Tartary (Latin: Tartaria) or Great Tartary (Latin: Tartaria Magna) was a name used from the Middle Ages until the twentieth century to designate the great tract of northern and central Asia stretching from the Caspian Sea and the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, settled mostly by Turko-Mongol peoples after the Mongol invasion and the subsequent Turkic migrations.”
What is Tartary?
Tartary was a large territory that extended into Europe, from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. It covered a large area of land that went from the Caspian Sea to the Ural Mountains. A wide expanse of central and northwest Asia, and several areas that extended to the Pacific Ocean, where Turkic and Mongol people lived, whom they called Tatars. The territories currently included are Siberia, Russian Far East, Turkestan, Greater Mongolia, Manchuria and Tibet.
According to its history, between the 16th and 19th centuries, Tartary was the name assigned to the territories described above, between the areas of Siberia and the Russian Far East. Those who lived in these areas were the so-called Tatars, a name given to the inhabitants of the Mongol towns. But this name fell into disuse when the Russian Empire took over the eastern territories and Siberia.
History of the Griffin

How Do Griffins Relate to Medieval Christianity?
As well as representations of his power, the half-lion, half-eagle became a literal symbol of Jesus’s half-human, half-divine nature. In the Genoan Coat of Arms, a griffin bore St. George’s Cross to represent the saint’s strength and guardianship. In Dante’s Divine Comedy, a griffin leads the chariot through the Earthly Paradise after the heroes arise from Hell and Purgatory.
Most historians point to the Levant, the region around the Aegean Sea, as the place of origin of the griffin. It was popular in the region around 2000 B.C.E. to 1001 B.C.E and became known in every part of Western Asia and Greece by the 14th century B.C.E. Also spelled as griffon or gryphon, the mythological creature was seen as a guardian of treasures and priceless possessions.
In the context of ancient Egyptian mythology, the Griffin was known as a composite creature with a falcon head, which was considered to be a form of the deity Horus.
It is intriguing to note the resemblance between the Egyptian depiction of a Griffin and the symbol of a falcon representing the king, which reinforces the significance of this mythical creature in ancient Egyptian culture.
Furthermore, there is a suggestion that the Egyptian term “srf/sfr,” which means “Griffin,” may have influenced the interpretation of the other symbolic animal in Israelite culture as a serpent. This indicates a possible connection between these ancient civilizations and the representation of mythical creatures.
One of the most prominent motifs in the ancient Middle East and Mediterranean areas, the griffin was a hybrid beast that had great significance.
Representation of the Ka of the King
The Griffin held a special significance in the representation of the Ka, the soul or life force of the Egyptian king. It was believed to be a guardian and protector of the divine essence of the ruler, symbolizing strength, authority, and the majestic powers associated with the pharaoh.
The Egyptian influence on the depiction and symbolism of the Griffin is evident through its association with Horus, its connection to the Sphinx, and its representation of the Ka of the king.
These elements contribute to the deep-rooted cultural and mythological importance of the ancient Egyptian Griffin.
Were Griffins Associated with Specific Greco-Roman Gods?
The Greco-Roman gods were an interesting combination of good (blessings) and human flaws, and for this reason griffins were important creatures to them. Griffins were commonly described as companions of Zeus, king of the gods and savior of the world from the Titans.
They were also associated with Apollo, god of the sun, music, and medicine. In some depictions, engravings or decorations of griffins adorned the helmet of the protector goddess, Athena.
However, griffins sometimes also served Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, suiting their ruthlessness to those who threatened their treasures.
They also sometimes pulled the chariot of the sun, shared by Apollo and Helios.
Griffins, Symbol of The Great Tartaria
In Tartarian legend of this period, it was believed that griffins mated for life, and that when one partner died, the other would live the rest of his/her without seeking another partner (perhaps due to the fact that there weren’t many griffins around).
This has led to claims that the griffin was used by the Church as a symbol against re-marriage.
The term ‘east of the Griffin’ was once commonly employed to mean ‘east of Temple Bar’, i.e. in the City of London … The City of London is the original heart of London having been established by the Romans in 55BC.
The Griffin: A Legendary Creature
A griffin is a legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. It is believed to be one of the most powerful creatures in mythology, symbolizing strength, courage, and protection. The griffin has been depicted in various forms throughout history, from ancient civilizations to medieval times.
The Symbolism of the Griffin
In different cultures, the griffin represents different qualities. In Greek mythology, it was considered a guardian of divine power and a protector of treasures. The lion body symbolizes strength and royalty, while the eagle head signifies wisdom and vision.
Throughout history, many civilizations have embraced the symbolism of the griffin. It has been used on coats of arms, sculptures, and architectural elements to convey power, protection, and authority.
The Griffin as an Emblem for London
In London’s coat of arms, you can find two griffins supporting a shield with a red cross on a white background. This emblem dates back to medieval times when it was first granted by King Richard I in 1197. The red cross on a white background represents St. George’s Cross, which is also featured on England’s national flag.
The griffins flanking the shield represent not only strength but also vigilance and guardianship over the city. They serve as symbols for London’s resilience throughout its history.
Griffins in London’s Architecture
The griffin can also be found in various architectural elements throughout the city. For example, many grand buildings and landmarks feature sculptures or reliefs of griffins. These majestic creatures add a touch of mythical wonder to London’s streets and serve as a reminder of the city’s rich heritage.
The Legacy of the Griffin
The griffin’s presence in London extends beyond symbolism. It has become an integral part of the city’s identity and heritage. The mythical creature represents the city’s history, strength, and resilience.
- The griffin serves as a reminder of London’s enduring spirit.
- It symbolizes the protection and guardianship that London provides to its residents.
- It represents the power and authority associated with this great city.
London is a city that embraces its past while looking towards the future. The griffin perfectly captures this essence, making it an ideal mythical figure to represent the City of London.
Griffins are legendary creatures often seen as symbols of strength and courage, but do they actually exist? … They were seen as symbols of strength and guardianship, often protecting large amounts of wealth or important places.
One of the most famous references to the griffin in the Bible can be found in the book of Ezekiel. In Ezekiel 1:10, the prophet describes a vision of four living creatures with the faces of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a man. Many scholars believe that the creature with the face of a lion represents the griffin, symbolizing God’s power and protection over his people.
The griffin is also mentioned in the book of Revelation, where it is described as a fierce and powerful creature that guards the throne of God. In Revelation 4:7, the apostle John sees a vision of four living creatures surrounding the throne of God, one of which has the face of a lion and the wings of an eagle. This creature is believed to be the griffin, symbolizing God’s authority and protection over his kingdom.
So what can we learn from the symbolism of the griffin in the Bible? One important lesson is the importance of faith and trust in God’s protection. Just as the griffin is a powerful and majestic creature that guards the throne of God, we can trust that God is watching over us and protecting us from harm. By placing our faith in God, we can find strength and courage to face whatever challenges come our way.
In Christianity
Many sects of Christianity view the griffin as symbolic of Christ. The griffin’s lion body is like Christ’s humanity, whereas its eagle wings are representative of Christ’s divinity. The griffin is also commonly depicted as a protector in Christian art, one that’s noble, just, and loyal.
In Hinduism
Although the griffin isn’t mentioned directly in Hinduism, a great bird (called Garuda) is mentioned often, and this bird is often depicted as an eagle or kite.
Griffin, also spelled griffon or gryphon, composite mythological creature with a lion’s body (winged or wingless) and a bird’s head, usually that of an eagle.
What is a male Gryphon called?
Classical and heraldic griffins are male and female. A “male” griffin, called a keythong in a single 15th century English heraldic manuscript, is an anomaly that belongs strictly to a late phase of English heraldry. … The griffin thus became the symbol of the sacredness of Christian marriage.
What’s a baby griffin called?
A baby Griffin is called a chick, gryphling, fledgeling, chicklet, and so on. These creatures are seen as the master of mythical creatures and gained some symbolism in Christianity as a sign of pride and had a divine representation.
The Griffin in Modern Times
In modernity, griffins are featured in sculptures, architecture, literature, movies, television, and theater.
There’s a famous statue of a griffin at Venice’s Saint Mark’s Basilica, and there’s also a famous griffin statue in Budapest’s Farkashegyi Cemetery.
The griffin is also featured in the “Harry Potter” and “Percy Jackson” series and a range of video games and board games reference this animal, such as dungeons and dragons.
In fact, the griffin is more or less a staple of modern fantasy artwork and literature, in large part because of what it symbolizes and its unique look.
Some logos include the griffin as well, such as Vauxhall’s.

