcicki, YouTube CEO, dead from lung cancer: Was it MURDER? Child Sexual Abuse Material detected in the Netherlands has almost doubled, from 47% of […]
- The USA does NOT send Democracy around the world, it sends TYRANNY. How does the USA takeover and stay in OTHER countries and dictate what THEY DO? If people in USA are so happy with democracy, WHY THE ALARMING SUICIDE rates? The best slave is the one who thinks he is free. -Johann Wolfgang von […]
- Hansel & Gretel & Abandoned Children * Elites HUNTING nude children in forests to rape and murder them. A report of open child sex at a Bilderberg meeting? Are Satanic cults abducting children in Belgium and Poland trafficking to the Netherlands?Losing your way on a journey is unfortunate. But losing your reason for the […]
- MK7 Gang Stalking and Schizophrenia RUN by USA Churches & CIA* the USA has declared citizens terrorists WITH Schizophrenia. Made up disease with serious side effects and death.Those who can make you believe absurdities; can make you commit atrocities.” —Voltaire. […]
- USA Government is Gang Stalking Citizens *Secret Surveillance and Electro Torture by Secret Services *How Fusion Center Work. NDAA passed in 2012 allows USA to use military grade electronic weapons on citizens. Once a secret society establishes itself within an open society, there is no end […]
- People who smoke get FEWER cases of Lung Cancer *The biggest trick, smoking is actually healthy. Smoking Rates are down, Lung Cancer is up, WHY? I tell you exactly why, tune in.“It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only […]
- Mormons and ZIONISM *The Morman’s have a TON of Money, a TON of lies * Ritual Sexual Abuse of Children. WHY DO THE MORMONS have control of our DNA information? HOW do they hide their wealth and SATANIC child rape? The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf only to be eaten […]
- The Gutenberg Printing Presses got invented and the BIBLE went worldwide. The CIA infiltrated American Churches in 1954 * The Scofield Bible (a handbook for genocide) Zionism. The Quran, ALL of it, was TAKEN over. If You Don’t Stand for Something, You’ll Fall for Anything AMERIKA: Is 1954 when […]
- Warren Buffett’s wife, Susan, provided the MONEY to fund Franklin Credit Union. There is a missing Video guy who did snuff films, NOT Rusty Nelson. Larry King had access to Offutt AFB * King had 3 previous credit unions prior to Franklin.“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored […]
- 2/2 China Lake Air Weapons Station/California *Cages Of Children Getting Electroshock Tunnels And Torture By USA Military Mengele Is Dr. Green. Cold War Was To Enact Torture Learned During WW2. Colby And DeCamp CREATED Operation Phoenix.Rusty Nelson FULL and UNCENSORED Franklin Photographer (youtube.com) MY Home Address: 309 E. […]
- China Lake Air Weapons Station/California *Cages of Children getting electroshock Tunnels and Torture by USA Military Mengele is Dr. Green. Cold War was to enact torture learned during WW2. Colby and DeCamp CREATED Operation Phoenix.Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake is a large military installation in California […]
- William Colby & John DeCamp *Is Omaha Nebraska a CIA child rape Central Location? Operation Phoenix/Vietnam My Lai Massacre, same crowd ran Franklin case. Coincidence? DeCamp & Colby ALSO ran Operation Babylift. *Belgium *Virginia *Nebraska?Production NOTE: I added the banned show: Conspiracy of Silence at the end, it […]
- Boys & men are being raped, as often or MORE than girls & women, from boys in Pakistan to men raped by other men. Rape in USA Military, Prisons, Schools and NO Shelters for victims of MALE RAPE, why not? WHY don’t we know much about it?Maybe the USA Department of Defense (DOD) could STOP THE CHILD Pornography on their […]
- Aldous Huxley predicted that drugs would one day become a humane alternative to “flogging” for rulers wishing to control “recalcitrant subjects.” WHY does the USA take so many drugs? Prescription Meds are now NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF DEATH IN USA.One of the most influential eugenicists of all time, Huxley was secretary of the […]
- USA led sanctions against RUSSIA over Ukraine. But…..USA NOW needs Uranium. WHY is the USA buying up all the Uranium? To make sure they have enough for our smart meter style eugenics? Russian Sanction Assets being held by BELGIUM;)Pluto is the Greek god of the underworld, or Hades; it is also the root of the […]
- Murder Weapons *Tasers *Electric Chairs *Electroshock Therapy *Smart Meters **ALL DEADLY and Cancer Causing. They CLAIM they are all safe, WHY NO STUDIES? Anti-Depressants and Chemical Imbalances FAKE diseases to increase murder rate of citizens.Smart meters are responsible for “catastrophic effects” on the health of individuals and animals, surely it […]