In every version of the Haunted Mansion attraction found in Disneyland, Magic Kingdom, and Tokyo Disneyland, the staircase scene depicts two griffin statues. Both of these statues depict the griffins standing with their front talons raised as guests ride on Doom Buggies to pass by the two statues.
In addition to the griffins appearing in the staircase, other griffin statues are encountered outside the attraction. The California version of the attraction featured a griffin statue standing on a sign leading to a Fastpass entry, albeit this statue is designed with its talons lowered down. In the Florida version of the attraction, a griffin statue is encountered in the queue area of the attraction right before guests enter the Mansion. The Tokyo version of the attraction also features two original griffin statues standing at the entry gates outside the Mansion, presumably used to fit the theming of Fantasyland.
Another variant of a griffin is mounted on the wall in the Disneyland Paris version of the attraction. The griffins featured in this queue are seen holding onto ropes attached to curtains in the room.
The Griffin Statues are recurring decorations featured in the Haunted Mansion at the Disney Parks.
Nevertheless, the invention of the movable-type printing press meant that Bibles and books could finally be effectively produced in large quantities in a short period of time.
This was essential to the success of the Reformation.
German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press around 1436, although he was far from the first to automate the book-printing process.
The original Ottoman flag featured a red background and a white crescent and star, which had eight points, each representing the different states of the empire.
Modern Turkey’s flag was adopted in 1936 and is a slightly modified version of the Ottoman original.
There are a number of legends explaining the flag’s origin, including one in which the founder of the Ottoman Empire, Sultan Osman I, had a dream where he saw a crescent and star rise from the chest of a judge whose daughter he wanted to marry.
Others believe say that during the 1448 Battle of Kosovo between the Ottoman Empire and a Christian coalition, a reflection of a star and moon was seen in a pool of blood.
In modern interpretations, the red colour used on the flag represents the blood of soldiers who fought for Turkey’s independence after the First World War.
Ottoman Empire, historically and colloquially known as the Turkish Empire, was an empire centred in Anatolia that controlled much of Southeast Europe, West Asia, and North Africa from the 14th to early 20th centuries; it also controlled parts of southeastern Central Europe between the early 16th and early 18th centuries.
Ottoman Jewish mystic, and ordained rabbi from Smyrna. His family origins may have been Ashkenazi or Spanish. Active throughout the Ottoman Empire, Zevi claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah and founded the Sabbatean movement.
The Jewish communities of Amsterdam, Hamburg, Altona, Frankfurt am Main were all taken over by supporters of Sabbatai Zevi.
Enter now the Sultan of Turkey
The Sultan of Turkey watched the Sabbatai Zevi phenomenon unfold for seven years. He did not oppose it because of all the money it was bringing into Turkey. Sabbatai Zevi was a remarkable tourist attraction. Jews came from all over the world and they left large sums of money. Sabbatai Zevi himself kept the pretense going by paying off all of the police and governors. They all had to give their cut back to the sultan, so he was happy to look the other way.
However, the success of Sabbatai Zevi eventually forced his hand, because the Muslims came to him and complained that he was going kick them out of Jerusalem, recapture it from the Turks and prove the truth of Judaism over Islam. The sultan was frightened of unloosing the wrath of the Muslim fundamentalist.
The last straw was that in 1666 Sabbatai Zevi abolished the fast days commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples. He said that since the Messiah had come, by next year the Temple in Jerusalem would be rebuilt. That proclamation frightened the sultan. He arrested Sabbatai Zevi, moved him to the city of Gallipoli and imprisoned him in a large castle.
Sabbatai Zevi (jewishhistory.org)
The elite, who misuse the science of the All/El, rules the whole planet. Modern day success stories of successful entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Richard Branson are propaganda, as they are mere actors to maintain the facade of a free market, open society.
Like pop stars of the music industry, they serve as a programming to let the slaves believe they can become the same rags-to-riches success story, if they just keep reading their biographies with tips and secrets to success.
The nordic Draco-Orion bloodlines became the pharaoh’s of Egypt, the Phoenicians, the emperors of Babylon, the emperors of the Roman Empire, the Merovingians and Carolingian dynasty (Charles the Great).
Italian ‘noble’ families (Guelph and Ghibeline) ruled as the Catholic Church and Black Nobility in Milan, Firenze, Venice (Colonna, Sforza, de Medici, Orsini, Este, Conti, Chigi, eagle or double-headed eagle symbol).
The families Habsburg, Hohenzollern, Nassau, Brunswick, Wittelsbach, Rosenberg of the Order of the Golden Fleece ruled the rest of Europe. The Farnese and Borgia families founded the Jesuits.
At the end of the Habsburg rule, the Bourbons, Fürstenberg, Schwarzenberg, Thurn und Taxis families took over. The descendants of the alchemical wedding of Frederick V Brunswick and Elizabeth Stuart (Stuart bloodline protected by Scottish Rite masonry) became the House of Hanover, the Royal Family of Britain, intermarried with the Saxe-Coburgs and Glücksburgs.
Bankers of the City of London that got rich from the British East India Company through the slaves and opium trade, emigrated to the US and became the Boston elite. They ruled the US as Skull and Bones industrialists and philanthropists (Bush, Russell, Payne, Sloane, Whitney), Scottish–Irish masonic families Hearst, Disney, McMahon, Forbes, Kennedy, Carnegie, Mellon controlled media, entertainment and politics, Dutch rosicrucian families Roosevelt and Vanderbilt and German jewish bankers (Rothschild, Warburg, Oppenheimer, Mendelssohn, Itzig, Loeb, Schiff, Lehman, Seligman, Bronfman).
The Jesuits trained rich oil magnate families like Getty, Rockefeller, Duncan, Ibn Saud (through Knight of Malta John Philby), Iraq Minister of Oil Chalabi Ahmed,..
List of elite families
Aga Khan | Getty | Roosevelt |
Agnelli | Giustiniani | Rosenberg |
Albani | Glücksburg | Rosenthal |
Aldobrandini | Goldsmith | Rosenwald |
Al Thani | Gonzoga | Rothschild |
Astor | Guggenheim | Rovere |
Barberini | Guise-Lorraine | Ruspoli |
Bonham Carter | Habsburg | Russell |
Borghese | Hambro | Savoy |
Borgia | Hanover | Saxe-Coburg |
Bourbon | Hearst | Schiff |
Brandolini | Hilton | Schröder |
Bronfman | Kardashian | Schwab |
Bruce | Kaufman | Schwarzenberg |
Bundy | Kennedy | Sforza |
Bush | Koch | Sinclair |
Carnegie | Lehman | Sloane |
Castellini | Loeb | Spencer-Churchill |
Cavendish | Mara | Stanley |
Cecil | Massimo | Stuart |
Chigi | McMahon | Taft |
Clinton | Medici | Thurn und Taxis |
Colonna | Mellon | Torlonia |
Corsini | Mérode | Trump |
Disney | Odeschalchi | Vanderbilt |
Dolan | Oppenheimer | Villiers |
Dupont | Orange | Wallenberg |
Epstein | ||
Farnese | Orsini | Walton |
Forbes | Pallavicini | Warburg |
Ford | Parsons | Wellesley |
Fürstenberg | Payne | Wertheim |
Gates | Pritzker | Whitney |
Rockefeller | Wittelsbach |
Aboab Western Sephardic jewish family of marrano’s from Aragon Spain, merchants who ruled Venice (Jacob Aboab da Fonseca who excommunicated Baruch Spinoza and supported Sabbatai Zvi), Hamburg (Abraham Aboab), Amsterdam (Isaac Aboab) and participated in the slave trade in Curaçao.
Adler (symbol of the eagle, also used by Roman Empire, Napoleon and nazi’s). Jacob Adler played in the Yiddish Theater in Odessa. Alfred Adler was a psychologist who was a friend of Sigmund Freud and married to Raissa Epstein. He published on personality and alcoholism and from 1927 taught at Columbia University. HG Adler stayed at Theresienstadt and worked with Franz Steiner. Werner Heisenberg played a role in developing the Standard Model in quantum mechanics. Baruch Adler co-founded March of the Living. Ali Adler pushed the gay-lesbian agenda with Sara Gilbert and The New Normal.
Stella Adler (NYU) was part of the Group Theater with Luther and Jay Adler, Lee Strasberg and Will Geer, teaching the Konstantin Stanislavski method of acting and taught Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro. Her cousin Jerry Adler (Samuel Tilden High School like Norman Lear) played in Woody Allen‘s Manhattan Murder Mystery, The Pubic Eye, The Soprano’s, Synecdoche NY. In The Shining Jack Torrence uses an Adler typewriter. Jay Adler was married to Sylvia Sydney (The Omen 2). Mckenna Grace played Mary Adler in Gifted with Chris Evans. Max Adler played in Glee and 23 Blast with Alexa Vega.
Aga Khan ruling family of Iran, claiming descent of Muhammed, educated at Le Rosey in Switzerland, helped creating the League of Nations in 1937. Karim, Sadruddin (papal Order of St Sylvester) and Hussein Aga Khan were members of Bernhard Lippe‘s 1001 Club. Aly Kahn was married to Rita Hayworth. Rahim’s wife Kendra Spears worked with Diane von Furstenberg.
Aldobrandini (Aldebaran in Taurus) banking family from Florence. Ippolito Aldobrandini became pope Clemens VIII, who condemned Giordano Bruno. Margherita Aldobrandini married Ranuccio I Farnese at age 11, princess Olimpia Aldobrandini married Paolo Borghese and later Camillo Pamphili (cousin of pope Innocentius X). Olympia Anna Aldobrandini-Borghese (dragon in their shield of arms) married David Rothschild (De Beers, NM Rothschild).
Al Thani rules Qatar, owns mining company Glencore.
Bailey Irish banking family that works with Guinness and Parsons family, active in the alcohol industry (Bailey’s, Diageo). Theosophist Alice Bailey founded the Lucis (Lucifer) Trust. William Edward Baily established Mansfield Brewery, an English brewery purchased by the Marston Brewery (over 1700 pubs in the UK, annual profits over £20 million). Alan Bailey is a Knight of the Order of the Bath and worked for Her Majesty’s Treasury. Anthony Bailey is a delegate of the Constantinian Military Order of Saint George (Bourbon-Two-Sicilies), Knight of the British Empire and Knight of the Vatican. His wife Marie-Thérèse von Hohenberg is from the Austrian nobility. Thomas H. Bailey founded Janus Capital Group, now Janus Henderson, operating from London, with more than 300 billion in assets. David Bailey produced an album of Marianne Faithfull (Lucifer Rising) with Andrew Loog Oldham (Swinging London). Harry Bailey supervised the electroshock experiments of Ewen Cameron in Canada, William Sargant in UK and Lars Leksell in Sweden as WHO representative. From 1962 he worked at Chelmsford Private Hospital. F. Lee Bailey was the lawyer of Aberto DeSalvo, Patty Hearst and OJ Simpson.
Barberini related to Saccheti, Colonna, coat of arms with 3 bee’s, symbol of hive mind. Urbano Barberini-Sforza-Colonna leads the Order of Jesters.
Bass until 2001 the largest shareholder of Disney. Robert Bass (Yale) founded Aerion Corporation (aerospace), is on the board of Stanford and sold Plaza Hotel to Donald Trump. Sid Richardson and Perry Richardson Bass worked in the oil industry. Anne Hendricks Bass was a friend of Andy Warhol, on the board of Museum of Modern Art and New York City Ballet. Hyatt Bass married Josh Klausner, screenwriter of The 4th Floor (Juliette Lewis), Date Night (Steve Carell, Tina Fey) and Shrek Forever After.
Bernstein in alchemy sulphur is the firestone, the male principle. Eric Bernay (Bernstein) founded Keynote Records (Woody Guthrie, Dinah Washington, sold to Mercury Records). Abe Bernstein was a mafia boss of the Purple Gang during Prohibition. Zalman and Paul Bernstein founded management firm AllianceBernstein in Nashville. Sid Bernstein was a promoter of The Beatles, the Kinks, Laura Branigan, Jimi Hendrix, Judy Garland, Ray Charles,,.. Ellen Bursteyn acted in Requiem for a Dream. Ira Bernstein married Florence Henderson (The Brady Bunch of Sherwood Schwartz). Elmer Bernstein was a film music composer
Bloch Edward Bloch founded Bloch Publishing Company. His sister Therese married Isaac Mayer Wise (Central Conference of American Rabbi’s). Edoard Bloch was the doctor of Adolf Hitler and his family. Historian Marc Bloch (Legion of Honour) and Denise Bloch played a role in the French Resistance. Ernst Bloch, like Thomas Mann, Theodor Adorno, Theodor Heuss, Siegfried Krakauer and Walter Benjamin, wrote propaganda for leftist newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung of Heinrich Rosenthal, sold in 1934 to IG Farben. His books were burned in Goebbels’ publicity stunt. Robert Bloch was a science fiction writer and friend of HP Lovecraft. Felix Bloch worked with Robert Hofstadter and Leonard Schiff at Stanford and its linear accelerator and was first director-general of CERN.
Boël René Boël participated in the Bretton Woods conference with John Maynard Keynes. Delphine Boël is the illegitimate child of Albert II of Belgium (Saxe-Coburg).
Boncampagni Ludovisi, papal bloodline with dragon symbol on coat of arms. Nico Boncompagni Ludovisi married Playboy model Rita Jenrette.
Bonham Cartner related to Florence Nightingale (Order of St John). Jane Bonham Carter was granddaughter of jesuit Condé Nast who founded Vogue and Vanity Fair. Actress Helena Bonham Carter married director Tim Burton.
Borghese Italian family from Siena Tuscany.
Borgia famliy from Basque (rhesus- bloodline) House of Aragon, red bull as coat of arms. They founded the jesuit order with the Farnese family, with Ignatius of Loyola as first Superior-General. Pope Alexander IV (Borgia) was head of the Catholic Church. Francis Borgia was general of the jesuits under Charles V Habsburg.
Borromeo Milanese banking family (cult of Medea). Carolus Borromeo-Medici was a cardinal during the Counter-Reformation with Ignatius of Loyola. Donna Borromeo married John Elkan Agnelli (Fiat, Exor, Juventus). Beatrice Borromeo was a reporter and married Pierre Cassiraghi, grandson of Hollywood actress Grace Kelly (House of Grimaldi). Matilde Borromeo married Antonius Fürstenberg. Their coat of arms contains a human eating snake, the logo of Alfa Romeo and the three chain-link (Borromean rings, emblem of the Odd Fellows).
Bourbon founded in 1272, Farnese family who founded the jesuits, mixed with the French Capetian dynasty-House of Orléans who ruled France.
Braganza rulers of Portugal. Catherine Braganza married Charles II Stuart. The house of Bourbon-Braganza is a cadet branch of the Bourbons.
Brandolini d’Adda Venetian family. Coco Brandolini, related to Gianni Agnelli, worked for Harper’s Bazaar and Dolce & Gabbana.
Bronfman jewish family from Ontario Canada. Samuel Bronfman was born in 1889, got rich during prohibition with his liquor company Seagram and worked with Chicago mafia figures Al Capone, Charles Luciano and Meyer Lansky. He had 3 children: Phyllis Lambert (who married Alain Gunzburg, member of 1001 Club), sons Edgar and Charles Bronfman (both McGill University).
Seagram merged with Polydor records into Polygram. Warner bought Elektra records (The Doors produced by Paul Rothschild, whose house was on CIA Lookout Mountain).
Edgar Bronfman Sr was director of the World Jewish Congress, visited Russia, was in contact with Simon Peres. His 1st wife was Ann Margaret Loeb (Lehman). His son Matthew Bronfman (related to Francis Lehman) works for Goldman Sachs.
Charles Bronfman formed the Mega Group in 1991 with Les Wexner (L Brand, Victoria’s Secret with models under mind control), Max Fisher, Michael Steinhardt (The New York Sun with Conrad Black, Israel lobby Foundation for Defense of Democracies), Ronald Lauder and Leonard Abramson. Charles was chairman of Koor Industries and the United Jewish Communities, succeeded by the son of James Tisch (Mega Group). He founded Taglit Birthright with Michael Steinhardt. His daughter Ellen married Andrew Hauptman (Center for American Progress, Andell Inc, Koor Industries, producer of Danny Boyle‘s Millions and State of Play with Russell Crowe). Charles Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt founded Birthright Taglit, backed by Benjamin Netanyahu.
Edgar Bronfman jr was a film producer (movie with Jack Nicholson), bought a stake in Dupont (Colonna), bought Polygram that merged with MCA into Universal Music Group, became a dominant force in the music industry. He was CEO and chairman of Warner Music Group from 2004 to 2012, sold WMG to Access Industries of Russian Len Blavatnik (CFR). He was chairman of the Endeavor organization of Linda Rottenberg (CFR, WEF).
Sarah Bronfman is married to Lybian Basit Igtet who works for the state of Qatar. Clare Bronfman supposedly was a member of sex cult NXIVM, using NLP and Scientology methods (media story of Forbes, HBO, NBC). Hannah Bronfman-Lehman is a social media influencer. The Bronfmans and Les Wexner were used in the Jeffrey Epstein psyop. Clarissa Bronfman is a board member of the MoMa.
Bruce Scottish Knights Templar bloodline of Robert the Bruce, connected to Hambros bank. David Bruce (OSS, 1001 Club, Georgetown Set) married Alisa Mellon. Meghan Markle married Harry Mountbatten.
Bundy family connected to Skull and Bones, Harvey Bundy (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) Secretary of State under Henry Stimson (also S&B) and Robert Lovett during World War 2. Harvey Bundy was related to Aunchincloss-Onassis family. His sons McGeorge Bundy (CFR, Ford Foundation, Vietnam war, Carnegie Corporation, connected to Marcus Raskin (Institute for Policy Studies) and William Putnam Bundy were advisors to JFK.
Bush Vannevar Bush worked for US contractor Raytheon, Carlyle Group management, intelligence and technology firm Booz Allen (Abigail Johnson, Raymond Lane Carnegie Mellon University, Miles Copeland co-founder of OSS, James Clapper SRA).
Pauline Pierce was in contact with Aleister Crowley. George HW Bush (Skull and Bones, Knight of Malta), was responsible for the war in Iraq. Jeb Bush is a Knight of Columbus (Colonna). George W Bush played a role in the 911 Twin Tower ritual, the alchemical marriage of uniting the two in one, ending in 2013 with the birth of prince George.
The Busch family (Babylonian bloodline) became rich with their beer company Annheuser Busch, Bertha Busch had a relationship with Crowley in Berlin. Adolphus Bush lived next to Jack Parsons and Sara Northrup Hollister in Pasadena. Marianne Busch had a relationship with Timothy Leary.
Cameron Scottish family. William J Cameron worked for Henry ford’s The Dearborn Independent and helped creating the Anglo-Saxon Federation of America (British Israel, Christian Identity). Ewen Cameron played a role in MK Ultra. Duncan Cameron played a role in psyop Project Montauk. Marjorie Cameron was the wife of occultist Jack Parsons. James Cameron is used as a director in the Hollywood film industry. David Cameron was pm of the UK. Grant Cameron is used to spread disinfo about UFO’s with Coast to Coast. Susan Cameron was trained at Bellarmine University and CEO of Reynolds American tobacco company.
Campbell Scottish Tribe of Dan psychic bloodline. Archibald Campbell fought for Mary Queen of Scots. Henry Campbell was pm of the UK. Campbell Soup was used in Pop Art. Naomi Campbell was used as a model (mannequin). Thomas Campbell worked for The Monroe Institute. Joseph Campbell (Esalen) wrote The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Neve Campbell (Sephardic jew) acted in the Scream franchise of Wes Craven. Alastair Campbell worked for Fabian Tony Blair. Alistair Campbell (like Aleister Crowley) was the singer of British reggae band UB40. Cecil Campbell (Prince Buster) was a Jamaican reggae musician who influenced Madness. Bek Campbell (Beck Hansen) was a Scientologist promoted on Mtv. Isobel Campbell worked with Mark Lanegan (QOTSA). Pete Campbell is a character in Mad Men.
Carnegie Scottish family. Andrew Carnegie controlled the Pittsburgh steel industry with the Schwab family and founded the Pittsburgh Carnegie Steel Company (sold to JP Morgan) and Carnegie Mellon University. David Carnegie SR founded Carnegie Investment Bank in 1803. In 1891 he build Carnegie Hall. They funded the Aspen Institute, created the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in 1910. Andrew Carnegie funded the Niagara movement, which later became the NAACP. Nicolas Butler, president of Columbia University from 1902-1945, was a friend of Elihu Root, a lawyer of the Carnegie’s, who started the Council on Foreign Relations. Butler succeeded Root (Secretary of War) as the president of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace from 1925 to 1945, the year Columbia University scientists dropped 2 atomb bombs on Japanese cities. Carnegie Foundation funded John Dewey of the University of Chicago.
Castellini related to banking families de Medici, Sforza and Pallavicini, educated at Le Rosey. Vincenzo Maranghi was CEO of Mediobanca, friend of George HW Bush, Gianni Agnelli and Rupert Murdoch.
Chigi (8 pointed star of Ishtar on its coat of arms) Italian banking family. Agostino Chigi was a banker. Fabio Chigi was head of the Catholic Church as pope Alexander VII, supported the jesuits and negotiated for the Peace of Westphalia after the Thirty Years’ War. Ludovico Chigi Della Rovere was a member of the Order of Malta. Palazzo Chigi is used by the pm of Italy.
Clinton George Clinton was one of the Founding Fathers of the US. DeWitt Clinton was mayor of NY and leader in the Public School movement.
Bill Clinton was born on the 33d parallel, trained by jesuits at Georgetown, funded by the Pritzkers, Mansoor Ijaz (CFR) and Jeffrey Katzenberg (Disney, DreamWorks, assistant of Barry Diller of Paramount) to become US president in 1993.
Hilary Clinton owns Clinton Foundation (profited from Haiti earthquake, Chelsea Clinton CFR), Vital Voices with Diane von Fürstenberg (wife of Barry Diller) and jesuit Madeleine Albright (CFR). Bill Clinton was used as a distraction in the Wikileaks-Pizzagate–Jeffrey Epstein hoax. George Clinton was used in program Funk.
Cohen/Cohn (=’snake priest’, Lucifer‘s child Cain). Nina Morais Cohen founded the National Council of Jewish Women with Luba Robin Goldsmith and Pauline Steinem, grandmother of Gloria Steinem. Mickey Cohen owned the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas. Gary Cohn was president of Goldman Sachs. Jesuit Marc Grossman worked for the Cohen Group. Harry Cohn led Columbia Pictures and programmed actors at Chateau Marmont (castle programming). Carl Cohen was manager of Las Vegas casino’s El Rancho Vegas, Sands Hotel and Casino and later MGM Grand Hotel (money laundry of the mafia with Moe Dalitz). His son Corey Allen played in East of Eden, an Abel and Cain story with James Dean. Leonard Cohen and Lyor Cohen were used in the music industry. Herb Cohen was the manager of Frank Zappa. Michael Cohen and Roy Cohn were the lawyers of Donald Trump. Elliot Cohen (CFR, PNAC, Commentary magazine, American Jewish Committee) was a member of the NY Intellectuals.
Cathy Cohen married Marc Lasry (Avenue Capital group, Milwaulkee Bucks). Sacha Baron Cohen was used to push the gay agenda with Brüno. Simon Baron Cohen worked at Maudsley hospital (William Sargant). Steve Cohen (Zeta Beta Tau, Point 72) owns MLB team the NY Mets and is a board member of MOCA like Wallis Annenberg (father married to Harry Cohen’s niece Leonore Cohen). Jared Cohen is a member of the CFR and Berggruen Institute. The Coen brothers made The Big Lebowski with Jeff Bridges and John Turturro. Daniel Cohen trained Sam Harris in cognitive neuroscience at UCLA.
Conti (conti de Segni) related to Torlonia’s and Sforza’s. Lotario dei Conti was head of the Catholic Church as Innocentius III. Vittoria Conti married physicist Joseph-Louis Lagrange, who reformulated Newton‘s mechanical model.
Knight of Malta Louis François Bourbon, Prince of Conti, brother of Louis Henriette (mother of Illuminati member Philippe Egalité), supported JJ Rousseau.
Corsini family from Florence Italy that controls and crime families of Baltimore Maryland and the Corsican and Sicilian mafia (Cor like Cor-leone) with the Medici’s and Bonaparte’s (Napoleon was born in Corsica). Lorenzo Corsini (pope Clement XII) ordered the Trevi Fountain. Pope Clement XI. Marietta Corsini was the wife of Niccolo Machiavelli.
Crescenzi (crescent moon on coat of arms) Italian family of Moorish decent with ties to Catholic Church. Domenico Serlupi (wolf) Crescenzi is a Knight of Malta.
De Castro Sephardic converso-jews from Spain. Isaac de Castro moved to Amsterdam in 1666.
De Leon (lion symbol of House of Judah) Sephardic converso-jews from Spain. Juan Velazquez de Leon conquered Mexico with Herman Cortés. Kabbalist Moses de Leon first published the Zohar. Like the Aboabs, De Castro’s, they participated in the slave trade in Curaçao. Marxist Daniel De Leon (Leiden University) founded the Socialist Labor Party of America and Industrial Workers of the World.
Dolan Irish family. Jesuit Charles Dolan owns AMC Networks and HBO, James Dolan owns Madison Square Garden. Timothy Dolan was cardinal and archbishop of Milwaulkee during the sexual abuse scandal of Milwaulkee and archbishop of NY from 2009, appointed by nazi Ratzinger, in St Patrick cathedral.
Dolan is a Knight of Columbus and on the board of the Catholic University of America (pedophile jesuit Theodore McCarrick), controlled by the Colonna-Knights of Columbus faction. Richard Dolan participated in the Disclosure Project to spread disinfo about extraterrestials.
Dreyfus Ashkenazi jewish family (tripods were used in the cult of Apollo). Alfred Dreyfus was the protagonist in the Dreyfus affair media ritual with Emile Zola, Charles Mauras (Action Française) and jesuit Stanislas Du Lac. Léopold Louis-Dreyfus was a member of the Legion of Honour of the Bonaparte’s and founded Louis Dreyfus Company, to control agriculture and food processing. Louis Louis-Dreyfus owned communist newspaper L’Humanité (marxist Jean Jaurès who worked with Léon Blum). Louis is derived from Merovingian name Clovis. Louise Dreyfus married Emile Durkheim, one of the main architects of sociology with Karl Marx.
They are linked the Javal family (also from Alsace family and Legion of Honour). Louise Weiss-Javal was a feminist who edited L’Europe Nouvelle (Thomas Mann and Chancellor of Germany Gustav Stresemann and pm of France Aristide Briand) and was the sister of Jenny Aubrey (French Resistance, worked for Tavistock Clinic), sister of feminist Louise Weiss (Legion of Honour), treated by psychoanalist Jacques Lacan. Her daughter Elisabeth Roudinesco wrote Lacan’s biography.
Alfred’s grandson Jack Dreyfus was trained at Lehigh University of Episcopal Church, a Phi Lamda Phi (like Mark Cuban) and founded the Dreyfus Group. He promoted the anticonvulsant drug Phenytoin and bred thoroughbred race horses in Florida.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a Delta Gamma and played in NBC show Seinfeld. Richard Dreyfuss played in Jaws, Always and Close Encounters of the Third Kind of Steven Spielberg and Dick Cheney in W. when it was sold to jesuit Frank McCourt. Margarita Bogdanova, widow of Robert Louis-Dreyfus (IMS Health, CEO of nazi company Adidas and Saatchi and Saatchi) owned Olympic Marseille (Merovingian bloodline of South of France) until 2016. Her son Kyril is chairman of football club Sunderland. She married Philipp Hildebrand (Swiss National Bank, BIS bank, IMF, British Museum, Group of Thirty, vice-chairman of BlackRock). Julie Dreyfus is a character in Kill Bill with David Carradine (OTO).
Drummond Scottish clan that controls the Oddfellows. Malcolm Drummond fought in the Battle of Bannockburn with Robert the Bruce and the Knights Templar. Annabella Drummond was the mother of James I Stewart (Holy Grail bloodline). John Drummond married Elizabeth Sinclair. Cherry Drummond 16th Baroness Strange married Humpfrey Evans lived at Megginch Castle. John Drummond 15th Baron Strange married Violet Jardine and was a friend of Laurence Harvey (The Manchurian Candidate). He lived at the Isle of Man (three legs spiral emblem of the Oddfellows). James Eric Drummond was the first secretary-general of the League of Nations (UN empire of the Cecils).
Duncan oil family of Houston Texas. Duncan is a character in William Shakespeare‘s MacBeth. Dan Duncan founded Enterprise Products. Randa Duncan owns Texas Monthly. Isodora Duncan was a friend of Aleister Crowley, supported by Otto Kahn of Kuhn Loeb & Co, portrayed in Crowley‘s ‘Moonchild‘. Robert Duncan was a friend of Anais Nin (Kenneth Anger movie with Marjorie Cameron) and pushed the gay agenda with the father of Robert de Niro, both students at Black Mountain College of John Dewey. Robert Duncan (DARPA, Oracle Corporation, HP) was used as controlled opposition in TruTV with Jesse Ventura (Voice of God technology episode with Nick Begich Jr) and the Bases Project to spread disinfo about Project Bluebeam.
Eisenberg jewish family (German for ‘iron mountain’). Aaron Eisenberg played in Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Leon Eisenberg conducted experiments with Ritalin (used as medicine against ADHD) with Charles Bradley. Jesse Eisenberg played Mark Zuckerberg and Lex Luthor. Shaul Eisenberg founded Israel Corporation. Muriel Eisenberg married Keir Dullea. Ned Eisenberg played in The Soldier with William Prince (year of birth prince William) and Klaus Kinski and in Experiment with Peter Sarsgaard as Stanley Milgram and Winona Ryder. Susan Eisenberg voiced Wonder Woman in Superman/Batman Apocalypse. Sophie of Isenburg (related to Eisenbergs) married Georg Friedrich Hohenzollern.
Farnese Italian family that founded the Jesuit order with the jewish Borgia’s, lived in pentagram shaped Villa Farnese (similar to the Pentagon), intermarried with the Bourbons. Joseph Louis Bourbon (Order of the Golden Fleece), general of Louis XIV fought in the war of Spanish succession to put Philip V Bourbon and Elizabeth Farnese on the throne of Spain. They were the Dukes of Castro. Jesuit Fidel Castro and sister Juanita Castro (WACL) ruled Cuba. King of Spain Juan Carlos is king of Jerusalem and Knight of Malta.
Feldman Hollywood producer Charles Feldman. Andrea Feldman (Andy Warhol films with Nico) was programmed at Bellevue Hospital and committed suicide in 1972. Edward Feldman produced The Truman Show with Scott Rudin. Corey Feldman played in Stand By Me and Gremlins. Fred Feldman (Fred Fields) married actress Polly Bergen and founded Creative Management Associates with David Begelman (Gladden Entertainment), managing Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand, Peter Sellers, Robert Redford, Steve McQueen,..
Fink Paulette Fink (United Jewish Appeal) played a role in the fake French Resistance to found state Israel. Wilhelm von Finck founded insurance company Allianz and worked for bank Merck Finck & Co. Eugen Fink studied with Edmund Husserl. CIA agent Max Fink taught at NY Medical College, Stony Brook University and experimented with electroshock torture (study group CORE). Catherine Fink (Kay Thompson) was the vocal coach of Judy Garland and Frank Sinatra. Bruce Fink was a psychoanalyst who promoted Jacques Lacan. Matt Fink is a musician who worked with Prince. John Fink played in The Waltons and The Number 23. The Coen brothers made Barton Fink with John Turturro and John Goodman. Uri Fink is a comic book artist. Billy Joe Armstrong of Green Day calls himself Wilhelm Fink. Photographer Larry Fink (The New School) married Joan Snyder (MacArthur Fellowship).
Ashley Fink was programmed with Wizard of Oz and played in Glee. Jesse Fink wrote the biography of AC/DC (lightning symbolism). Larry Fink (Kappa Beta Phi) is CEO of BlackRock and member of CFR and World Economic Forum and the board of MoMa and NYU.
Fitzjames Irish family with harp on their coat of arms like Guinness and Windsor (=HAARP). Edouard de Fitz-James was a descendant of the House of Stuart. The FitzJames-Alba family from Spain is a bloodline in the global crime syndicate. Alba refers to the Alban Hills, ruled by the Colonna family and House of Alvarez, Dukes of Alba (Luis Walter Alvarez). James FitzJames Stuart, 2nd Duke of Berwick, married Catalina Ventura de Portugal-Columbus (family of Christopher Columbus), 9th Duchess of Veragua and La Vega. They own the Los Zetas cartel. Deborah Lee James (Columbia University) was secretary of the US Air Force. Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart de Silva is a member of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George.
Fitzpatrick (St Patrick=green man Osiris) Irish family with fleur-de-lis symbol on coat of arms. Dawn Fitzpatrick is the CEO of Soros Fund Management and works for Open Society Foundations and Federal Reserve Bank of NY. Stephen Fitzpatrick founded OVO Energy. Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick played the Antichrist in a remake of The Omen and a young Bobby Fisher.
Forbes Scottish family part of the Boston elite (Cabot, Lodge, Perkins,..), that got rich from the Chinese opium trade.
Ford Henry Ford founded the Ford motor companey and the Ford Foundation 1933, funded Adolf Hitler, spread the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Edsel Ford financed Richard Byrd’s polar missions.
Henry Ford II was educated at Hotchkiss. John McCloy (Georgetown Set, Chase Manhattan, CFR) was chairman of the Ford Foundation from 1958 to 1965, the Ford Foundation building opened in 1967. McGeorge Bundy (S&B) also worked for Ford Foundation, mentored Marcus Raskin (Institute for Policy Studies).
Jesuit Gerald Ford founded Ford Models (Kristine DeBell Alice in Wonderland programming), his daughter Katie Ford married André Balazs (Quill and Dagger, Uma Thurman). Sheila Ford owns sport club Detroit Lions.
Friedlânder Daniel Itzig and his son-in-law David Friedländer financed the Haskalah, the Jewish Enlightenment, Moses Mendelssohn‘s circle of friends. Saul Friedländer was professor at UCLA and made Holocaust propaganda.
Fürstenberg German family from Baden-Wurttemberg and Westphalia.
Gaetani or Caetani from South Italy, intermarried with Agnelli, Orsini, Gherardesca. Benedetto Caetani was head of the Catholic Church as pope Boniface VIII, Giovanni Caetani was pope Gelasius II. Michelangelo Caetani was a friend of mason François-René de Chateaubriand. Gelasio Caetani was a supporter of Benito Mussolini and Italian ambassador to the US. Don Giovanni Gaetani dell’Aquila d’ Aragona married Ginevra Elkann, granddaughter of Gianni Agnelli. Ivana Trump, the ex-wife of jesuit Donald Trump, had a relationship with Roffredo Gaetani. Leone Caetani was a socialist, married Vittoria Colonna and moved to Canada. Gelasio Gaetani d’Aragona-Lovatelli works in the wine business.
Gates Boston elite family. Frederick Taylor Gates worked for the Rockefeller Foundation. Jesuit Robert Gates was CIA director, actor in the catch-Osama farce. Mimi Gardner (Yale Corporation) married Bill Gates Sr. Bill Gates is PR-actor working for Microsoft, the largest computer company in the world and through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (46 billion budget), with jesuit Anthony Faucci part of the Covid scam (Gates Foundation Covid19-‘expert’ Sylvie Matthews CFR, Patty Stonesifer CFR). Gates funded the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the North pole and is member of the Good Club with George Soros and Warren Buffett (son of Howard Buffet JBS).
Gherardesca intermarried with Gaetani, Orsini, Romanov. Sveva della Gherardesca was married to Nicholas Romanov. Constantino della Gherardesca (gay agenda) is used in Italian tv shows of Silvio Berlusconi‘s Mediaset.
Ginsberg/Ginzburg (jewish) Vitaly Ginzburg (theory with Lev Landau on superconductivity), Leone Ginzburg (Italian ‘resistance’), Soviet architect Moisei Ginzburg, Abraham Ginzburg (Open University of Israel), Yitzhak Ginsburgh (Chabad movement), Israeli model Esti Ginzburg, Allen Ginsberg,..
Giustiniani Venetian descendants of emperor Justian. Olimpia Giustiani married Maffeo Barberini-Colonna.
Glücksburg (Oldenburg) the ruling families of Norway, Denmark and Greece, active role in the UN. Pilip Mountbatten, father of prince Charles. Pavlov Glucksburg married Marie-Chantal Miller, the sister of jesuit Pia Miller-Getty.
Goldsmith jewish banker family from Frankfurt am Main, related to Rothschild, Bisschoffsheim and Bartolome. Samuel Goudsmidt introduced the concept of electron spin. Diana Spencer was a Goldsmith. Ellen Goldsmith (Artist Management Group, founded by Michael Ovitz) is married to Jon Vein (Center for American Progress of John Podesta).
Gonzoga Italian family from Mantua Lombardy. Francesco II Gonzoga married Isabella d’Este. Vincent Gonzoga (Order of the Golden Fleece) married Margherita Farnese. Eleonora Gonzoga married Ferdinand II Habsburg (Holy Roman Empire, Thirty Years’ War). Eleonora Gonzoga-Nevers married Ferdinand III Habsburg. Eleonora Luisa Gonzoga married Francesco Medici. Pope Pius IV (Medici) made Federico Gonzoga cardinal.
Anne Gonzoga married Edward Stuart (child of Frederick V and Elizabeth Stuart). The jesuits founded Gonzoga University in 1877 in Spokane Washington (alumni Bing Crosby, John Stockton), named after Aloysius Gonzoga.
Grimaldi House of Monaco. Jesuit Francesco Grimaldi (papal Guelph faction who conquered the Rock of Monaco) published the first work on diffraction (breaking into pieces) of light and studied gravity through oscillations of a pendulum (gradually reaching equilibrium). Knight of Malta Rainier III married Grace Kelly, actress in movies of jesuit Alfred Hitchcock. She died in a car crash, announcing the crash of Diana. Albert of Monaco was accused of sexual abuse by Karen Mulder. Andrea Casiraghi married Tatiana Santo Domingo.
Grossman Vassily Grossman made Holocaust propaganda in The Red Star (claimed 3 million jews died at Treblinka), used at the Nuremberg trial. Budd Grossman wrote screenplays of Norman Lear‘s tv shows Maude, Different Strokes, The Doris Day Show, Gilligan’s Island,… Manager Albert Grossman managed Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan and Joan Baez (CIA folk scene, fake Civil Rights Movement). Naomi Grossman played in American Horror Story. Tom Cruise played Les Grossman (based on Scott Rudin) in Tropic Thunder.
Grosvenor owners of Grosvenor Square in London. Gilbert Grosvenor (Psi Upsilon) was the first editor of National Geographic magazine and member of the Cosmos Club. They have interests in the oil industry (Anglo-Persian Oil Company-BP). Grosvenor House in Dubai of billionaire Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum (University of London) was named after them.
Guiness Irish family of brewers (alcohol company Diageo) and bankers who use the harp symbol. Brigid Guinness married Frederick Hohenzollern. Their daughter married Charles Wellesley Duke of Wellington. Bryan Guiness was a member of the Railway Club with Michael Parsons and part of the Bright Young Things scene in London with his wife Diana Mitford who later married fascist Oswald Mosley. Caroline Blackwood Guiness married Lucian Freud (grandson of Sigmund Freud) and Robert Lowell (RESIST with Noam Chomsky and Allen Ginsberg). Anne Guinness married Archbishop of Dublin William Plunkett. Ruth Eileen Guinness married Ronald Fisher, pioneer in eugenics and population genetics who worked with geneticist Luigi Cavalli-Sforza. Jasmine Guinness is a friend of witch Anjelica Huston. Anita Guinness married Amschel Rothschild. Alec Guiness played in films of The Rank Organisation and George Lucas‘ Star Wars. Antonia Hohenzollern-Guinness married Charles Wellesley. The Guiness family created the Guiness Book of World Records. Bryan Guiness’ granddaughter Daphne Diana Guiness posed for Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar and worked with David LaChapelle.
Guise-Lorraine played a role in occultism and the St Bartholomew massacre of Hugenoths. Antoinette of Bourbon married Claude Lorraine Duke of Guise. Their daughter Mary of Guise married James V Stuart of Scotland (parents of Catholic Mary Queen of Scots, beheaded by Elizabeth I after the Babington Plot). Their son Francis I was Grand Prior of the Order of Malta.
Habsburg ruled the Roman Empire for nearly 1000 years, from the 1500s guided by jesuit confessors. Otto Habsburg (Order of Malta, Le Cercle) was a member of the Pan-European movement (Saturnian empire). Marianne Faithfull Habsburg was the wife of Mick Jagger and member of CIA front Process Church of Last Judgement.
Hambro descendants of Robert the Bruce (Knights Templar bloodline), who settled in the City of London, part of the OSS and SOE. Peter Hambro founded gold mining company Petropavlovsk plc and Aricom. Charles Jocelyn Hambro worked for the Bank of England with Montagu Norman and became head of the Special Operations Executive, cooperated with William Donavan of OSS and helped to plan Manhattan Project. He married the ex-wife of Marcus Wallenberg Jr. Jay Hambro began his career at NM Rothschild, works for the GFG Alliance of Sanjeev Gupta. Jaimie Hambro co-founded JO Hambro Capital Management in 1993 (Suzie Neubert married Stephen Hester -RSA of the Rothschilds). In 1998 Hambros bank was bought by Societé Generale.
Harriman Edward Harriman created the US railroad system with Jay Gould and John Forbes. Henry Harriman was a member of the Mormon Church. Edward had 2 sons, Edward Roland and William Averell Harriman (both S&B). Edward Harriman, classmate of Prescott Bush, was chairman of Union Pacific Railroad, director of the Union Banking Corporation that funded Fritz Thyssen, donor to Adolf Hitler. In 1931 Harriman bank merged with Brown & Co with Saturnian cube symbol, employed Prescott Bush, Alan Greenspan (Federal Reserve) and Robert Lovett (S&B, WW2). WA Harriman was member of the Pilgrims Society of Elizabeth II and member of Georgetown Set that created the OSS-CIA, married Pamela Digby, first cousin of Sarah Ferguson. Pamela Harriman first married Randolph Churchill and Hollywood agent Leyland Hayward and had affairs with John Payne Whitney (Scroll and Key), Aly Kahn, Gianni Agnelli, Elie Rothschild. She was on the board of trustees of the Rockefeller University and is related to Samantha Sheffield, wife of UK prime minister David Cameron.
Hennessy Irish family active in the alcohol industry with Jas Hennessy & Co, the largest producer of Cognac in the world and Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy, run by Bernard Arnault (worth around 70 billion). Banker Edward L Hennessy Jr. was a financial adviser for the Vatican, Roman Knight of Malta, Pontifical Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre and a Papal Knight of St. Gregory. Edward Hennessy Jr. was also a director of Lockheed Martin, the Traveler Insurance Company, Automatic Data Processing, New York Stock Exchange, Union Texas Petroleum Corporation, United Way of Tri-State, DNA Plant Technology Corporation, National Association of
Manufacturers, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the United States Export and Import Bank. John Leroy Hennessy is
nicknamed the “godfather of Silicon Valley” and he is a member of the board of directors of Google, Cisco Systems and
of Atheros Communications. He was president of Stanford University. John Pope Hennessy was an Irish and British politician who was the Governor of Hong Kong during British rule. Patrick Hennessy ran Ford Motor Company in London. Diane Hennecy Powell published on ESP (psychic abilities).
Hirsch Zvi Hirsch was a Zionist and Talmud scholar. Samuel Hirsch played a role in Reform Judaism. Baron Maurice de Hirsch played a role in the jewish colonization of US with Jacob Schiff. Lea Hirsig was one of Aleister Crowley‘s Scarlett Women. Magnus Hirschfeld pushed the transgender agenda. Julius Hirsch was an inmate of Auschwitz like Mayer Hersch, his children of Theresienstadt. Judd Hirsch played in Taxi with Andy Kaufman and Numb3rs. Emile Hirsch played in Lords of Dogtown, Into the Wild with William Hurt and Jena Malone and Jay Sebring in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Ed Hirsch (Industrial Light and Magic) worked on Star Wars, Star Trek,…Steven Hirsch owned Vivid Entertainment (the porn industry). Damien Hirst is used in the art scene. Seymour Hirsch (Watergate ritual of The NY Times) worked for Penthouse. Alex Hirsch created Disney Channel show Gravity Falls about psychic twins and had a relationship with Dana Terrace (gay agenda with The Owl House).
Hoffmann (‘gardner/man of the garden’) jewish family from Germany. Jesuit Leopold Alois Hoffman was a member of the Asiatic Brethren. E.T.A Hoffman wrote The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, adapted by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Frederick Hoffman wrote on race traits. John Hoffman was mayor of NY. Albert Hoffman discovered LSD at Sandoz of the Warburgs. Heinrich Hoffman was the photographer of Eva Braun. Chemist Friedrich Hoffman was transferred to the US through Operation Paperclip. Ludwig Hoffman was a Knight of Malta. Philip Gutrie Hoffman was president of University of Houston. Darleane Hoffman (Guggenheim Fellowship) worked at Oak Ridge, Los Alamos and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Edward Hoffman invented the PET scanner. Roald Hoffman won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Abbie Hoffman was a student of CIA agent Herbert Marcuse and agent of the Left Wing Church. Dustin Hoffman played an autistic character in Rain Man and Captain Hook in Hook (Peter Pan programming). Michael Hoffman directed A Midsummer’s Night Dream with Christian Bale and Stanley Tucci and Gambit (screenplay by Coen brothers). Tom Hofman played in Zwartboek. Philip Seymour Hoffman played Ron Hubbard and Truman Capote. Jesuit Bruce Hoffman (CFR) played the role of ‘terror expert’. Reid Hoffman (CFR) founded LinkedIn. Jackie Hoffman appeared in Curb Your Enthousiasm. Felicity Huffman (NYU, transgender agenda, married to William H Macy) played in ABC show Desperate Housewives.
Hohenstaufen family from Swabia who ruled the Holy Roman Empire. Red haired Frederick I Barbarossa was Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany and King of Italy. Frederick II was tutored by pope Honorius III (Roman Savelli family, approved the Dominican Order) married Judith of Bavaria of House of Welf (Guelph).
Hohenzollern German family of Schwabia, related to House of Wittelsbach. Ethel Hohenzollern was a member of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Frederick the Great was a mason, the King of Prussia, child of Sophia Dorothea of Hanover and had Daniel Itzig as court jew. Marie of Prussia was the mother of Ludwig II Wittelsbach. Wilhelm II was the last German Emperor. Ferdinand I was king of Romania and had an affair with Elena Varascu, member of the Cosmic Movement of jewish Kabbalist Max Théon. Karl Friedrich Hohenzollern worked for the Commerzbank. Georg Friedrich is married to Sophie of Isenburg (related to jewish Eisenberg).
Huxley Thomas Huxley promoted Darwinism. Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World (announced the Covid19-ritual), Julian Huxley helped to found the United Nations and the WWF (the Green Church). Andrew Huxley was president of the Royal Society and played a role in the development of neuroscience.
Javal jewish family of Alsace linked to Legion of Honour of the Bonaparte’s and Dreyfuss family. Paul Louis-Weiler (branch of Javal, friend of Aristotle Onassis, JP Getty, Henry Ford II) married Aliki Diplarakou who later married the cousin of Bertrand Russell. Their son married into the House of Torlonia di Civitelli-Cesi (witches Brooke Shields, Glenn Close). Sibilla Weiller married Guillaume of Luxembourg (House of Nassau, Bourbon-Parma). During WW2 Louise Weiss worked for the fake French Resistance, as used in the Feminist Church and worked towards a European Empire through propaganda Europe nouvelle with Thomas Mann.
The Kardashian family is an Armenian family of slaves under mind control, who make soft porn on social media (Instagram) and staged reality shows, used to influence millions of people, who think they are ‘real’ people with free will and success. | ![]() |
Robert Kardashian dated Elvis Presley‘s ex wife Priscilla Wagner, who played Jane Spencer in The Naked Gun (name sister Diana Spencer) with OJ Simpson and Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith. Robert was a lawyer in the OJ Simpson (orange=33=sodomy) case media ritual, a farce to increase racial tension, with lawyer jesuit Johnny Cochran (oct 2 like Jack Parsons). Nicole Brown Simpson was a friend of Kris Jenner.
Kris Jenner married Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner (Studio 54 scene). His first wife was Linda Thompson. She was Miss Tennessee (owned by Hollywood mogul Ari Emmanuel), a CBS actrice, girlfriend of Elvis Presley and Universal music producer David Foster (Chuck Berry, George Harrison, Earth Wind & Fire, Mary J Blige, Dolly Parton). She acted in Beverly Hills 90210 of Aaron Spelling with Elvis Presley lookalike Jason Priestley.
They had two sons, Brandon and Sam Brody Jenner (name of husband Jayne Mansfield), who appeared in staged reality show The Princes of Malibu and Mtv shov Bromance (gay-transgender agenda), created by Ryan Seacrest (Disney). He dated Monarch slave Lauren Conrad (reality show the Hills), programmed to glorify a superficial life style (debut album ‘Superficial’ by Warner). Bruce Jenner was transformed into Caitlyn Jenner to push the gay-transgender agenda. His daughter Kendall Jenner was signed to pedophile John Casablancas Elite Modeling Agency (Monarch slaves Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford,..)
Kim Kardashian went to catholic Marymount High School like Mariska Hargitay, daughter of kitten mind controlled sex slave Jayne Mansfield. She was selected to play the Whore of Babylon archetype (Lust card 11=K).
Kim Kardashian became famous after a sextape with her boyfriend Ray J, sister of Brandy (Hollywood High School) cousin of Snoop Dogg. She lived in Benedict Canyon, associated with the mind control projects that produced Charlie Chaplin, Charles Manson, Sharon Tate, Mark Wahlberg, Lauren Bacall, Jimi Hendrix.
Her body, her social media feed, her relationships, her entire life is engineered and scripted by a team of handlers and plastic surgeons. The Kardashians have become the classic example of mind controlled sex slaves (kitten programming to reduce moral inhibitions and create sexual promiscuity) with breast and butt implants.
Even her book ‘Dollhouse’ (doll puppet programming) was covered in tigerprint. In 2007 they appeared in the staged reality show Keeping up with the Kardashians on E! (NBC Universal) with Bruce Jenner, executive produced by Ryan Seacrest (American Idol, Disney‘s ABC).
It focused mainly on three sisters Kim, Khloé, Kourtney (3 11’s=33, masonic symbolism also used in the KKK) and half sisters Kylie Jenner and Kendell Jenner. The show was filmed in their house with black and white masonic floor and masonic stairs, leading up to the 33d degree (cameo of Playboy model and Disney slave Lindsay Lohan).
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In december 2007 Kim Kardashian also posed for Playboy (bunny Alice in Wonderland symbolism), photographed by Hype Williams (Catherine wife of William).
Kim Kardashian was linked to Kanye West of the cultural marxist program Hip Hop. His music video (tin man Wizard of Oz programming on ‘808 on Heartbreak’ and ‘Heartless’) was also shot by Hype Williams. Kanye West (Kain, child of Lucifer, in Thelema, west is associated with Babalon) is signed to Universal, had a relationship with mind controlled sex slave Amber Rose, also breast and butt implants, born 10/21, like Kim Kardashian.
Kim and Kanye were used as advertisement for biracial relationships, to promote the cultural marxist multiculti agenda, with Kanye as the Beast. They married in a villa of the papal family de Medici’s.
Khloé Kardashian was used in propaganda of PETA, dated French Montana (Universal, Iggy Azalea), also used in the program Hip Hop and married Lamar Odom (LA Lakers) and Tristan Thompson (Chicago Bulls, Cleveland Cavaliers).
E! created spin-offs ‘Kim Kourtney take Miami’, ‘K&K take NY’, ‘K&K take the Hamptons’.
Kim Kardashian appeared in Disaster Movie with Playboy model Carmen Electra.
In 2011 Rob Kardashian dated Adrienne Bailon (Disney group ‘the Cheetah Girls’ with Raven-Symoné, kitten mind control), Rita Ora, appeared on Disney‘s ABC show ‘Dancing with the Stars’ (2011), in Fox‘s dating show ‘the Choice’ (2012) and appeared in a staged reality show with his wife, mind controlled sex slave with breast and buttock implants Blac Chyna. She appeared in Kanye West ‘Monster’ video with Nicki Minaj (mirror alter symbolism), made songs with Trippie Red, had a relationship with Tyga (=kitten symbolism) and appeared in staged reality show Love&Hip Hop. Rob Kardashian spread nude photos of her on social media. Lisa Bloom, the daughter of jesuit Gloria Allred (who also accused Roman Polanski and jesuit Donald Trump) was used as her lawyer.
Kylie Jenner posed for HarperBazaar of Hearst, also date Tyga and married mind controlled slave Travis Scott (Monarch butterfly symbiolism). Kendall Jenner worked for Diane von Furstenberg (Barry Diller of Paramount, Tinder).
Kanye West‘s public rants and confused erratic behaviour under mind control about Harley Pasternak were used as media entertainment.
In 2022 Kourtney Kardashian married Travis Barker (11/14 like Charles) in Las Vegas.
The Kardashians donate to the Armenia Fund (Cher, Kirk Kerkorian and jesuit Mark Geragos).
Katz German Ashkenazi jews (Chatti tribe). Otto Katz was a Soviet agent of the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League with Dorothy Parker. Erich Katz was an inmate of Dachau and was a friend of Hermann Hesse. Jonathan Katz (The New School, CCNY) founded the Gay Academic Union and promoted Harry Hay. Jeffrey Katzenberg was CEO of Disney. Matthew Katz produced the debut album of Jefferson Airplane. Simon Katz worked with Jamouriquai. Phoebe Cates (Professional Children’s School, Julliard) played in Gremlins, Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Saul Katz owned the NY Mets.
Ryan Katz worked for the WWE.
Ian Katz worked for The Guardian and promoted Julian Assange. He was played by Dan Stevens in The Fifth Estate. Steve Katz worked with Lou Reed. Jeff Katz worked on Deadpool and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Mickey Katz was the grandfather of Jennifer Grey (kitten programming).
Kaufman jewish merchant family (cult of Mercury) from Viernheim Germany, intermarried with Hirsch, Hess, Rapaport.
Klein (German or Dutch for ‘small’) psychoanalyst Melanie Klein, Yves Klein, Calvin Klein, Kevin Kline,.. Fritz Klein was a doctor at Auschwitz. Gerda Weissman Klein made Holocaust propaganda. Fred ‘Fritz’ Klein (Yeshiva University) and fashion designer Calvin Klein pushed the gay-transgender agenda. Marty Klein is a sex therapist who worked with the CfI. Felix Klein was a mathematician at University of Göttingen who married the daughter of GWF Hegel. Allen Klein was manager of Sam Cooke, Buddy Knox (Party Doll), Bobby Darin (RFK ritual), Bobby Vinton (Surf Party), Phil Spector, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. Norbert Klein Was Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights. Marc Klein worked for AT&T and NSA.
David Klein invented Jelly Belly Jelly Beans. Chris Klein played in American Pie movies and The Flash. Gene Klein (Simmons) was singer of Kiss with sodomy lightning logo like SS. Barbi Benton (Barbie programming, Barbara Lynn Klein, Playboy slave of Hugh Hefner) played in Deathstalker of New World Pictures (New World Order) of Roger Corman with Lana Clarkson. Jonathan David Klein founded Getty Images. Herb Klein worked for Richard Nixon. David Klein was governor of Bank of Israel. Aaron Klein is advisor of Benjamin Netanyahu. Jonathan Klein was president of CNN. Naomi Klein was used as controlled opposition against capitalism. Morton Klein was president of the Zionist Orgnization of America.
Koch Erich Koch was a member of Adolf Hitler‘s nazi party. Fred Koch (educated at Yale school of drama S&B) was part of the John Birch Society. Edward Koch (Congregation Emanu-El of NY) was mayor of NY from 1978. In 2011 Charles and David Koch founded Koch Foundation, Freedom Partners (funding the Tea Party movement), Americans for Prosperity (led by Tim Phililps of the Tea Party movement), Cato Institute in Washington (jesuit Robert Levy) and the Knowledge and Progress Fund.
Chares Koch is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. Tea Party member Jim DeMint is member of the CFR and president of The Heritage Foundation. The Kochs own Koch records, KochFoods (jesuit Joseph Grendys Burger King). David Koch died in 2019.
Supposedly they had influence on the administration under climate skeptic Donald Trump, through Marc Short (president of Freedom Partners) as advisor to vice president Mike Pence, members of the Tea Party Reince Priebus and Mike Pompeo, Daniel Jorjani and Scott Pruitt (Freedom Partners), Thomas Pyle, lobbyists Mike McKenna and Michael Catanzaro (CGCN lobbying firm clients 21st Century Fox, Microsoft, MasterCard and Boeing) as energy advisor on the National Economic Council and James Mahony of NPRA/American Fuel and Petroleum Manufacturers.
In Jane Meyer’s ‘Dark Money’ (2016), Koch is used as boogeyman/Devil, sort of Rockefellers for the left wing Climate Church (Politico, The NY Times accuse Koch of pushing Americans for Prosperity, to cancel tax credits for electric vehicles). Their company Guardian Glass produces solar panels.
Krupp Ulrich Cartellieri, German Council on Foreign Relations. Friedrich Krupp founded steel company Krupp AG with trinity symbol, which later merged with Thyssen of Fritz Thyssen (funded Hitler). Alfred Krupp was a member of the Juncker nobility like Otto Bismarck and played a role in the staged Nuremberg trial. Wendy Krupp (WEF) worked for Teach for America.
Lazard banking family. Simon Lazard and his brothers founded Lazard Frères & Co Lazar in 1848. Alexandre Lazard moved to Paris and advised the French government on gold buying. George Blumenthal led Lazard Frères & Co. André Meyer worked for Lazard Frères NY and was a friend of Jackie Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, William Paley, Katharine Graham. Felix Rohatyn of Lazard Frères also worked for Lehman Brothers and Rothschild. The board of directors consisted of Richard Haas was president of the CFR and advisor of the George W Bush administration, Jane Mendillo (CFR, Harvard Management Company) and Richard Parsons (Time Warner). Paul Keating was pm of Australia. Germaine Revel Lazard married Pierre Wertheimer who co-founded Chanel with Coco Chanel (Jackie Kennedy wore pink Chanel suit during the JFK ritual).
Lehman jewish banking family.
Levi – Levy (Tribe of Levi, ancestor of Aaron and Moses, the Levites, priests of Baal like the Kohanim, art of levitation, Loewe, Lewis). Asser Levy was one of the first jewish settlers in New Amsterdam. Haiman Levy traded with the Native Americans. Levi Strauss founded clothing company Levi’s. Felix Levy (Zionist Organization of America) was president of the Central Conference of American Rabbi’s.
George Lewin (pseudonym Herwarth Walden) published Die Aktion and was married to Else Lasker-Schüler (Monte Verita). Julian Levy was trained by Paul Sachs (Goldman Sachs) and organized shows of Marcel Duchamps, Man Ray, René Magritte and other surrealists. Ira Levin wrote Rosemary’s Baby to announce Antichrist William. Gene Levitt created ABC series Fantasy Island. Eugene Levy and his son Dan Levy push the gay-transgender agenda in Canada. Shawn Levy directed Stranger Things. Joseph Gordon-Levitt played in the Batman trilogy of Christopher Nolan with Aaron Eckhart. Elia Levita was an ancestor of David Cameron. Epstein (Jeffrey Epstein) and Horowitz (David Horowitz, Adam Horowitz of Beastie Boys) are Levite names.
Lobkowicz Bohemian family intermarried with Thurn und Taxis.
Mara Irish family. Jesuit John Mara owns the NY Giants (sport industry), related to actresses Kate and Rooney Mara (Mara= Saturn mother Mary, played Mary Magdalene in movie with Joaquin Phoenix), related to the Rooney family, who own the Pittsburgh Steelers.
McMahon Scottish rite masons, founded the WWF (33 symbolism), close to Donald Trump.
Medici Italian banking family of Firenze.
Mérode Belgian family connected to the Saxe-Coburgs
Meyer Eugene Meyer (World Bank, Washington Post), Katherine Graham, Florence Meyer (married to George Blumenthal, Legion of Honour), CIA agent Cord Meyer, Mary Meyer (mistress of JFK), Bauhaus director Hannes Meyer, SS member Kurt Meyer, Jessica Kate Meyer (Roman Polanski‘s The Pianist), chemist Lothar Meyer (Periodic Table with Dimitri Mendelev), Stephanie Meyer (Twilight series),..
Montagu British family (Earls of Sandwich). John Montagu was vice-chancellor of the University of Cambridge. Samuel Montagu founded a merchant bank. Charles Montagu was Lord of Treasury in the Bank of England. Mary Montagu introduced smallpox vaccines in Britain. Mary Wortley Montagu married John Stuart (Scottish Rite family), pm of Britain from 1762 to 1763. Ralph and his son John Montagu were members of the Grand Lodge of London. Lily Montagu played a role in Progressive Judaism. Israel Ehrenberg changed his name to Ashley Montagu and wrote The Race Question as UN propaganda. Julie Montagu is used on the Smithsonian Channel. Guy Montagu Marston was a member of Aleister Crowley‘s A.A..