- Did Klaus Schwab step down from World Economic Forum (WEF) to retire? Or because he was harassing women and calling blacks the N word?Klaus Schwab accused of turning a blind eye to sexual harassment and racism at […]
- Chateau des Amerois (Belgium) AKA Mothers of Darkness Castle -Satan worshiping darkest rituals, human sacrifices, blackmail parties and unspeakable horrors. *1000 Points of Light *Their 1,000 Year Plan to RULE?The real name is “ Chateau des Amerois ” and it is located in […]
- Saturn is the Hidden God from Babylon. Martin Luther on the Babylonian Captivity of the Church. Do all religions lead to Satan? Is the Bible the World’s greatest script ever written and sold to the public via movies and books using sketches? Early during the Reformation (1520) Martin Luther penned a trilogy of foundational documents addressing […]
- USA is the Whore of Babylon….. *Statue of Liberty ISIS The Statue of Liberty represents the Queen of Babylon. The Statue of Liberty is Anunnaki Goddess InannaInanna (aka Irnini, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Annutitum, Aphrodite, Athena, Anat, Venus, Eshdar, Innin, Ninni, […]
- False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) was created by CIA (1992) to deny the existence of cult mind control and child abuse. FMSF argued in court that satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and multiple personality disorder (MPD) don’t exist.A group of families and professionals affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia […]
- Did a MK7 Slave CONFESS to the murder of CIA Director William Colby? I have the confession in this show. How children undergo Trauma Rituals. Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips- Liars and Misdirection to trap MORE Victims….What is Revelation of the MethodToday’s Episode includes the story from a person who claims he was involved in […]
- MK7 = Satanic Panic in the 1980s McMartin Daycare at the center, AFTER the original MK7 program was shut down and records DESTROYED. ALL the terror toward children was at the hands of USA Military PSYOP Operations running it all.. Aquino and Mind War.The McMartin preschool trial was a day care sexual abuse case in the 1980s, prosecuted […]
- WW2 -Nazi Brothels were set up next to Military Bases. Why did ALL the soldiers descend on Germany to RAPE the women? All Allied forces, including the American, British, and French soldiers, committed rapes of German women. WTHWW2- They raped women in public, in front of their families, and shot them afterward. … All Allied forces, […]
- Franklin Case -Michael Aquino, US Army military intelligence officer specialized in PSYCHOLOGICAL warfare NOW Founder & High Priest of the Temple of Set…….Nazi Castle (Wewelsburg) To Be The ‘Centre of The World** Ukraine WAR Trafficking**The castle of Wewelsburg overlooks the village of the same name in Westphalia, Germany. […]
- Dick Cheney once shot his friend in the face during a hunting trip. Was it part of something more than we were told? How investigations are used to trap their own like the DOD Child Porn Investigation (Operation Flicker) likely did.Investigation Ties Military Workers to Child Porn – NBC4 Washington (nbcwashington.com) Heads up […]
- How Lutherans and Satanism grew out of Roman Empire. They thought it was going Christian, well didn’t work out that way. WHY does the BUSH family hide their real name (Scherff family) and origins? Did a Bush Murder Tesla?Mad, Satanic Roman Emperors had created a disgust amongst the population for Ritual Satanic […]
- Elite Pedophile Rings * How Casa Pia in Portugal and Belgium Child Sex Case (Marc Dutroux) trafficking connect *Wikileaks spilled on Belgium. Pornhub was closed down by Elites (Bill Ackman) and Christians, kitchen was too hot to keep going.On 20 October 1996, around 300,000 people took to the streets of Brussels following the arrest of Marc Dutroux and the abandonment […]
- Is The Vatican & CIA the head of world-wide child sex trafficking? Ninth Circle and Dantes Hell. Did you KNOW: 86% of sex trafficked children were in social services when they went missing. The plan not the bug in the system.What is being prepared is not Peace among peoples, but their extermination; what is […]
- Weimar was a mass Democratic Experiment. What is a REPROBATE? The Bible says Psychopaths are Reprobates. Is this what is causing them to target me and my work about psychopaths?‘Our silence permits perpetrators to continue’ Their options are FEW, most of these […]
- The world is run as a group of Cults. Corporate Cults and Religious Cults. Weimar Republic (1918 -1933) a test for what is going on now using child prostitutes on the streets, cross dressing and declining morals in Berlin.Germany – Weimar Republic to corrupt a nation effectively one must make sure that […]
- The Amish *The Bibles they use: Lutheran & KVJ. German & Swiss Origins -Massive issues with children and rape inside the communities. AMISH come from a core group of 200 *WTH* They call themselves Pennsylvania DUTCH. They call us ENGLISH.Hear Mary tell her OWN Story, not mine to tell. AMISH Woman “Sinned” by […]