Montgomery from Normandy France and Scottish clan (like the Sinclais and Hamilton moved to UK after unification). The Montgomerys helped building Brussels. Bernard Montgomery played a role in WW1. Robert Montgomery played in film noir Lady in the Lake. MLK Jr marched from Selma to Montgomery Alabama (33d parallel). Elizabeth Montgomery played in Bewitched. James Montgomery played in Star Trek. Poppy Montgomery has a photographic memory and had a relationship with Adam Kaufman. Jesuit Edward Montgomery was Secretary of Labour.
Murray Scottish family that controls the Odd Fellows. John Murray was Grand Master of the Ancient Grand Lodge of England and publisher of Goethe and Lord Byron. Bill Murray played a clown in Quick Change, Ghostbusters (phrase ‘something strange in your neighborhood’) and in Charlie’s Angels (Charles Manson). Ralph Murray made propaganda for the BBC. George Murray played in the band of David Bowie (Space Oddity=Oddfellows). Don Murray played in movies with Marilyn Monroe. Charles Murray (American Enterprise Institute) co-authored The Bell Curve, funded by the Pioneer Fund. Henry Murray played a role in the Morale Operations Branch, Canadian War Office Selection Boards and the programming of Ted Kaczinsky at Harvard.
Orange Dutch dynasty.
Orsini Italian rosicrucian family of the Guelph faction with a rose symbol (ursa= bear of Ursa Major at the North Star and Draco) on their coat of arms=Rosenberg. pope Celestine III and pope Sixtus V. Clarice Orsini married Lorenzo de Medici. Alessandro Orsini and Cosimo II Medici were patrons of Galileo Galilei. Virginio Orsini (Order of the Golden Fleece), son of Isabella de Medici, married niece of pope Sixtus V. Wilhelm Rosenberg was part of the Bohemian court of emperor Maximilian that welcomed Cecil agent John Dee in Bohemia. Franz Orsini-Rosenberg fought jesuit Napoleon in the Napoleonic Wars and against the Ottoman Turks. Felice Orsini was a member of the Carbonari of Giuseppe Mazzini, who were said to attempt to murder Napoleon III. Alfred Rosenberg was a member of the Thule Society and Hitler‘s nazi party. Paola di Calabra Orsini-Colonna-Pallavicini, daughter of fascist under Benito Mussolini married King of Belgium, Albert II Saxe-Coburg. Alois Konstantin Wertheim Rosenberg was a banker of Merck Fink & Co. Umberto Orsini played in sex farce Candy with John Huston, Marlon Brando and Ringo Starr and The Damned with Charlotte Rampling (rape, sodomy, pedophilia, incest), filmed in Cinecitta Studios. Marina Orsini played in a The Fifth Estate episode about Ewen Cameron‘s MK Ultra experiments. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes married the Castillo Orsini-Odescalchi in 2006.
Ottobani merged with Serlupi (wolflike) and Crescenzi bloodline (pope Sylvester III, crescent moon on coat of arms). Venetian Ottoboni merged with Boncampagni Ludovisi bloodline.
Packer Australian family that controls Australian media (Nine Network). Frank Packer (Order of the British Empire) owned Australian Consolidated Press and Nine Network. James Packer founded RatPack Entertainment, which produced Hollywood movies like Gravity, The Lego Movie, Winter’s Tale, Godzilla, Inherent Vice, Jupiter Ascending, Suicide Squad and Mirror Mirror.
Pallavicini Italian family (black nobility), related to the Iranian Pahlavi dynasty (Allah=the God program) and Lucchese mafia family. Their coat of arms is the 2-headed eagle, the Nesilim symbol of priest-kings, the Holy Roman Empire and freemasonry. Jeronimo Grimaldi-Pallavicini (Order of the Golden Fleece) voted for the suppression of the jesuits after the Seven Years War. Hubert Pallavicini was a Knight of Malta. The Pahlavi-Pallavicini are educated at Le Rosey like Rothschild, Furstenberg and Saxe-Coburgs. King of Belgium Albert II Saxe-Coburg married Paola Orsini-Pallavicini.
They own Global Alliance Wealth Management. Giancarlo Pallavicini was advisor of Russian president Mikhael Gurbachev (Club of Rome). Siegeri Pallavicini works for Athena Management. Fahra Pahlavi is stepcousin of Mercedes Bass (Disney). Jesuit Noor Pahlavi appeared in HarperBazaar of Hearst. Yahia Pallavicini and Nasser David Khalili are Islamic puppets of the Vatican. Karin Akers Pallavicini played in Woody Allen‘s Purple Rose of Cairo with Mia Farrow and married Kevin Patrick Power of satellite company Orion Network Systems.
Payne Putnam S&B family of the Boston elite. Harry Payne Whitney married Gertrude Vanderbilt, art patron in Greenwich Village. His sister Pauline Payne Whitney married Almeric Paget, treasurer of the League of Nations Union. Arthur Putnam was member of the Bohemian Club. The Withney Payne’s funded Walter Lippmann‘s The New Republic. Charlotte Payne-Townsend was a member of the Fabian Society and married George Bernard Shaw.
Philips, family that controls the Oddfellows as Baron Strange (phila hippos=horse lover). The Philips family founded elite schools Philips Academy and Philips Exeter Academy in the US.
Jewish brothers Gerard Philips and Anton Philips, son of cousin of Karl Marx, founded Dutch multinational corporation Philips Electronics in Eindhoven in 1891. In 1950 it founded Philips Records and signed Johnny Ray (BSA, gay-pedophilia agenda, movie with MK Ultra slave Marilyn Monroe). It marketed Mercury Records. Philips owned Polydor and released music of France Gall (Serge Gainsbourg), Dominican nun Soeur Sourire and satanist Ozzy Osbourne. Polydor became PolyGram of the Bronfman family and merged with Universal Music Group. It developed the Compact Disc with Sony. Howard Philips Lovecraft wrote science fiction, used in the magic of the OTO. Owen Philipps was a member of the Order of St John and bought the White Star Line after the Titanic ritual. Jerry Philips worked with William Ross Adey for Motorola.
John Phillips, father of Bijou Phillips (programmed by Church of Scientology and Hollywood Professional School) and Mackenzie Phillips, lived at Mulholland Drive, named after Oddfellow William Mulholland, as neighbor of Roman Polanski and Jack Nicholson and had Lou Adler as manager. Bijou Phillips played in Almost Famous (poster like Strange Angel) and married Scientologist Daniel Masterson (That 70’s Show). Bill Gates is a descendants of Samuel Philips. Michael Philips produced The Sting, Taxi Driver, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and The Flamingo Kid. Anne Saxe-Coburg married Mark Philips and gave birth to Zara Philips (Zar: strange). Mark Philips was the handler of Cathy O’Brien. Laughlin Phillips worked for the CIA and managed the Phillips Collection at the Dupont Circle in Washington DC.
Todd Phillips (Philip Bunzl) directed Starsky and Hutch, The Hangover and Joker with Joaquin Phoenix. Busy Philipps was educated by jesuits and played in Dawson’s Creek and Cougar Town. Gina Philips played in Jeeper’s Creepers. Don Philips (Lockheed Skunkworks) participated in the Disclosure Project. Roland Philipps (Todd Sharpville) was used in the blues scene.
Pritzker jewish family from Chicago
Radziwill Polish dynasty. Through Barbara Radziwill’s descendants Elizabeth Stuart, Sophie of Pomerania, Anne of Denmark, Sophia of Hanover, the British throne was ruled by a jewish bloodline again (orchestrated by John Dee).
Reventlow Danish-German nobility. Conrad Earl of Reventlow was pm of Denmark. Fanny Reventlow was a member of the Stefan George circle and Monte Verita scene. Ernst zu Reventlow was a member of the German nazi party. Kurt von Haugwitz-Reventlow married Barbara Hutton, who later married Cary Grant and Porfirio Rubirosa (affair with Zsa Zsa Gabor). Their son Lance Reventlow was a friend of James Dean and married Hollywood High School alumni Jill St John and MK Ultra slave Cheryl Holdrige (Mickey Mouse Club).
Reynolds Scottish Norman family. A. William Reynolds was a member of the CFR, Joseph Melvin Reynolds of the Cosmos Club. Debbie Reynolds played in Singin’ in the Rain, Charlotte’s Web, married Eddie Fisher and was the mother of Carrie Fisher. Burt Reynolds played in Navajo Joe, Deliverance, Boogie Nights about John Holmes. Gene Blumenthal Reynolds produced M.A.S.H. with Mike Farrell. Nick Reynolds, signed to Capitol, was used in the folk scene. Ryan Reynolds played in Buried, Blade: Trinity, Green Lantern, Deadpool, married Scarlett Johansson. Peter and Kate Reynolds are characters in The Omen III. Caroline Reynolds is a character in Prison Break. Matt Reynolds is a character in LA Confidential. Maria Reynolds was the mistress of Alexander Hamilton.
Rochefoucauld French nobility. François III de la Rochefoucauld was a Hugenoth, killed in the St Bartholomew’s Day massacre. François de la Rochefoucauld wrote Maximes and conspired against Cardinal Richelieu. Antoine de la Rochefoucald co-founded the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose Crose with Joséphin Péladan and Papus.
The Rockefeller family is an elite family of psychopaths, part of the cult of Saturn cult (Scottish Rite masons) that work with Bill Gates towards a totalitarian world state, but like the Rothschilds, they are mere actors on the world stage (oil is linked to Pluto, the god of the underworld, of wealth, of nuclear energy and dark secrets). Especially the Rockefellers are used as American Dream mythology of a family that supposedly conquered the world in 3 generations, and as a distraction from the Catholic Church and more important Italian families, to link them to a fictional anti-Christianity conspiracy (the Illuminati hoax). | ![]() |
History of the Rockefellers
The Rockefeller bloodline originated in Neuwied, Rhineland Germany, where protestants formed the Order of the Rose Cross and saw Frederick V as the king who would establish a Luciferian world empire (wedding Frederick V).
1870 John D. and William Jr Rockefeller founds Standard Oil, an oil company in Ohio with the torch logo of Lucifer the lightbringer.
William Jr founds National City Bank in New York, later known as Citigroup.
1890 John D founds the University of Chicago with Marshall Field.
1901 Rockefeller University, specialized in biology and medical science (virology).
1906 They fund the General Education Board with George Peabody (Federal Reserve), Moris Jesup, Frederick Taylor Gates as advisor. His son John D. Rockefeller Jr marries Abby Aldrich, through Nelson Aldrich (Pilgrims Society) also part of setting up the Federal Reserve with Paul Warburg and members of Skull&Bones.
They are given acces to the oil reserves in Saoudi Arabia through Knight of Malta John Philby and the House of Ibn Saud. William Knox d’Arcy creates an oil industry in Iran, founds the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC), later BP. Standard Oil takes over Donahy’s Pan American Petroleum Company and Gulf Oil of the Mellon family. Standard Oil is split in Exxon, Chevron, BP.
1913 founding of the Rockefeller Foundation.
1916 Hoechst AG (Meister family) founds IG Farben with Paul Warburg (Paris Peace Conference) on the board.
1919 John Rockefeller is present in Versailles at the Treaty of Paris, the Council of Foreign Relations is formed as transition to a world government. Owen Young of the Rockefeller Foundation founds music label RCA with Scottish Rite mason David Sarnoff of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (his son Robert Sarnoff marries Felicia Schiff Warburg). James Warburg‘s wife Kay Swift (part of the Tin Pan Alley music publishers network in NY with Capitol Records founders Johnny Mercer and Bud DeSilva) composes for Radio City Music Hall in the Rockefeller Center.
John Dewey of the University of Chicago founds The New School.
1925 the 6 chemical companies Bayer, Agfa, Hoechst, BASF, merge into IG Farben. The RF, and Carnegie Foundation fund the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), with Frederick Vanderbilt (S&B family) as staff member. Their lawyer J. Richardson Dilworth is a member of S&B, Percy Rockefeller, working for Harriman, also S&B.
1927 the Rockefeller Foundation funds the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, employer of Josef Mengele. Owen Young (Rockefeller Foundation) is assigned to rebuild the German economy (the Young Plan). John Rockefeller is the largest shareholder of Chase National Bank (swastika logo), working with General Electric (RCA, who become the first tenants at Rockefeller Center).
Like the Carnegie’s and Mellons, the Rockefellers have Aryan, Scottish-Irish ancestry, are 33 degree Scottish rite masons, so the famous Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center is erected in december 1933 (Saturnalia). The Rockefeller Center contains depictions of the masonic Great Architect with compass, statues of Prometheus the lightbringer, and the greek god Atlas. It is seen as the triumph of the archetypal New World Order industrialist, the pinnacle of capitalism but is right across St Patrick cathedral of the Catholic Church. The center serves as an obelisk of Saturn worship, the god of materialism, social control and time (offices of Time Inc).
1933 is also the year of the rise of another antichrist figure, Adolf Hitler. The Rockefeller Foundation funds IG Farben (who were said to have played a role in the experiments in concentration camps) and the University in Exile of The New School of Columbia University leftists, controlled by the Colonna’s, with scholars Hannah Arendt and Erich Fromm.
British Intelligence (William Stephenson and Alllen Dulles CFR, OSS) has its office in Rockefeller Center. Lewis Douglas (CFR) of the American Lend-Lease program that helps Joseph Stalin, is a member of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1935. RF funds Hadley Cantril’s mind control research at Princeton on the effect of propaganda (f.i. the alien media hoax of Orson Welles). Cantril was a roommate of Nelson Rockefeller at Dartmouth College, works with Frank Stanton of CBS. The RF funds the IAC to make an atom bomb (Glenn Seaborg, Luis Alvarez members of Bohemian Club).
After WW2
1947 the RF funds the Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction of Alfred Kinsey (follower of Crowley) and the Tavistock Institute.
1949 the RF funds the Aspen Institute with the families Ford, Gates and Carnegie. Directors of IG Farben are released by John McCloy and IG Farben is split again in BASF, Bayer, Hoechst.
1952 John Rockefeller III funds the Population Council through the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (Stephen Heintz CFR) to develop contraceptives. Nelson Rockefeller, department Health, Education and Welfare, ‘defeats’ Averell Harriman (S&B) to become governor of NY (under cardinal Spellman).
1953 According to the official story Rockefeller Foundation funds CIA mind control project MK Ultra, a continuation of the nazi experiments in concentration camps in American universities. The Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation fund the jesuit university in Congo (Lovanium, partof Belgian university KULeuven).
1955 Chase and the Manhattan Company merge into Chase Manhattan bank with John McCloy as chairman. Nelson Rockefeller works as ‘psychological warfare consultant’ for Dwight Eisenhower.
1957 after the Russell-Einstein manifesto about the dangers of nuclear power, Rockefeller protegé Cyrus Eaton participates in the Pugwash Conferences On Science and World Affairs (world empire disguised as peacekeepers, Pluto: dark secrets, nuclear power) of Bertrand Russell with:
Joseph Rotblatt (Manhattan Project with Einstein), Cecil Powell (Royal Society), Brock Chisholm (WHO), Herman Muller (teacher of Carl Sagan), Shinichiro Tomonaga (IAS of Princeton), Paul Doty (International Science Foundation of George Soros).
1961 Godfrey Anderson Rockefeller co-founds the WWF (the Green Church) with Philip Mountbatten, nazi Bernhard Lippe (Order of Malta) and Julian Huxley (UN). Dean Rusk of the Rockefeller Foundation is secretary of state in the JFK administration. Frederick Seitz (Bohemian Club) is made president of the Rockefeller University.
1963 the Rockefeller Group is part of developing the NY Hilton. Laurence Rockefeller provides capital for Apple and Intel.
1970 David Rockefeller, trained by Friedrich Hayek (Mont Pelerin Society) at the London School of Economics of the Fabian Society, member of the Pilgrims Society, replaces John McCloy (World Bank, chairman Ford Foundation) as chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, who he had worked with at Chase Manhattan bank.
1973 the Twin Towers, two masonic pillars Boaz and Joachin, represented as the brothers David and Nelson (JFK and RFK, William and Harry).
Gary Allen (John Birch Society) publishes None Dare to Call it Conspiracy, a bestseller that focuses on the CFR and Rockefeller family.
Leonard Firestone (Bohemian Club) is chairman of Nelson’s election campaign. In the 70’s, as vice-president of Gerald Ford (Knight of Malta Shriner), Nelson Rockefeller works with Henry Kissinger (Secretary of State under Nixon) and Carla Hills CFR.
Nelson Rockefeller is selected to lead the commission that ‘investigates’ MK Ultra with Knight of Malta Ronald Reagan and is made vice-president of Knight of Malta Gerald Ford.
1983 jesuit Wilhelm Meister of the Hoecht company, responsible for the concentration camps, founds CVC, which turns into America Online (AOL with one eye pyramid logo) with jesuit Jim Kimsey as CEO. Richard Parsons of Time Warner, friend of David Rockefeller and part of his CFR, merges AOL and TimeWarner into AOL Time Warner Inc.
1988 Akinwuma Adesina is trained at Rockefeller Foundation, to be part of the Millenium Goals of the UN and lead the African Development Bank.
The RF funds Robert Temple (the Sirius Mystery=Blazing Star in masonry). Laurence Rockefeller (WWF, National Geographic Society, part of UFO disclosure psyop), funds John Mack at Harvard. Winthrop Rockefeller helps Gussie Busch of Annheuser Bush. RF works together with Gates Foundation and Brookings Institute.
1990 Ted Field, producer of Disney movies, descendant of Marshall Field who founded University of Chicago with John Rockefeller, founds Interscope Records with Jimmy Iovine, part of Universal Music Group of the Bronfmans.
1991 Rockefeller center is used in movie Home Alone with Macaulay Culkin.
2001 Rockefeller as pop culture cliché
Rock =Jupiter Jay-hova (Jay Rockefeller), worshipped at St Peter (petra petroleum), the planet of wealth and expansion, inverted as black rock Saturn death cult (Blackstone Group, black stone at the Kabba at Mecca, etc).
In the internet age, during the 911 Twin Towers ritual, CIA trolls on Youtube link Jay-z of Roc-a-fella records, to Rockefeller and the Illuminati hoax and they becomes the favorite target of controlled opposition (Alex Jones, David Icke, Luke Rudkowski, jesuit Benjamin Fulford,..) as the ultimate rulers. Jay Rockefeller went to elite school Philips Exeter Academy, like Dan Brown who promoted the Illimunati hoax with a Hollywood blockbuster.
Nelson’s son, Steven Clark Rockefeller (Deerfield Academy, Asian Culture Council, Rockefeller Brothers Fund) is part of the multiculti-agenda, author of ‘Multiculturalism’. He wrote the biography of John Dewey. Steven Rockefeller is co-author, along with Mikhael Gurbachev (Green Cross International) and Maurice Strong (Under-Secretary-General of the UN) of the United Nations Earth Charter, using the environmental crisis as cornerstone of New World Order.
2005 Rockefeller Foundation is led by Judith Rudin (CFR, Comcast, Citigroup, BlackRock).
2009 Richard Parsons becomes chairman of Citigroup.
2014 Richard Rockefeller dies in a plane crash.
2017 David Rockefeller dies, his daughters Peggy Rockefeller (CFR) and Ariana both are still involved with the UN. Justin Rockefeller (son of Jay and Sharon) works at data company Addepar of Joe Lonsdale (Palantir), part of Population Council and the gay-transder agenda through the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network. Their influence is waning (George Soros is now used as archetypal left wing globalist).
Rajiv Shah (Gates Foundation, CFR and TC) as president of the RF.
With the rise of environmentalism and the end of the oil era and petrodollar, the Rockefellers create a more leftist image for themselves. Joe Rommon (CFR, Commonwealth Club) is part of the climate agenda, author of ‘Hell or high water’. Mellody Hobson CFR, wife of George Lucas, also works for RF. RF works with Jane Mendillo (General Motors, Harvard), Carrie Walton-Penner (family 216 billion), the Global Business Network of Peter Schwartz (SRI Shell) and Stewart Brand (Philips Exeter Academy, Whole Earth, CIA controlled Merry Pranksters).
Patty Stonesifer (Gates Foundation, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) is on the board of directors at Amazon, member of the Good Club of Gates, George Soros and Warren Buffett (son of Howard Buffett JBS).
The Rockefellers invested a lot in virus research, Bill Gates and his Foundation has many links to the Rockefellers so even when David Rockefeller is dead, they are used as a villain during the Covid19-scam.
Misleading books on the Rockefellers
Gary Allen (JBS) ‘The Rockefeller Files’
Richard Brown ‘Rockefeller Medicine Men’
Ron Chernov ‘Titan: life of John D Rockefeller’
John T. Flyn ‘Gods Gold the Story of Rockefeller and His Time’
Colby Gerard ‘Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil’
David Horowitz and Peter Collier ‘The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty’ (son Ben Horowitz worked for AOL, venture firm with Marc Andreessen of Facebook, Peter Collier worked for Playboy, The NY Times and Weekly Standard of William Kristol PNAC).
Emanuel Josephson ‘The Federal Reserve Conspiracy & Rockefellers: Their gold corner’
Charles Morris ‘the Tycoons: How Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, Jay Gould and JP Morgan invented the American Supereconomy’
Inderjeet Parmar ‘Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller Foundation in the Rise of American Power’ (Columbia University Press)
David Rockefeller ‘Memoires’
Grant Segall ‘Annointed with oil’
Fritz Springmeier (Infowars, ties to JBS) ‘Illuminati Bloodlines’
Loebl Suzanne ‘America’s Medici: the Rockefellers and their Astonishing Cultural Legacy’
Rooney Irish family related to Mara. Mickey Rooney played in movies with Judy Garland. Art Rooney II (related to Patricia, Rooney Mara and Kate Mara) owns the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Roosevelt Dutch immigrants that moved to New Amsterdam, related to the Astor, Colonna–Dupont, Delano, Van Rensselaer, Livingston families.
Rosenberg related to Orsini
Rosenwald (friends with Marcus Goldman, Bear Stearns, Sears tower) Julius Rosenwald (Sears, Roebuck & Company), son Lessing Rosenwald (Cornell), Julius Rosenwald Fund and American Council for Judaism (worked with John Dulles, Erich Fromm, Hannah Arendt, Arnold Toynbee), daughter Edith Rosenwald Stern (Stern Family Fund), Armand Deutsch (film producer MGM), John Rosenwald (CFR), Zionist Nina Rosenwald (CFR, right wing think tank Gatestone Institute promoting Zionist Geert Wilders). Sonya Rosenwald married Ray Kurzweil, transhumanist prophet of Google. Edgar Stern worked at Charity Hospital of New Orleans, Federal Reserve Atlanta and the board of directors of Sears.
Rovere (della Rovere, Italy), oaktree as coat of arms. members of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Vittoria della Rovere married Fernando II de Medici. Giullia della Rovere’s son Cesare d’Este married the daughter of Cosimo de Medici. Francesco della Rovere (pope Sixtus IV) was head of the Catholic Church. Marcantonio Colonna married Lucrezia Della Rovere, niece of Giulliano Della Rovere (pope Julius II). Julius II was the patron of Rafael and Michelangelo. Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere was a Knight of Malta. Alessandro della Rovere married tv personality Marina Ripa de Meana, friend of Queen Paola of Belgium (di Calabria-Orsini-Pallavicini-Saxe-Coburg). Her daughter actress Lucrezia della Rovere played in James Bond movie Quantum of Solace and had affairs with Giovanni Malago (International Olympian Committee) and Luca Barbereschi (actor in Cannibal Holocaust).
Ruspoli Ruspigliosi Italian papal family from Florence, who built Palazzo Ruspigliosi on Quirinal Hill. Lilio Ruspoli worked for Banco Romano and was a member of the Order of Malta. Alessandro Dado Ruspoli played in The Godfather III and was a friend of Debra Berger, Brigitte Bardot, Truman Capote and Salvador Dali. Mario Ruspoli married Pauline de Talleyrand, related to Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, prime minister of France, present at the Congress of Vienna. Bart Ruspoli played in Empire of ABC. His second cousin is producer William Villiers. Tao Ruspoli married Hollywood actress Olivia Wilde. He directed Fix with Olivia Wilde and the sister of Michelle Pfeiffer. Carlo Emanuele Ruspoli is also a member of the Order of Malta. Bartolomeo Ruspoli married the daughter of John Paul Getty Jr. Esmeralda Ruspoli played in Footprint on the Moon with Klaus Kinski.
Russell opium trading S&B family
Sachs jewish family from Bavaria (Illuminati). Marcus Goldman’s daughter married Samuel Sachs. Marcus Goldman founded Goldman-Sachs in 1869. Julius Sachs created the Sachs Collegiate Institute (Dwight School, alumni Walter Lippmann, Roy Lichtenstein, Henry Morgenthau Jr of Harry Truman administration, Truman Capote, Vanessa Trump and Paris Hilton). Alexander Sachs (Townsend Harris High School) played a role in making propaganda for the atom bomb with Leo Szilard. Oliver Sacks was a psychologist. Adolphe Saxe invented the saxophone.
Santo Domingo Colombian family (St Dominic=Dominican Order), related to Colombian president Alfonso Pumarejo, that controls Caracol TV and the beer market through Bavaria Brewery and SABMiller. Julio Mario Santo Domingo was educated at Philips Academy and Georgetown of the jesuits. Alejandro Santo Domingo married Charlotte Wellesley. Andrés Santo Domingo married Lauren Davis, daughter of Ronald Davis (CEO of Perrier) and a Phi Beta Phi at University of Southern California who worked for Vogue and played in commercials with Brad Pitt. She worked with Diane von Furstenberg and Naomi Campbell. Tatiana Santo Domingo married Andrea Casiraghi (House of Grimaldi, grandson of Grace Kelly). Julio Mario Santo Domingo was related to Brazilian Eduardo Braga, governor of Amazonas.
Sassoon intermarried with the Rothschilds, based in Iraq, controlled the opium trade in China and India. David Sasson had 8 sons. Elias David invested in Burmah Oil, John D Rockefeller‘s Standard Oil and established E.D. Sassoon in Bombay. Rachel Sassoon Beer owned The Sunday Times and The Observer. Edward Albert married Aline Caroline Rothschild. James Sassoon worked for SG Warburg, was financial advisor of David Cameron and a friend of John Profumo’s son. Hollywood actor Jack Huston, grandson of John Huston, is a descendant of Albert Sassoon. Vidal Sassoon married Beverly Adams (surf movies How to Stuff a Wild Bikini with Anette Funicello, Gidget).
Savoy ruling family of Italy
Schröder German banker family. Gerhard Schröder was Chancellor of Germany, worked for NM Rothschild.
Schuyler Dutch family, related to Van Rensselaer. Elizabeth Schuyler married Alexander Hamilton who created the first US bank. Schuyler Colfac, US vice-president under Ulysses Grant, was a member of the Oddfellows. George Schuyler worked with Marcus Garvey and was a member of CIA fronts ACCF and John Birch Society. David Crosby, related to the Schuylers and Alexander Hamilton, played a role in the Laurel Canyon scene with Stephen Stills. James Schuyler (gay agenda, The New School) was programmed at Chelsea Hotel and Whitney Payne Psychiatric Clinic. Gregory Peck played Philip Schuyler in Gentlemen’s Agreement of Elia Kazan (ACCF). The Schuyler bridge in NY was used in Inception.
Schwab Charles M Schwab founded Bethlehem Steel, ruled the Pittsburgh steel industry with Carnegie and Mellon. Charles R. Schwab founded the Charles Schwab Foundation. Klaus Schwab founded the World Economic Forum in 1971. Frank and Katy Perry are related to the Goldsmith and Schwab family. Susan Schwab was a member of the TC and George W Bush (S&B) administration. Hanny Michaelis Swaab married Gerard van het Reve (gay agenda).
Schwarzenberg Johann Adolf Schwarzenberg (Order of the Golden Fleece) was a diplomat of the Habsburgs. Adam Schwarzenberg was Grandmaster of the Order of St John. Karl Philip Schwarzenberg (Order of the Golden Fleece) won the battle of Leipzig against jesuit Napoleon. Karel IV married Antonia Fürstenberg. His cousin Felix Schwarzenberg was Minister-President of the Austrian Empire. Felix prince of Schwarzenberg married Anna Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg. Josef II of Schwarzenberg married Pauline Arenberg. The Schwarzenbergs control the Bohemian Club and Skull and Bones. Karel Schwarzenberg is president of Council of European Union.
George Soros (Gyorgy Schwarz) and his Soros Foundation, gave a scholarship to dictator of Hungary, Viktor Orban (TC). Richard Donald Schwarzberg (Richard Donner) made Antichrist movie The Omen and Superman to announce the birth of Antichrist William. Sherwood Schwartz created The Brady Bunch, Gilligian’s Island. His cousin Douglas Schwartz created Baywatch. Robert Schwartz (Robert Towne) married Julie Payne (Don’t Make Waves, Island of the Blue Dolphins, The Manchurian Candidate) and wrote the screenplay of Mission: Impossible.
Segal Katey Sagal (Pacific Palisades, Married with Children), Steven Seagal, Jason Segel,…
Seligman jewish banking family, who worked with the railroad companies and profited from the American Civil War. Joseph Seligman was a member of the Union League Club with Morgans, Rockefellers, Roosevelts and the Emanu-El Congregation of NY like Simon Rothschild, Adolf Ochs (The NY Times), Paul and Felix Warburg. He founded the Continental Bank of NY with arms dealer (the war industry) Marcellus Hartley (related to James Smithson of Smithsonian), Jacob Schiff (railroad empire with Edward Harriman) and Robert Cutting (Union Club, NYSE). Florette Seligman married Benjamin Guggenheim (used in the Titanic ritual), father of Peggy Guggenheim (modernist art scene). Erich Seligmann Fromm was a member of the Frankfurt School. Nicole Seligman was educated at Fieldston School like Robert Seligman Oppenheimer (‘father of the atomic bomb’, Manhattan Project) and worked for Sony. Martin Seligman was president of the American Psychological Association. Lauren Selig (jesuit, LSE) is part of the X Prize Foundation of Peter Diamandis.
Shapiro Richard Shapiro created ABC soap Dynasty (elite bloodline) with Heather Locklear as Sammy. Meyer Schapiro (APS, MacArthur Foundation) was a classmate of Lionel Trilling and influential critic in the modernist art scene and founded Dissent with Irving Howe and Michael Harrington. He married Lilian Milgram (Bellevue Hospital Medical College). George Shapiro was the manager of Andy Kaufman played by Danny DeVito in Man on the Moon. Allen Shapiro (Mosaic Media Group) worked for Playboy, produced Universal Soldier With JC Van Damme and The Brothers Grimm, Land of the Lost of Brad Silverling (relationship with Lana Clarkson). Milly Shapiro played Charlie in Hereditary. Paul Shapiro worked on The X-Files.
Sinclair Scottish family related to Stuart. Hugh Sinclair worked on cryptography.
Sloane Skull and Bones family. William Douglas Sloane married Emily Thorn Vanderbilt and joined the luxury furniture firm W and J Sloane. John Hammond Sloane Vanderbilt produced Bob Dylan. His cousin William Sloane (S&B) participated in the Civil Rights Movement and RESIST with Noam Chomsky (Institute for Policy Studies of Marcus Raskin, aide of McGeorge Bundy S&B), Benjamin Spock (Scroll and Key) and Allen Ginsberg. He was the president of anti-nuclear organisation SANE with Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, Harry Belafonte.
Henry Coffin Sloane was a member of the Century Group with Allen Dulles CIA CFR, Dean Acheson (Scroll & Key) and James Warburg. Grace Elsie Sloane married Cyrus Vance (Scroll and Key, CFR, TC, US Secretary of State under Jimmy Carter). Michael Sloane went to Hollywood High School and wrote The Majestic with Jim Carrey.
Solvay Belgian family, linked to the Boëls and Saxe-Coburgs, active in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Solvay used the electrolysis method of alchemist Carl Kellner (founder of Ordo Templi Orientis, from 1912 led by Aleister Crowley) for mercury poisoning.
Ernst Solvay organized the Solvay conferences on quantum mechanics with Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Marie Curie, Max Planck,..Alice Solvay owned castle Chateau Amerois, named by Fritz Springmeier as location of child abuse. Jacques Solvay led Solvay in the 70’s and was invited to the American Enterprise Institute by Gerald Ford. Maurice Solvay married French actress Odette Day who played in Beauty and the Beast of Jean Cocteau (gay agenda). Pierre and Denis Solvay were members of Bernhard Lippe‘s 1001 Club and worked for Eurogentec. Etienne Davignon and Baron Daniel Janssen (Boël, Sofina, Generale Bank) were TC, ERT, Club of Rome, Le Siècle and Bilderberg members.
Spencer-Churchill Randolph Churchill was a friend of the Rothschilds. Winston Churchill was a druid and Odd Fellow, promoted antisemitism, started WW2, founded the Other Club. Diana Spencer, mother of William Mountbatten, played the role of mother-moon goddess Diana (Rosemary’s Baby, creating a Moonchild).
Stanley (Baron Strange, Odd Fellows).
Steiner Jacob Steiner was a mathematician. Max Steiner composed music for RKO and worked with Murray Cutter (arranger of Over the Rainbow). Theosophist Rudolf Steiner founded the Steiner schools. Anthropologist Franz Steiner (10/12 like Crowley, family imprisoned in Treblinka), friend of HG Adler (Theresienstadt) was trained at LSE, taught at Oxford and published on cultural taboo’s. Jean-François wrote a fiction novel about Treblinka.
John Steiner was a psychoanalyst who worked with Melanie Klein and wrote about ‘psychic retreats’ and the Oedipus complex with Michael Feldman. The Steiner brothers were used in the WWE. Betty Steiner pushed the transgender agenda with Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. Douglas Steiner (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) founded Steiner Studios. Elsa Steiner is a french actress who promoted Roman Polanski. Tommy Steiner was signed to RCA Records Nashville. Michael Caine played Kurt Steiner in The Eagle Has Landed (screenplay by Tom Mankiewicz). William Steiner worked for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Stuart/Stewart spread Scottish rite masonry. Elizabeth Stuart married Frederick V of the Bohemian Brunswick-Luneberg bloodline, as a rosicrucian alchemical marriage. Their daughter Dorothea married into the House of Hanover. They founded the Royal African Company (Atlantic slave trade) and the Royal Society. Bonnie Prince Charlie was related to Jacob Frank through the Sobieski family. In 1745 they organised the Jacobite Rising (White Rose symbol) to restore the power of the Stuarts. Mel Stuart directed the pedophile movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (cc=33=sodomy).
Stuyvesant related to Rockefellers, Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood in Brooklyn.
Taft Alphonso Taft founded the order Skull and Bones with William Russell (opium trade). William Howard Taft was US president from 1909, Nicholas Butler (president of Columbia University, Carnegie Endowment for Peace, Society of the Cincinatti) as running mate, Robert Bacon of Boston Elite as Secretary of State. James Grohl, father of Dave Grohl (Nirvana with Kurt Cobain) worked for Robert Taft (CFR). Dave Grohl campaigned for jesuit John Forbes Kerry.
Thurn und Taxis House of Arenberg, intermarried with the Fürstenbergs, Oppenheimers, Lobkowitz. The Thurn und Taxis family played a role in the Illuminati and the Thule Society. Marie Auguste Thurn un Taxis was a friend of Voltaire, married Karl Alexander of Württemberg and was the mother of Carl Eugen, patron of Friedrich Schiller (Weimar Classicism with Illuminati agent Johann von Goethe). Paul von Thurn und Taxis had a homosexual relationship with King of Bavaria Ludwig II (patron of Richard Wagner) whose castle became the blueprint of the Cinderella Castle of Disney. Johannes von Thurn und Taxis was a member of Bernhard Lippe‘s 1001 Club. Thurn und Taxis in Brussels is the location of Multiculti festival Couleur Café.
Thyssen family that funded Adolf Hitler. Fritz Thyssen was a member of Die Herrenklub with Franz von Papen, Hjalmar Schacht, Paul von Hindenburg, Heinrich Himmler, Max Warburg and Ernst Röhm. Hans Thyssen married Fiona Campbell, who had a relationship with Alexander Onassis (son of Aristotle Onassis). Gabriele Thyssen married Aga Khan IV (Le Rosey). Gunter Sohl of August-Thyssen was a member of Atlantik-Brücke.
Torlonia bankers of the Catholic Church from Florence Italy, like the Medici’s. Giovanni Raimondo Torlonia made a deal with the french troops during the occupation of Rome by Napoleon. They acquired the village Civitella Cesi and intermarried with the Colonna‘s, Orsini, Sforza and Borghese. Leopoldo Torlonia was the mayor of Rome from 1882. Giovanni Torlonia founded the Banca del Fucino in 1923. They gave Villa Torlonia (with additional House of Little Owls) to Knight of Malta Benito Mussolini. Alessandro Torlonia married Beatriz of Spain (Battenberg-Bourbon), who lived at Magdalena Palace in Santander (castle tower on coat of arms=House of Castile, castle programming of Dominicans who worship Mary Magdalene). His daughter married the son of industrialist Paul-Louis Weiller Javal (friends with Aristotle Onassis, JP Getty, Henry Ford II).
Guido Torlonia directed the movie Domino with Brigitte Nielsen, is a friend of Richard Gere and Tilda Swinton. Model and actress Brooke Shields Torlonia was used to pose for Hugh Hefner’s Playboy at age 10, was friends with Michael Jackson and Diana‘s lover Dodi Fayed. Her father worked for Revlon like Marcella Borghese. Sibilla Torlonia married jesuit Guillaume of Luxembourg (Bourbon), who worked for the IMF, European Commission and ArcelorMittal of jesuit Lakshmi Mittal.
Trump Fred Trump founded the Trump Organisation. Elizabeth Christ Trump died 6/6/1966. Predictive programming of antichrist-bully Donald Trump as Biff Tannen in Back to the Future (mythology about John G. Trump said to have been associated with ‘time travel’ research of Nikola Tesla). Donald Trump was trained by jesuits at Fordham and Wharton Business School (connection to mind control research of Tavistock), and mentored by Roy Cohn (John Birch Society), to play the role of a succesfull, eccentric entrepreneur (the Horus archetype, the Conquering Child). Trump had connections to the mafia of New Jersey, through his hotels in Atlantic City (Biff tower in BTTF). Trump Organisation, affiliated with Stephen Bollenbach (Disney, Hilton, Time Warner) run by jesuit Eric Trump.
Donald Trump opened a black monolith tower Trump World Tower at United Nations Plaza. Trump appeared on NBC show ‘the Apprentice’. His model organisation signed Paris Hilton (whose niece Kyle Richards appeared on NBC the Celebrity Apprentice). Trump worked with the WWF of the McMahon family, who also work with the Hearst family. Trump administration contained jesuit Goldman Sachs banker Steve Bannon, Steve Mnuchin and Stephen Schwarzmann (both Skull and Bones), presented as saviour by the Alex Jones Infowars- Qanon alt right clique. His daughter jesuit Ivanka Trump married Jared Kushner, financed by George Soros.
Vanderbilt family from De Bilt Utrecht Netherlands, migrated to New Amsterdam.
Wallenberg Swedish family of bankers and industrialists.
Walton related to the Mellon family, owners of Walmart. Carrie Walton is married to Goldman Sachs banker Greg Penner, both Georgetown jesuits. Travis Walton was used in the UFO religion (worship of Orion Nordic extraterrestials).
Weiss related to Javal. Leocadia Zorilla married Isidore Weiss and lived with Francisco Goya. Ilse Blumenthal-Weiss (friend of Rainer Maria Rilke) lived at Theresienstadt Ghetto. Max and Sol Weiss founded Fantasy Records (music of Robert Crumb‘s Fritz the Cat). George David Weiss (Julliard School) wrote The Lion Sleeps Tonight, What a Wonderful World for Louis Armstrong, music of Mademoiselle with Jeanne Moreau. Daniel Weiss (Booz Allen Hamilton, Lafayette College) worked for the American Museum of Natural History. DB Weiss created Game of Thrones (HBO) and 3 Body Problem (Netflix) with Josh Brener. Robert Weiss (Hollywood producer) produced The Blues Brothers, Amazon Women on the Moon and is part of the X Prize Foundation of Peter Diamandis. David Weiss is used in the Flat Earth psyop.
Wellesley British–Irish family that works with the Saxe-Coburgs, House of Orange and House of Bourbon.
Wertheim jewish family from Baden Württemberg, intermarried with the Rosenbergs.
Whitney intermarried with Skull & Bones families Payne and Vanderbilt.
Wise(=Weiss). Isaac Mayer Wise (Reform Judaism) led the Central Conference of American Rabbis and married the sister of Edward Bloch. His daughter married Adolph Ochs (Congregation Emanu-El of NY, The NY Times). Rabbi Stephen Wise founded the NAACP.
Wittelsbach Bavarian dynasty wich also ruled Bohemia, Sweden and Greece. As catholics they played a role in the Counter-Reformation. They were members of the Teutonic Order. Frederick IV Wittelsbach married Louise Juliana of Orange-Nassau. Sophia of Hannover, the child of the alchemical marriage of Frederick V and Elizabeth Stuart, married Ernst Augustus and gave birth to George I (House of Hanover). Elizabeth Palatinate-Simmern corresponded with René Descartes and Quaker William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania.
Karl Theodor Wittelsbach outlawed Adam Weishaupt‘s Illuminati. King of Bavaria Ludwig II was a homosexual mason and patron of Richard Wagner. His Neuschwanstein castle became the inspiration for Cinderella Castle of Disney. Urs Wietlisbach founded Partners Group. Sophie Wittelsbach is a member of the royal family of Liechtenstein.
Zuniga Spanish family related to the Bourbons, Habsburgs (Order of the Golden Fleece), jewish Valero’s, Martinez and Guzmans (Dominican Order, Sinaloa Cartel). Gaspar de Zuniga the 5th Earl of Monterrey was a Viceroy of Peru. Cipriano de Valera was the publisher of the Spanish Bible. José Zuniga played in Constantine (=Military Constantine Order of St George of the Bourbons, DC Comics comic of Alan Moore) with Keanu Reeeves, Rachel Weisz. Daphne Zuniga was poisoned with mercury and played in slasher films The Dorm That Dripped Blood, The Initiation, The Shure Thing with John Cusack, Modern Girls, Space Balls, Fox series Melrose Place with Alyssa Milano.
Misleading books on bloodlines
Texe Marrs ‘DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline’ (Khazars theory)
Fritz Springmeier (Alex Jones clique) ’13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati ‘. It focuses mainly on 13 families, frames them as an anti-christian Illuminati conspiracy, started by jesuit Adam Weishaupt. The concept of 13 families is based on the concept of 12 tribes of Israel, with the Tribe of Dan as mysterious 13th tribe (worshipping the Snakeholder Ophiuchus, the 13th sign).
- Astor, links them to Society of the Elect, a secret society invented by jesuitCarroll Quigley. There is no Committee of 300. They are not worth 40 billion.
2 Bundy, linking the S&B family, to the Illuminati, MJ-12 and serial killer Ted Bundy, claims jesuit Joseph McCarthy was a patriotic good guy fighting the NWO.
3. Collins, claims about fictional Robert Moore Collins, James Collins, Yvonne Collins.
4 Dupont.
5. Freeman, promoting the Priory of Sion hoax of Pierre Plantard and mason Michael Baigent and the Dulce base hoax of a fictional Thomas.
6. Kennedy
7. Li
8. Onassis
11. Russell
12. van Duyn
13. Merovingian (European Royal Families)
and four other families: 1. Reynolds 2. Disney 3. Krupp. 4. McDonalds.
In Volume 2 Springmeier mixes the Bohemian Grove, the Cosmos Club, the CFR, the Club of Rome, the Ordo Saturni, the Jason Group, MI6, the OTO groups, the Pilgrim Society with insignificant or fictional distractions like the Jason Society, ACL, the Council of 9, the Council of 13 or the Grand Druid Council, MJ-12, the Mothers of Darkness, the Prieure de Sion, the Process Church (CIA front), the Sanhedrin, the Temple of Power. Springmeier claims Chateau Amerois owned by the Saxe-Coburg, later by the Solvay family, is used for Monarch programming and is referred to as Mothers of Darkness.
Before Martin Luther, there was Erasmus – a Dutch theologian who paved the way for the Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther, 1483-1546
- Wrote The Ninety-Five Theses in October 1517
- Sparked the Protestant Reformation (change)because it objected to (“protested”) the practices of the Roman Catholic Church
- The Catholic church was selling indulgences to absolve (grant you free of guilt) their sins
- Protestant Countries were in Northern Europe, Catholic countries were to the South
- by the late 15th century Italian humanism (belief that reason can be used to improve humanity) spread across Europe
- There is a Market Boom! in the Netherlands
- Artist can make art for people looking for a bit of “culture” and sell it in markets
- Raise of the Genre paintings: scenes of everyday life
Modi (The Ways) is best known as The Sixteen Pleasures, an illustrated sex guide published by Marcantonio Raimondi in 1524. Based on paintings by Giulio Romano, The Sixteen Pleasures carries the proud boast of being the first work of pornography banned by the Catholic church.
For his gross indecency, Raimondi was imprisoned by Pope Clement VII. All copies of the book were destroyed. Romano got away with it. And so began a long debate whether art and porn can ever be the same thing?
The commissioning of the King James Bible took place in 1604 at the Hampton Court Conference outside of London. The first edition appeared in 1611. The King James version remains one of the most significant landmarks in the English tongue. It has decidedly affected our language and thought categories, and although produced in England for English churches, it played a unique role in the historical development of America.
The Mayflower set sail on 16th September 1620 from Plymouth, UK, to voyage to America. But its history and story start long before that.
From 1620 some of the Pilgrim community emigrated from Leiden to North America. There were several reasons the Pilgrims left Leiden. The freedom of religion was limited in the Netherlands too. On top of that the threat of war loomed large, because of the end of the Twelve-Year Truce with Spain in 1621.
Mayflower was an English ship that transported a group of English families, known today as the Pilgrims, from England to the New World in 1620. After a grueling 10 weeks at sea, Mayflower, with 102 passengers and a crew of about 30, reached what is today the United States, dropping anchor near the tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, on November 21 [O.S. November 11], 1620.
The East India Company (EIC) was an English, and later British, joint-stock company founded in 1600 and dissolved in 1874. It was formed to trade in the Indian Ocean region, initially with the East Indies (the South and Southeast Asia), and later with East Asia.
This hailed in the era of direct rule of India, known as the British Raj.
The East India Company was a commercial trading corporation, but it also became a Company-State because it governed territories like a ‘normal’ state
The East India Company was created in 1600 by Queen Elizabeth and was dissolved in 1858.
In October 1781, when the Earl of Cornwallis Capitulated to the British East India Company employee, George Washington, the name of the Virginia Company was renamed. The new secret company was now called the United States of America Corporation and Body Politic.
Which was the richest country in 1700?
Did you know for over 1700 years (0001 AD – 1700 AD) India was the richest country in the world.
For over 1700 years India was the richest country, while China was at second spot and USA was the poorest country in the world with GDP’s less than 1%.
India’s trade was in a healthy state and it became the largest economy by 1700, amounting to almost 27% of world GDP, until the mid-18th century, prior to British rule.
The first Bible printed in America in a European language was Luther’s German translation, printed in 1743. It was much later in the colonial period, in 1782, when the first complete King James Bible was printed in America. Prior to that time, English Bibles were readily available as imports from England and the English Crown owned the “copyright” on the printing of the King James Version.
The turning point when the Company started to rule territories in India came after the Battle of Plassey in 1757.
The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest on December 16, 1773, by the Sons of Liberty in Boston in colonial Massachusetts.
The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts.
Eastern State Hospital, founded in 1773 in Williamsburg, Virginia, has the unique distinction of being the first hospital built in America specifically for the confinement and treatment of the mentally ill. Before the construction of this facility, individuals who suffered mental illness were not diagnosed by a physician knowledgeable in such conditions but judged by a jury of 12 citizens to be a “criminal, ” “lunatic, ” or “idiot.”
Originally a chieftain of the Quwanlu branch of the Qajar tribe, Agha Mohammad Khan was enthroned as the king of Iran in 1789, but was not officially crowned until March 1796, having deposed Lotf Ali Khan of the Zand dynasty in 1794. Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar was famously the eunuch Monarch, being castrated as a toddler upon his capture by Adel Shah Afshar, and hence was childless.
The Opium Wars were two conflicts fought in China in the mid-19th century between the forces of Western countries and of the Qing dynasty, which ruled China from 1644 to 1911/12. The first Opium War (1839–42) was fought between China and Great Britain, and the second Opium War (1856–60), also known as the Arrow War or the Anglo-French War in China, was fought by Great Britain and France against China.
1858, the company lost its administrative function to the British government after its Indian soldiers mutinied.
Because of the Indian Uprising in 1857, the company lost all of its administrative powers and on 1 January 1874 an Act came into effect dissolving the company in the summer of the same year.
Then British India became a formal crown colony. In the following years, the company’s possessions were nationalized by the Crown.
The United East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie), abbreviated as VOC, commonly known as the Dutch East India Company, was a chartered trading company and one of the first joint-stock companies in the world.
Established on 20 March 1602 by the States General of the Netherlands amalgamating existing companies, it was granted a 21-year monopoly to carry out trade activities in Asia.
The VOC struggled with endemic misuse of Company power for private profit by its officers, especially “embezzlement, nepotism, and illegal private trade.”
Rebellion and political movement in the Thirteen Colonies peaked when colonists initiated an ultimately successful war for independence against the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Leaders of the American Revolution were colonial separatist leaders who originally sought more autonomy within the British political system as British subjects, but later assembled to support the Revolutionary War, which successfully ended British colonial rule over the colonies, establishing their independence, and leading to the creation of the United States of America. Beginning: 1765
Termination: 1783
The Boston Tea Party was a political protest staged on December 16, 1773, at Griffin’s Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts. American colonists, frustrated at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of British tea into the harbor. The event was the first major act of defiance to British rule over the colonists.
The war ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1783, which resulted in Great Britain ultimately recognizing the independence and sovereignty of the United States.
The American War for Independence (1775-1783) was a world conflict, involving not only the United States and Great Britain, but also France, Spain, and the Netherlands. The peace process brought a nascent United States into the arena of international diplomacy, playing against the largest and most established powers on earth.
The United States Constitution was officially ratified and approved on June 21, 1788
What was the downfall of the Dutch East India Company?
Weighed down by smuggling, corruption and growing administrative costs in the late 18th century, the company went bankrupt and was formally dissolved in 1799. Its possessions and debt were taken over by the government of the Dutch Batavian Republic.
It is reported that the following 1800 census records are missing: Georgia (all counties), Indiana Territory (all), Kentucky (all), Maine (part of York County), Maryland (Baltimore County outside of Baltimore City), Massachusetts (part of Suffolk County), Mississippi (all), New Hampshire (parts of Rockingham and Strafford Counties), New Jersey (all), Northwest Territory (all), Pennsylvania (parts).
Are some 1800 census records missing?
Yes. There are no schedules for the states of Georgia, Kentucky, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Virginia, and the Territory of Mississippi, and large portions of the mostly unsettled Territory Northwest of the River Ohio.
Under the provisions of the 1800 census act, only numerical population totals were forwarded by the U.S. Marshals and Secretaries of the territories to the Secretary of State. From 1790 to 1820, the original population schedules were to be deposited with the clerks of district courts (or superior courts in the territories), “who were to receive and carefully preserve the same.” On May 28, 1830, a Congressional resolution (4 Statutes at Large 430), directed the clerks of the district courts to forward the population schedules for the first four censuses to the Secretary of State.
It is known that the 1790 schedules for Rhode Island were forwarded to Washington on June 22, 1830, because of the May 28 resolution. Presumably other extant population schedules, 1790-1820, were forwarded at about the same time, but no documentation of such action has been found. It is possible that individual census pages for other locations were lost between 1830 and when they were bound in volumes in the early 1900s.
The first vaccine mandate in the United States was enacted in Massachusetts in 1810 and was centered on smallpox. The legislation was essentially an ad hoc law which gave local health boards the authority to require vaccination.
Also known as the Revolutionary War or American War of Independence, was an armed conflict that was part of the broader American Revolution, in which American Patriot forces organized as the Continental Army and commanded by George Washington defeated the British Army. The conflict was fought in North America, the Caribbean, and the Atlantic Ocean.
The war ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1783, which resulted in Great Britain ultimately recognizing the independence and sovereignty of the United States.
The recorded history of Haiti began in 1492, when the European navigator Christopher Columbus landed on a large island in the region of the western Atlantic Ocean that later came to be known as the Caribbean.
The western portion of the island of Hispaniola, where Haiti is situated, was inhabited by the Taíno and Arawakan people, who called their island Ayiti.
When was Haiti the richest country?
Before the people enslaved in Haiti to work its plantations revolted against French colonization in 1804, Haiti ranked as the world’s richest and most productive colony.
The burning of Washington in 1814 by British troops was a humiliating episode in American history.
The Burning of Washington is the name given to the burning of Washington, D.C., by British forces in 1814, during the War of 1812. Strict discipline and the British commander’s orders to burn only public buildings are credited with preserving most residences, but as a result the facilities of the U.S. government, including the White House, were largely destroyed.
Fought by the United States and its allies against the United Kingdom and its allies in North America. It began when the United States declared war on Britain on 18 June 1812. Although peace terms were agreed upon in the December 1814 Treaty of Ghent, the war did not officially end until the peace treaty was ratified by the United States Congress on 17 February 1815.
The Library of Congress (LC) was founded in 1800 for the use of both houses of Congress, the President and the Vice-President.
In 1814during the war with Great Britain, the enemy soldiers marched into Washington, set fire to the Capitol and destroyed the Library of Congress. After the end of hostilities, the Congress set about replacing the collections on a far grander scale than the original one
Origins and historical context of the Manifest Destiny
The origins of the Manifest Destiny can be traced back to the early days of the American Republic. The idea that the United States had a special mission to expand its territory westward began to take shape during the Jeffersonian era. Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, envisioned a nation of farmers and believed in the importance of acquiring new land for agricultural purposes.
The historical context of the Manifest Destiny is closely tied to the westward expansion of the United States. As the young nation grew in population and economic power, Americans sought to expand their influence across the continent. The Louisiana Purchase in 1803, which doubled the size of the United States, further fueled the belief that territorial expansion was not only beneficial but also essential for the nation’s survival and prosperity.
The Trail of Tears was the forced displacement of approximately 60,000 people of the “Five Civilized Tribes” between 1830 and 1850, and the additional thousands of Native Americans and their enslaved African Americans within that were ethnically cleansed.
The U.S. then took over the Native Americans’ land and made it available to mostly white settlers.
The British first landed on Indian territory in the 1600s, but their rule did not begin until 1858. The period of British rule lasted until 1947 when India gained independence from Britain.
The Russian–Circassian War was actually a very terrible disaster for the Circassians. The 101-year war that began in 1763 ended in defeat for the Circassians, and in 1864, when the North Caucasus region was completely annexed to the Russian…
Civil War: Beginning: April 12, 1861, Termination: April 9, 1865.
The struggle for Cuban independence began in 1868 when a landowner named Carlos Manuel de Cespedes freed his slaves. So began the Ten Years War. It ended in failure in 1878. Then in 1886 slavery in Cuba was abolished.
The Second War of Independence began in 1895. In 1898 the USA went to war with Spain. US forces invaded Cuba and Spain surrendered shortly afterward. The peace treaty made Spain relinquish all claims to Cuba. However, after the war, Cuba was occupied by US forces for nearly 4 years. They left in 1902, and Cuba became nominally independent but in reality, it was dominated by the USA
The first Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, on December 24, 1865, by six former officers of the Confederate army: Frank McCord, Richard Reed, John Lester, John Kennedy, J. Calvin Jones, and James Crowe.
It started as a fraternal social club inspired at least in part by the then largely defunct Sons of Malta.
On December 6, 1865, The Congress of The Virginia Colony (America’s corporate military government) secretly rewrote the original Constitution of the United States of America which disposed of the original 13th amendment and then replaced it with the 14th. The original 13th amendment prohibited lawyers from ever holding a seat in government.
The first railroad in North America — the Baltimore & Ohio — is chartered by Baltimore merchants. 1830 1st Passenger Service. The first regularly-scheduled steam-powered rail passenger service in the U.S. begins operation in South Carolina, utilizing the U.S.-built locomotive “The Best Friend of Charleston.” 1831 U.S. Mail Carried. U.S. mail is carried on the rails for the first time. 1832.
1,911 mi continuous railroad line built between 1863 and 1869 that connected the existing eastern U.S. rail network at Council Bluffs, Iowa, with the Pacific coast at the Oakland Long Wharf on San Francisco Bay. The rail line was built by three private companies over public lands provided by extensive U.S. land grants. Building was financed by both state and U.S. government subsidy bonds as well as by company-issued mortgage bonds.
Hawaii was a kingdom until 1893 and became a Republic in 1894. It then ceded itself to the USA in 1898 and became a state in 1959. Did America steal Hawaii? Presidential Investigation of the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Government. On January 16, 1893, United States troops invaded the Hawaiian Kingdom without just cause, which led to a conditional surrender by the Hawaiian Kingdom’s executive monarch, Her Majesty Queen Lili’uokalani, the following day.
Poster advertising the Brussels International Exposition in 1897. A world‘s fair, also known as a universal exhibition or an expo, is a large global exhibition designed to showcase the achievements of nations.