- 4/4 -Lutherans & Catholics and The Reformation. Joined together to push SATAN. Lutherns -The German based CULT who worships SATAN. The Coven in Norfolk, Nebraska is run by Lutherans. *OMG* Norfolk UK Church FOUNDING Place of Pilgrims.The Pilgrims – Who are They? – Psychopath In Your Life The Amish- […]
- 3/4 -WHO Were The Mayflower Passengers? George Washington Practiced DEISM. What Is “Deistic Satanism”? First Trans-Atlantic Voyage =TRANS = Transgender. *OMG* Norfolk UK Church FOUNDING Place of Pilgrims.David Icke Genealogy: icke.pdf (mileswmathis.com) Templarsign A Seal of the Knights Templar, with their […]
- 2/4 -WHO were the Mayflower Passengers? George Washington Practiced DEISM. What is “Deistic Satanism”? First Trans-Atlantic voyage =TRANS = Transgender. WTF is with Jesus and Feces?The Poopygate 2024 Iceberg | Ep #003 (youtube.com) What Does The Talmud Say […]
- 1/4 -WHO were the Mayflower Passengers? George Washington Practiced DEISM. What is “Deistic Satanism”? First Transatlantic voyage, =TRANS = Transgender. Pilgrims RUN it all today.Washington’s “practice of Christianity was limited and superficial, because he was not himself a […]
- Who were the 300 influential families who were granted immunity from the 14th amendment and can be found in the Congressional Record of 1865, which gave them diplomatic immunity. The INCEST Gang of Psychopaths set it all up early on, WHO ARE THEY?A history lesson for Americans. You’re still British. – Patriots for Truth (patriots4truth.org) […]
- WHY are they Destroying MEN? To get to the women and children. Men are victims of sex abuse FAR GREATER than women, biggest TRICK OF ALL TIME * Get rid of all the men while EVERYONE is WATCHING * Talk about hiding in plain sight.“This service is for women only”: Male survivors of sexual assault need help, too […]
- Druids were OVERTAKEN by fake Druids who settled USA* The Fake Druids ALSO WORE FEZ Hats. German Hessian Mercenaries were sent by Britian to fight Revolutionary War.Druids – The Museum of Fezology (fezmuseum.com) The Dark Side Of Druidry | […]
- DRUID are Magicians and Wizards in ancient Celtic Priesthood & Christian legends. Associated with Stonehenge because they were the PAGAN Priesthood of Britain when written records first appeared. Cops and Firefighters = Coven Members around DEATH?Irish Americans – Wikipedia BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life […]
- USA Experiment: 1st Coven in USA, set up Norfolk, VIRGINA. We “think” Chamber of Commerce runs local towns but run by COVENS. Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Channeling, how it works. What is BAAL? WHY Now?I live in Norfolk, Nebraska which I am now 100% is a COVEN. How […]
- Is Memorial Day a Patriotic SCAM to brainwash the rest of us? It is about SACRFICE. Why do some have to SACRIFICE to save the rest of us, just like Jesus? WTH?Memorial Day,a Patriotic SCAM to Brainwash the SHEEP. DISGUSTING. — Steemit More […]
- The Mexican Revolution and Pancho Villa was a Hollywood Production *Pancho Villa had a Studio Contract for all fighting to be filmed on site, WHOOPS. *Ghandi Slept with Men *Slaves were used to build NYC and covered up. The Mexican Revolution was a defining moment of the 20th century. The Mexican […]
- HOTELS: Hiding in Plain Sight used for Elite Sex Parties leaving Feces covered walls to Sex Trafficking and Human Trafficking *From USA, Bharain to UK and Paris. The LAWS seem to not be there to protect actual victims but the hotels.Sex Trafficking and Hotels: Why there is a Need for Effective Corporate Social Responsibility […]
- 3/3 *Dulles Brothers Created CIA Destroyed & Central America and IRAN for USA Corporate Interests. Dulles Brothers ALSO destroyed Cental America, Cuba, Haiti. Banana Wars. HAMAS leaders are worth BILLIONS of $ *WTHTelecommunications Act of 1996 – Wikipedia Hamas’s top leaders are worth billions. Here’s […]
- 2/3 *Dulles Brothers Created CIA & Destroyed Central America and IRAN for USA Corporate Interests. Dulles Brothers ALSO destroyed Cental America, Cuba, Haiti. Banana Wars. HAMAS leaders are worth BILLIONS of $ *WTHHamas’s top leaders are worth billions. Here’s how they continue to grow rich – […]
- 1/3 *The Dulles Brothers Created the CIA Destroyed Central America and IRAN for USA Corporate Interests. Africa was being Colonized and the Dulles Brothers were destroying Cental America, Cuba, Haiti all of them. Banana Wars.How Two Brothers Waged A ‘Secret World War’ In The 1950s | (wbur.org) […]
- William Colby was the 10th CIA Director *Colby started with OSS. Was he murdered? Colby died in a “boating accident” days before testifying about Vietnam. Why would they murder one of their own?Why did they really murder former CIA Director William Colby? – The Millennium Report […]