1900 Galveston hurricane, also known as the Great Galveston hurricane and the Galveston Flood and known regionally as the Great Storm of 1900 or the 1900 Storm, is the deadliest natural disaster in United States history.

The partition of the Ottoman Empire (30 October 1918 – 1 November 1922) was a geopolitical event that occurred after World War I and the occupation of Constantinople by British, French, and Italian troops in November 1918.
WHO is on the list of 300 families granted immunity from 14th amendment in the congressional record 1865??????
With this new corporate charter, the articles and by-laws of this new commercial corporation no longer required any ratification of amendments by the states. This paved the way for the unratified Fourteenth Amendment to be born into law by a simple proclamation of it having been passed in 1868.
The Fourteenth Amendment was designed to establish the underlying debt of the Government to the international bankers. From then on, every person born was born into private corporate limited liability as a corporate entity called a “citizen of the United States” and the banks established maritime salvage liens against every man, woman, child, all land, and every business in America.
The Fourteenth Amendment is an amendment to the United States Constitution that was adopted in 1868. It granted citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and enslaved people who had been emancipated after the American Civil War. It included them under the umbrella phrase “all persons born or naturalized in the United States.”.
The Reconstruction Act of 1868 establishes the power and authority of the military to supersede all power or authority of all state, county, and city governments, which are now a part of the federal government and all law enforcement personnel is subordinate to the president and the generals in charge of the federal government and therefore the power and authority of the federal government becomes an absolute by this Act.
All this means is that the government now has the right to tell you how to live your life whereas, before this Act, “We the People” controlled the government. This explains how an FBI agent can take an investigation away from a local police department.
The Scramble for Africa (1880–1900) was a period of rapid colonization of the African continent by European powers.
Between 1854 and 1929 the United States was engaged in an ambitious, and ultimately controversial, social experiment to rescue poor and homeless children, the Orphan Train Movement.
The Orphan Trains operated prior to the federal government’s involvement in child protection and child welfare. While they operated, Orphan Trains moved approximately 200,000 children from cities like New York and Boston to the American West to be adopted. Many of these children were placed with parents who loved and cared for them; however, others always felt out of place, and some were even mistreated.
By 1912, the bonds that were owned by the bankers keeping the government-funded came due, and by that time a strategy was already well underway by European banking interests to gain exclusive control of the money supply for the government with a private, commercial, and mostly foreign owned association called the Federal Reserve. This association bought the United States of America, Inc. and all its “state” franchises and “agencies”.
The use of the word “Federal” in the title was for the purposes of deceiving the population into believing that the bank was a part of the federal government. The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson without being ratified by any state in 1913. In response to this, Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh famously said: “From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.”
The Federal Reserve Act (ch. 6, 38 Stat. 251, enacted December 23, 1913, 12 U.S.C. ch. 3) is an Act of Congress that created and established the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States, and granted it the legal authority to issue Federal Reserve Notes (now commonly known as the U.S. Dollar) and Federal Reserve Bank Notes as legal tender.
World War I, also known as the Great War, started in 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.
In 1917, the corporate “Congress” acting in accord with their international banking bosses conscripted all private property in America through the passing of the “War Powers Act”. Prior to this time there has never been any mention of anything called “War Powers” or any avenue that could be pursued that would entitle any government entity to the private possessions of every man, women, and child in America for military use. This was an illegal and unconstitutional power grab.
World War I was one of the deadliest conflicts in history, resulting in an estimated 9 million military dead and 23 million wounded, plus up to 8 million civilian deaths from causes including genocide. The movement of large numbers of troops and civilians was a major factor in spreading the Spanish flu pandemic
The U. S. Treasury was secretly closed by the Congress twelve years earlier in 1921. The Emergency Banking Act succeeded in abrogating America’s gold standard and hypothecated all property found within the United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, THE VIRGINIA COLONY CORPORATION and opened a new Government Corporation called THE UNITED STATES, INC.
Great Depression: It began on October 24, 1929, and kept going down until March 1933.
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was the collapse of the stock market in the United States and the greatest economic disaster in modern history. On Tuesday 29th October 1929, known as “Black Tuesday, ” the Wall Street Crash signaled the beginning of the Great Depression. While the stock market was prosperous throughout the 1920s, by 1929 it was facing instability.
The Great Depression of 1929, like so many other catastrophes before and after this date was actually a staged event, concocted by the Rothschild and Rockefeller banking empires, the British Crown and Parliament, the US President and Congress, the Vatican and numerous elite families to steal America’s gold and silver reserves and replace it with, “Negotiable Debt Instruments” or script money.
Their theft was ingenious and by allowing the public to fall on hard times, the public soon began to demand that the government fix the problem by any means necessary.
While everyone struggled in America to survive, President Roosevelt and the Congress were making interest bearing loans to foreign governments, using the very money they publicly swore did not exist. Germany used that money to enlarge their war chest.
Following the cessation of military involvement in the First World War, the corporate “Congress” and various Presidents continued to declare “states of emergency” and “states of war” to retain control of all assets belonging to the states and state citizens. It is for this reason that the United States of America, Inc. would be in possession of these assets when bankruptcy would eventually be declared in 1933.
The bankruptcy of America and the introduction of a new legal system on March 9, 1933 (House Joint Resolution No. 192-10 by the 73rd Congress) was voted into law, which is the Emergency Banking Act. This Act declared the Treasury of the United States ‘Bankrupt’, which is an impossible feat since the U. S. Treasury was secretly closed by the Congress twelve years earlier in 1921.
By 1933 the Treasury was drained, and the government was insolvent.
On March 6th, 1933, Roosevelt proclaimed the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc.
The Fourteenth Amendment had established a “citizen of the United States” that all “Governors” of 48 federal “State” franchises pledged “the good faith and credit” of as an asset to finance the Chapter 11 re-organization expenses and pay interest in perpetuity to the creditors on the “national debt”.
Conveniently, the Fourteenth Amendment states that the payment of this debt “shall not be questioned”.
Every bond or international security is assigned a “CUSIP” number and if you know how to use their formula or have a close friend who is a stockbroker, you or he can convert the numbers and letters found on your Social Security Card into its CUSIP number. Armed with those CUSIP numbers, anyone can look up the mutual funds that your life is being collectively marketed under. A history lesson for Americans. You’re still British. – Patriots for Truth (patriots4truth.org)
You can buy your freedom for a price of $600,000 dollars through the Department of State, which is the cost of procuring American diplomatic immunity pursuant to International Law.
In all other countries this same immunity can be purchased for $95,000.00, which is honored in 90 of the 267 world countries except for: The United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Everything is a game and for enough money, anyone can play and secure their freedom from criminal law, civil lawsuits, taxes and passports because everything in this world is about commerce.
The Orphan Train Movement was a supervised welfare program that transported children from crowded Eastern cities of the United States to foster homes located largely in rural areas of the Midwest.
The orphan trains operated between 1854 and 1929, relocating from about 200,000 children.
The FOLLOWING IS NOT MY WORK, it belongs to Izreal Zeus : It’s a very simple concept. Share his articles and writings as much as possible but do not claim authorship of his research articles. #Solidarity Click HERE for Izreal Zeus Work: World Crime Syndicate
Always pretending to be in control. Psychotic and delusional lying. Childishly saying “no you” to ever person and thing that exposes them and then acting arrogant which includes everything exposing them here. Constant slander and lying accusations. Constant denial of their crimes.
Arrogant grinning to appear confident when they are really scared. Blood drunken induced psychopathy.
Violence, torture, and murder. Declaring themselves brilliant for acting like demented and violent liars. Using sadistic, murderous, and cannibalistic women as a weapon. Blood drunken praising of themselves.
Financing liars and slanderers.Financing propagandists to dominate the internet.
Control the perception of “public opinion” through paid propagandists.
Claiming gang stalking is a democratic process. Organizing and ganging up on individuals in larger numbers and calling it democracy.
Gang stalkers acting like their victims are in a court room where the gang stalkers operate as the judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, and jury.
Dictating lies with covert violence.
Calling the use of self-defense against them “dictating lies with covert violence.”
Psychotic insolence and terrorism.
Electronic vandalism like hacking vehicles and electronics to cause them to break.
Electronic harassment.
Recruiting local gang stalkers who use electronic weapons.
Insolent and demented mockeries.
Framing people.
Stealing other peoples writings, claiming them as their own, and using them as bait to target people in a controlled environment.
Poisoning people.
Electronic spying.
Violently attacking people and then running away and calling the people who expose them false accusers. That is them violently attacking people and calling their victims false accusers. That is a form of gaslighting.
Using more violence to dictate their lies and false accusations.
Reverse psychology like the media pretending to be against Trump or Trump pretending to be against the media. The entire Trump psyop is using reverse psychology.
Political theater. Democratic and Republican shills covertly working together to spread division.
Divide and conquer.
Republican cult members falsely accusing people of being liberal shills for exposing corrupt republican politicians
Democratic cult members falsely accusing people of being conservative shills for exposing corrupt democratic politicians.
Criminals arrogantly pretending they are in control. Fake omnipotence.
The weaker and more fearful they are the more they finance shills to defend them with boldness and arrogance. Fake omnipotence.
When they are scared they murder children.
Claiming they are gods or claiming god does not exist because they really do murder children and if “god” existed then he would stop them and this is all because the Creator expects good people to do something about it.
When these criminals get killed they retaliate by killing innocent people or children.
Charlie Sheen’s tactic of saying the word “winning” over and over again which is what Trump and his QAnon cult members do.
When members of these criminal families get killed, they pretend that they are in control.
Using the placebo effect to induce mindless arrogance when they are scared.
Attacking someone and claiming before they attack that person that their victim will react by exposing the ones attacking them and then the attackers claim to be all knowing. Part of their fake omnipotence and fake precognition.
Falsely accusing people of crimes, they believe people are going to do in the future.
Pretending to “know what’s going to happen.”
Claiming that psychotic behaviors and insanity is genius.
Claiming that deep stupidity is genius.
Claiming that using violence and gang stalking is genius.
Making bold false claims. Bold lying.
Radiating vague one-word spells at people.
Vague denial. Denial of information without debating any of the facts.
Them saying “NO YOU” to everything you say about them. “I know you are but what am I”
Evil people claiming that their evil associates are innocent. Defending each other.
Evil people trying to hijack opposition against evil like the Freemasons of 1776 or the alternative media that claims to oppose the NWO and then completely ignores those running the NWO.
Making lying accusations against people who really expose criminals.
Child murderers and pedophiles calling people that expose them false accusers.
Falsely accusing the victims usually of their crimes and usually only after they get called out first.
Claiming that if you are aware of evil then you are in on it. It is like saying if a woman was raped and then she exposed her rapist that because she had information on her rapist that she must have been in on it. They are really that insane and do claim this.
Calling people greedy for exposing their financial persecutors.
Calling people violent for using self defense.
Claiming that violence cannot be used against war criminals, gang stalkers, poisoners, pedophiles, child traffickers.
Promoting “Peaceful Protests” against murderers, war criminals, and lawless tyrants.
Claiming that pacifism against tyrants solves tyranny.
Claiming that exposing evil people is an act of violence.
Falsely accusing people of being trolls for calling out shills.
Shills spreading fear and threatening the destruction of society when they get exposed.
Radiating the spell they call “deceivableness” at people who become aware of them. Vaguely calling someone deceived and then acting arrogant without ever naming the so called “deception.”
Gang stalkers making up the most insane lies like claiming they control the royals and nobles they work for.
Inverted witchcraft or engineered lies.
Reflective witchcraft or engineered lies.
Radiating doom spells on society and individuals.
Sabotaging a persons life through covert methods like poison, financial persecution, violating rights, violating privacy, electronic vandalism, slander, and also bribing or corrupting people and turning people around the victim into gang stalkers.
Christians threatening destruction on society and saying its because the Bible says so.
Christians claiming to own “belief in a creator.”
Gang stalkers calling their victims “sinners.”
Gang stalkers claiming that their gang stalking is “punishment from god.”
Christians calling people Satanists for exposing Satanism in the Bible and Christianity.
Christians threatening society and telling people they will burn in hell if they don’t bow down to Jesus.
Christians who are also gang stalkers and murderous cannibals calling themselves “sinners” and saying things like “only god can judge” for a false piety and fake humbleness.
Forcibly imposing compassion onto others for themselves.
Denial of self defense.
Demanding that people “love their enemies.”
Claiming that killing an attacker in self defense is a sacrifice.
Claiming that defending your life is the same as the initial attacker. Someone assaults you so you fight back and then they claim both are equally guilty.
Ignoring context.
Distortion of context.
Ignoring motives.
Total denial of facts.
Claiming that calling a fascist male bisexual rapist a “faggot” is homophobia and offensive. The correct definition of a faggot is a male bisexual rapist who rapes other men for control and most male members of the NWO are faggots.
Claiming that exposing racist cults of supremacists who target individuals of different races is racism.
Using gang stalkers and shills to attack people as distractions and as a defense for high level criminals.
Claiming that ignoring the annoying low level shills and gang stalkers means the low level gang stalkers control a person because they are not focusing on them.
Child murderers and murderous cannibals claiming that naming and exposing them is the most evil thing there is.
Attempting to hijack facts and truth by agreeing with it and then mix the truth with lies and completely made up information.
Trolls latching onto people who expose evil as an attempt to make the legitimate person seem like they are associated with trolls.
Known liars agreeing with truth to make the truth seem like a lie as a form of reverse psychology through a fake association.
Demanding proof while completely ignoring existing evidence and proof.
Claiming that evil people are dead when they are not.
Claiming that evil people are in prison when they are not.
Falsely accusing people of being false accusers for exposing criminals that other criminals claim are dead and or in prison when they are not. They are this insane.
Dictating their fantasy world and delusions onto others.
Acting demented, childish, and insolent to annoy or enrage people.
Claiming that exposing evil enables evil and therefore attempting to put the blame on the victims who expose their attackers.
Claiming that exposing gang stalkers is gang stalking.
Claiming individuals who expose gang stalkers is gang stalking and completely ignoring the meaning of the words “gang” and “individual”
Claiming that exposing the murderous gang stalkers is a “murderous plot against them”
Pretending they are mind controlled.
Pretending they are brainwashed.
Pretending to be victims.
Claiming that women cannot be evil.
Gang stalkers claiming that only wealthy or famous people can be evil.
Claiming they are demonically possessed.
Calling a person a false accuser and basing it on their claim that they are “possessed” and therefore innocent of their evil actions.
Claiming they don’t have to pay back for damage and thefts they caused or did while they are “demonically possessed” and then saying they have “repented.”
Claiming that taking a vacation from gang stalking is “repentance.”
Claiming its “aliens” or “interdimensional entities” and then also totally ignoring the high level criminals running society
Blaming evil technologies for gang stalking.
Blaming all Jews for all evils and never really naming actual criminal Jews.
Falsely accusing people of being Jews for not generalizing and blaming all Jews.
Blaming Russia for all evils.
Blaming “Satan” for everything evil.
Blaming “Sorcerers” for gang stalking.
Claiming its “supernatural” and claiming there is nothing that can be done to combat it.
Christians saying that their god and Jesus will take care of the evil. Spreading apathy.
The moment the Black Nobility get scared they finance thousands of YouTube shills that blame all Jews for all evils and if you don’t agree they claim you work for Jews.
Claiming that there is no such thing as truth.
Claiming “life is an illusion.”

Doctors, priests, and nuns working at these Roman Catholic Spanish hospitals lied and told the mothers that their babies died at childbirth and then sold them as well as sacrificed them which is why it has been covered up so well.

Many of the royal, noble, and priestly bloodlines are descendants of Arab or Moorish clans which invaded Europe which is why they are trying to destroy European cultures by bringing in large amounts of migrants.
The Moors and Arabs that invaded Europe around 700 AD raped women and were involved in a large sex slavery industry trafficking white European women and children into the Mid East.

Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley is an extremely high-level authority in the Roman Catholic Church and is the Archbishop of Boston. The O’Malley clan were Kings of Umhaill in Ireland. O’Malley works closely with the Irish Mafia and Hell Fire Club. Cardinal O’Malley was previously a candidate for Pope. Cardinal O’Malley like all high level bishops pretends to be against pedophilia as a cover. High level bishops like him don’t molest children in his church. Instead, they are involved in raping, murdering, and cannibalizing children that are trafficked from other countries. There is no one to report them for this because the children are dead and were orphans from other nations.
The Catholic Church owns and runs funeral homes including crematoriums which they use for disposing of bodies.

This is also why Catholic priests wear the Zucchetto which is the Roman Catholic version of the Jewish Yalmulke.

Princess Marie Christine of Kent’s father Gunther von Reibnitz was a Nazi and her husband Prince Michale of Kent is the Grand Master of the Mark Master Masons. Princess Marie Christine is a ruthless sadist and a top witch of female Nazi cults. The House of Windsor were well known supporters of Hitler and the Nazis. The Nazis were occultists influenced by the occultic Thule Society and the Rudolf von Sebbotendorf an Islamic Freemason. Holocaust means a burnt offering. Princess of Kent is a ruthless child murderer and psychotic sadist who stinks like a musty snake.

Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco is a top Islamic witch. Her husband is the ruling monarch of Morocco and a billionaire worth nearly 6 billion and is invested in banking, real estate, mining, and telecommunications. The royal family of Morocco work closely with the European royals. The flag of Morocco is a pentagram a common symbol used by witches. The royals of Morocco finance gang stalkers with Moorish ancestry. The Moors were Berbers Arabs and African Blacks that invaded Europe and raped white women as well as trafficked white women and children. The Moors worked closely with the Scythians with the Visogoths that established settlements in that region. Middle Eastern royals funnel their wealth through private banks in Switzerland to finance the criminal agendas in Europe and the United States.

Princess Madeline of Sweden is a disgusting witch involved with torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing children. The royal family of Sweden have a lot of authority over European businesses through the European Round Table of Industrialists which was founded by Swedish agents. The Swedish House of Bernadotte also manage the Wallenberg family which manage over 300 billion in European companies as well as NASDAQ. They use the stock market for manipulating economies, making covert bribes, and extorting businesses.

Countess Diana Bernadotte of Wisborg is an owner of the Island of Mainau in Sweden where this evil family makes child sacrifices. The Bernadottes of Wisborg are members of the Swedish House of Bernadotte which rule Sweden however their noble titles were established and still active under the royal family of Luxembourg.

Princess Anna Chigi-Albani Della Rovere on the right and she manages Nazi and Zionist witches. The Chigis were the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta during WWII and many Nazis were members of the Order of Malta. The Chigis have 6 hexagrams on their papal coat of arms because they really have Babylonian ancestry and are top managers of Zionism and Zionist witches. The Chigis originated from Siena when the oldest continual running bank Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena was founded in 1472.
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena has donated to the Clinton Foundation which is ran by the satanic witch Hillary Clinton who was caught making a reference about making a sacrifice to Moloch in her emails. The Clinton Administration bombed Yugoslavia to kill off Serbian criminals the rivals to the Albanian Mafia. The Clintons also brought the Albanian Mafia into the United States through their refugee front and paid members of the Albanian Mafia tens of thousands under refugee status. The Chigi-Albani Dell Rovere family are top owners of the Albanian Mafia which are known to be the biggest sex traffickers of women and underage women in the world.

Giusy Morrigi with Princess Giorgia Pacelli. The Pacelli family with Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli made an alliance between the Vatican and Nazi Germany called the Reichskonkordat and after Cardinal Pacelli became Pope Pius XII. Princess Giorgia Pacelli is one of the most evil witches on the planet and she commands international Wiccan cults of child murderers and tormentors. Princess Giorgia Pacelli is probably the most murderous witch in this entire group.

Ginevra Elkann or Princess Ginevra Gaetani is from the billionaire Elkann-Agnelli family which own Exor a holding company with 166 billion in assets. She is married to Prince Giovanni Gaetani from the Black Nobility of Rome which are sovereign Roman princes that produced about 2 popes for the Vatican and have numerous titles of prince and count in Italy. The Gaetanis are part owners of the Gambino crime family and the Philadelphia crime family.
The Gambinos are the most powerful and most dominant mafia in the world and involved with every crime there is. The Gambinos have been indicted for sex trafficking minors. Richard Gotti is was convicted of raping an underage girl. The mafia are heavily involved with sex trafficking minors. They also murder innocent women and children in Italy to silence witnesses. Hollywood puts out propaganda about the mafia to make it appear they have morals because the mafia traffic children into Hollywood.
The Gambinos with Carlo Gambino owns Dynamic Worldwide a international warehouse and distribution company with a large operation in California and they are involved with trafficking drugs, weapons, black market products and trafficking humans. The mafia are ruthless criminals and their owners are worse.

Look at this psychotic evil retard. This maniac needs to be put in the dirt. MORE and MORE, and MOOORE MOOOREEE MOOOOOOORREEEEEE!!!!!!!! Disgusting parasitic violent evil with that attitude is his essence.

They are also managers of Bohemian Grove. They literally have tens of thousands of DARPA agents all over the internet and especially on YouTube. The family has origins from Bavaria and they established a covert branch in Switzerland.
On their coat of arms there is a raven pecking at a decapitated head. Prince Karel Schwarzenberg is the current head of this family and a member of the Czech parliament and a knight of the Habsburg’s Order of the Golden Fleece.
The Schwarzenberg family works under the Roman Catholic House of Habsburg as Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Prince Karel is the head of this family and his son is Prince Johannes and his daughter is Princess Anna and she was married to Peter Morgan. Peter Morgan is extremely evil and he manages the satanic shill and Moorish gang stalker Joe Morgan who works with Jamie Lee. Joe Morgan is one of the most evil gang stalkers on the planet and he is the essence of arrogant stupidity with him idiotically claiming credit for other peoples work. The word Moron is etymologically connected with Moor and Morgan. The satanic actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan also works under the Schwarzenberg family and Peter Morgan. The Roman Catholic Habsburgs and Schwarzenbergs work with the Black Nobility of Italy and Vatican as Knights of the Order of Malta and as Roman Catholic royals and nobles appointed by Rome. These child murdering Nazi-Communists and terrorists are pure evil and they need to be exterminated out of existence.
Prince Karel Schwarzenberg is an owner of some Slavic mafias and a top authority over the Skull and Bones military council and paramilitary as well as the Bohemian Grove cult, the Black Sun Society and the Roman Catholic Black Monk priesthood. The Soros family are court factors for the House of Schwarzenberg. Prince Karel says he has known George Soros (Schwartz) for about 30 years.
Karel Schwarzenberg (Czech pronunciation: [ˈʃvartsn̩bɛrk], born 10 December 1937) is a Czech politician, former leader of the TOP 09 party and its candidate for President of the Czech Republic in the 2013 election. Currently, he serves as a Member of the Chamber of Deputies (MP).
Karel Schwarzenberg is the eldest son of Prince Karel VI of Schwarzenberg of the junior line (Second Majorat of the House of Schwarzenberg), and Princess Antonie von Fürstenberg. He is the 1,322nd Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece of Austria.[8] He is first cousin of Princess Ira and Prince Egon von Fürstenberg and second cousin of Rainier III, Prince of Monaco. By tradition, he holds the style of Serene Highness
Schwarzenberg is also a regular attendant to the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg meetings.
Eastern Europe still needs people like George Soros to prevent a slide back into the authoritarianism of the past, said Karel Schwarzenberg, a diplomat prince who’s known the financier for 30 years.
SHOCKING: George Soros admits Nazi collaboration with no regrets.
Prince Johannes Schwarzenberg is a top manager of the Black Monks and Black Sun Society as well as DARPA and the Bohemian Club which do mock human sacrifices through holocaust. Secretly these psychos do real human sacrifices and burn people alive just as the Nazis did. They are covering up what the Nazis did. They targeted anyone who opposed them and labeled them all Jews and in many cases burned people alive at the furnaces at the concentration camps.
Bohemian Grove is a restricted 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, United States, belonging to a private San Francisco–based gentlemen’s club known as the Bohemian Club.
The Cremation of Care is an annual theatrical production written, produced, and performed by and for members of the Bohemian Club
Cremation is a method of final disposition of a dead body through burning (combustion).[2]
The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah,[b] was the World War II genocideThe bodies were burned in open fire pits and the remaining bones crushed into powder.[300]

George Soros was born George Schwartz and he was from Hungary. George Soros was a Jewish Nazi that confiscated property from Jews and other groups the Nazis persecuted. His brother Paul Soros was suspected of being a Nazi SS member. There were Jewish Nazis during in Germany. The Schwarzenbergs were Holy Roman military leaders and fought in Hungary. Hungary has been part of the Holy Roman Habsburg empire and the Schwarzenbergs are nobles under the Habsburgs. Prince Karel Schwarzenberg stated that he has known George Soros for 30 years. George Soros is really a relative of the Schwarzenbergs and their financier. George Soros admits in a video that he worked for Nazis and confiscated property from Jews.
The House of Schwarzenberg originates in Franconia, where the family still owns substantial property,[citation needed] but made Bohemia their primary seat in the 17th century, also maintaining residences in Vienna. The family had possessed fiefdoms in Bohemia as far back as the Middle Ages; it was one of the richest noble families of Bohemia and Austria-Hungary
George Soros[a], Hon FBA (born Schwartz György; August 12, 1930)[1][2] is a Hungarian-American[b] investor and philanthropist.[8][9] As of February 2018, he had a net worth of $8 billion,[10] having donated more than $32 billion to his philanthropic agency, Open Society Foundations.[11]
In 1936, Soros’s family changed their name from the German-Jewish Schwartz to Soros, as protective camouflage in increasingly antisemitic Hungary.

Alex Soros is the Deputy Chair of the Open Society Foundations which finances gang stalking and human trafficking. Alex Soros also created the Alexander Soros Foundation which also finances gang stalking, political terrorism, and human trafficking. Alex Soros is close friends with numerous Democratic politicians and Hollywood actors which he finances child trafficking networks to. The Soros’ Open Society Foundation works closely with the Ford Foundation. Henry Ford was a major Nazi supporter. Again Soros the Jew was a Nazi and their Open Society Foundation works with the Ford Foundation established by the Ford family who worked with the Nazis.
Alexander G. Soros (born October 27, 1985)[1] is an American philanthropist. He is Deputy Chair of the Open Society Foundations and one of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders of 2018.
Many of our friends in philanthropy—including the Mozilla Foundation, Astraea Foundation, Knight Foundation, and Open Society Foundations—are doing something similar.
Ford and the Führer
They show, among other things, that up until Pearl Harbor, Dearborn made huge revenues by producing war matériel for the Reich and that the man it selected to run its German subsidiary was an enthusiastic backer of Hitler. German Ford served as an “arsenal of Nazism” with the consent of headquarters in Dearborn, says a US Army report prepared in 1945.

Jonathan Soros founded JS Capital Management, and he finances gang stalking and human trafficking rings to satanic cults. The Soros family are pure evil and extremely destructive. They use the Open Society Foundations to finance criminal agendas like gang stalking while disguised as grants and they also finance domestic terrorism disguised as political movements.
Jonathan Tivadar Soros (born September 10, 1970) is the founder and chief executive officer of JS Capital Management LLC, a private investment firm.[1][2] Prior to that, Soros worked at Soros Fund Management in daily operations and was co-deputy chairman of the organization.
Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is an international grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros.[1] Open Society Foundations financially support civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media.[2][3]

After I first exposed Joe Morgan as Aplanetruth several years ago I had cars trying to run me off the road the next day with sunflowers hanging from their rearview mirrors. Joe Morgan is a member of the Nazi Black Sun Society and he is one of the most blasphemous, deceitful, moronic, and evil gang stalkers in the United States and he is obsessed with dressing up as a woman and raping, murdering, and cannibalizing male children and that is why he wants to destroy society. Joe Morgan is a relentless fiend of blasphemy.

Black Sun Society symbol used by the Nazis.
The black sun (German Schwarze Sonne) is a symbol employed in a post-Third Reich context by neo-Nazis and some occult subcultures, such as Satanism. The symbol first occurs as a design element in a castle remodeled and expanded under Heinrich Himmler during the Nazi era. The symbol’s design consists of twelve radial mirrored sig runes, symbols employed as a logo by the Schutzstaffel.

Nazi military cap with the Skull and Bones and the Skull and Bones secret society logo with 322 which represents March, 22 the beginning of the Aries Zodiac. Aries like Aryan.

Arnold Schwarzenegger the Nazi with the Jewish Michael Bloomberg who is worth over 60 billion. There were Jewish Nazis who fought for Hilter. Schwarzenegger is wearing the Skull and Bones belt buckle on the cover of Time Magazine. The Skull and Bones is often used by elite militaries and was used by SS officers in Nazi Germany. Arnold’s father Gustave Schwarzenegger was an Austrian Nazi.
Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers
The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military
Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or “partial-Jews” (Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously thought-perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals.

Arnold Schwarzenegger doing the Nazi salute. Arnold’s father was a German Nazi soldier from Austria. Arnold Schwarzenegger is managing Nazi cults of militant gang stalkers in the United States. Schwarzenegger is a dangerous militant tyrant that rapes, murders, and cannibalizes women and little girls. He is an extremely insolent beast and a disgusting sodomite. Arnold Schwarzenegger needs to be painfully executed.

Craig Golias is a psychotic parasite and bodybuilder from the Ohio living in Las Vegas and operates as a bodyguard for the Albanian Mafia and Jewish Mafia and he is a commander of sadistic gang stalkers with Moorish ancestry like Joe Morgan, Tyler Mullen, Richie from Boston, Zachary Hubbard, Chris Huffman, and Benjamin Liashenko. Golias often works with an Albanian mobster who resides in Las Vegas named Ergest Mati. Golias is an agent of the Schwarzenbergs and he works under the authority of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Golias runs a cult of steroid induced gang stalkers who specialize in violent blasphemies as well as murder and cannibalism. This idiot has been declaring himself god. This demonic sub human is going to get killed for his excessive evils.
Craig Golias
Current City and Hometown
Las Vegas, Nevada
Current city
Cleveland, Ohio

Stephen A. Schwarzman — Class of 1969
He is worth an estimated $11.5 billion.
When Saudi Arabia pledged as much as $20 billion to help Blackstone Group LP build the world’s largest infrastructure fund, the kingdom wanted to be rewarded for its unprecedented commitment.
The infrastructure fund has been a source of Wall Street fascination since it was unveiled during a visit by Chief Executive Officer Stephen Schwarzman and President Donald Trump to Riyadh in May 2017.
The Story of the World’s Richest Apartment Building
Beatrice and Julio Mario Santo Domingo
He: Avianca
Israel Englander
Millenium Capital
Spyros Niarchos
Niarchos Group (Shipping)
Stephen and Christine Hearst Schwarzman
Blackstone Group
Ronald and Jo Carol Lauder
He: Estee Lauder
John D., Jr. Rockefeller
Standard Oil
Anthony M and Mary Del Balso
He: Del Balso Construction
David and Julia Koch
Koch Industries
John V. 3rd and Janet Lee Bouvier
Parents of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Lee Radziwill
Steven and Heather Mnuchin
He: Goldman Sachs, She: descendent of Declaration of Independence signer
Prince Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz al Saud
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fink sought funding (for initial operating capital) from Pete Peterson of The Blackstone Group who believed in Fink’s vision of a firm devoted to risk management. Peterson called it Blackstone Financial Management.[12] In exchange for a 50 percent stake in the bond business, initially Blackstone gave Fink and his team a $5 million credit line. Within months, the business had turned profitable, and by 1989 the group’s assets had quadrupled to $2.7 billion. The percent of the stake owned by Blackstone also fell to 40%, compared to Fink’s staff.[12]
By 1992, Blackstone had a stake equating to about 35% of the company, and Schwarzman and Fink were considering selling shares to the public.[13]
Schwarzman remained with Blackstone, while Fink went on to become chairman and CEO of BlackRock Inc.
US$7.43 trillion (2019)

Most of the royals and nobles of the former Holy Roman Empire were Byzantine dynasties that later migrated into Germany and Austria and these families manage the Greek fraternities.
Laurence Douglas Fink (born November 2, 1952) is an American billionaire businessman. He is the chairman and CEO of BlackRock, an American multinational investment management corporation.[2] BlackRock is the largest money-management firm in the world with more than $6.5 trillion in assets under management.[3] In April 2018, Fink’s net worth was $1 billion.[1]
Fink is also a member of Kappa Beta Phi.[7]
Fink joined a business forum assembled by then president-elect Donald Trump to provide strategic and policy advice on economic issues.[21]Gustav Schwarzenegger was an Austrian Nazi
Board of directors
Laurence D. Fink
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
BlackRock, Inc.
Bader M. Alsaad
Former Managing Director of the Kuwait Investment Authority
Mathis Cabiallavetta
Former Vice Chairman of the Board Swiss Re
Pamela Daley
Former Senior Vice President of Corporate Business Development
General Electric Company
William S. Demchak
President and Chief Executive Officer
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
Jessica Einhorn
Former Dean
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at The Johns Hopkins University
William E. Ford
Chief Executive Officer of General Atlantic
Fabrizio Freda
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.
Murry S. Gerber
Lead Independent Director
Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
EQT Corporation
Margaret L. Johnson
Executive Vice President of Business Development at Microsoft Corporation
Robert S. Kapito
BlackRock, Inc.
Cheryl Mills
CEO of BlackIvy Group
Gordon M. Nixon
Former President & CEO of RBC
Charles H. Robbins
Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Ivan G. Seidenberg
Former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Verizon Communications
Marco Antonio Slim Domit
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Grupo Financiero Inbursa
Susan L. Wagner
Former Vice Chairman
Mark Wilson
Former Chief Executive Officer of Aviva plc (“Aviva”)

he adopted the courtesy title Marquess of Tavistock

Prior to establishing BLS Investments in March 2006, Mr. Schwartz served for 34 years as chairman of the board and CEO of Loral Corporation (NYSE:LOR) and its successor, satellite communications company Loral Space & Communications

On September 19, 1993, Akers married Kevin Patrick Power, vice president of the satellite communications company Orion Network Systems, in a Roman Catholic ceremony at St. Paul’s Chapel of Columbia University in New York.[4] Loral Orion Network Systems, Inc. provides satellite communication services in the United States. Loral Orion Network Systems, Inc. was formerly known as Orion Network Systems, Inc. and changed its name to Loral Orion Network Systems, Inc. in March, 1998. The company is based in Kapolei, Hawaii. Loral Orion Network Systems, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Loral Space & Communications, Inc.

Margrave Alfonso Pallavicini of Austria and his wife Countess Elisabeth the sister of the Queen of Belgium.
The Terminator is a 1984 American science fiction film directed by James Cameron. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg assassin
As they hide in a parking lot, Kyle explains to Sarah that an artificial intelligence defense network, known as Skynet, will become self-aware in the near future and initiate a nuclear holocaust.

The former Greek nobility dominate over the global shipping industry and work closely with the British Peers and London merchants. The Greek royal family have businesses in London today. The Greek Mafia work closely with La Cosa Nostra and there are many wealthy Greek families in the United States. The Karadja family settled a branch in Germany and the Greek branch are the Kardashians today who have Armenian ancestry. Many Byzantine families were Armenian. The Kardashians are wealthy and famous today because they descend from Greek-Armenian nobility and work under the Greek House of Glucksburg.
The Kardashians are extremely evil sadists that burn children alive as sacrifices. The Bush family were the House of Bussche of Germany and before that they were the Vatatzes family of the Byzantine. Vatatzes or Batatzes means a bramble bush or briar in Greek. Prince Christophe of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg is the head of the House of Oldenburg-Glucksburg and his sons are Prince Friedrich Ferdinand, Prince Constantin, and Prince Leopold. Prince Christophe is the head of GLC Glucksburg Consulting Group. The German Glucksburgs are owners of the Galloping Goose motorcycle gang. The German Glucksburgs have a goose on their coat of arms.
The Vatatzes family ruled in the Empire of Nicaea during the early 13th century. Vatatzes is similar to Vatican just as the Council of Nicaea established modern Christianity under Emperor Constantine. The Glucksburg family also originated from the Byzantine Empire and are likely descendants of the Constantinian dynasty. The head of the Greek royal family today is Constantine II and he was the last reigning monarch of Greece. Prince Nikolaos of Greece and Denmark is one of Constantine II’s sons and he is extremely evil. Prince Nikolaos’s wife Princess Tatiana went to Jesuit Georgetown and has worked with Diane von Furstenberg.
They traffic children to satanic witches and the Cult of Moloch. Ane Maersk Mc-Kinney Uggla is the chairperson for A.P. Moller Foundation which owns and controls Moller-Maersk. The name Uggla means owl. Moloch is accurately depicted as an owl and is the deity most witches worship. Moller like Moloch.
The word Gluck means luck or fortune. The Glucksburg are a very lucky family with large amounts of wealth and power in the world. Members of the Greek royal family have ties with London and carry out private business there like most of the royal families. One way that the Glucksburg family are so lucky or fortunate is because they cause misfortune for others that threaten their power. A Greek word for luck or charm is goiteia. Goetia is a form of sorcery and conjuring.
They use witchcraft and covert methods to curse and ruin the lives of others that threaten their system or control. The Glucksburgs have control over the World Health Organization and use the medical industry for making chemical warfare on society. Count Ingolf of Rosenborg is a member of the Danish Glucksburgs and oversees the World Health Organization. Rosenborg for Rosicrucian which are alchemists. Vaccines and pharmaceuticals is alchemy.
They create clean and dirty vaccines. During public education they covertly mark students in their records for persecution. Children who think for themselves often get marked for this persecution which includes dirty vaccines. The Greek royal family have authority over many of the fraternities and sororities in the world that are Greek based like Phi Sigma Kappa and Alpha Delta Phi. Alpha Kappa Alpha and its governing body the Boule Society is a Greek fraternal order for African Americans and it oversees black supremacists in the United States.
They work with Holy Roman nobility which help manage Greek fraternities. Fraternities or brotherhoods are secret societies that use initiations similar to Freemasonry. They use secrecy because they are involved in plots to dominate over aspects of society like business, banking, and politics and they serve powerful families like the House of Glucksburg. Through these secret organizations they pay off or reward members to cause misfortune for those that threaten their system or power. Princess Theodora of Greece and Denmark lives in Los Angeles and works in Hollywood.
Princess Alexia is married to Carlos Morales Quintana who was investigated for bribery in Spain and the Canary Islands. They have some ownership over the Caro Quintero Organization a branch of the Sinaloa Cartel. Robert Warren Miller is the father of Prince Pavlos’ wife Princess Marie-Chantal and he is worth about 2 billion. Robert Warren Miller owns Search Investment Group which partly owns Prince Pavlos’ company Ortelius Capital Partners.

Princess Marie-Chantal burns children alive. The Greek royals which live in London finance child trafficking networks to the Massimos of Roccasecca which live in London and the Massimos burn children alive in basement furnaces and in at their cousins Breakspear Crematorium. These ruthless child murdering psychopaths need to be executed.
HRH Crown Prince Pavlos was born in Athens on May 20th 1967. At seven months old, his family moved to Rome following the 1967 Greek military coup d’état, before settling in London in 1974. He was educated at the Hellenic College of London, a school founded by his parents, King Constantine and Queen Anne-Marie. For the final two years of his secondary education, he attended the United World College in the USA where he graduated in 1986.
Between 1995 and 1997, Crown Prince Pavlos was employed by the shipbrokers, Charles R Weber Company Inc, working in the Operations and Marketing departments. In 1997, he co-founded Griphon Asset Management, an alternative investment fund-of-funds. In 1998, he co-founded Ivory Capital Group LLC, an investment firm dedicated to managing private investment partnerships, which include a fundamental value based hedge fund and a fund-of-funds. In 2002, he co-founded Ortelius Capital Partners LLC, an alternative asset management group specialising in investing in hedge funds. He continues with this partnership, having built out a private equity arm and an activist investment structure.

Robert Warren Miller is the father of Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece and is a billionaire worth nearly 5 billion as the founder of Duty Free Shops based in Hong Kong and the co-founder of Search Investment Group which owns part of Ortelius Capital founded by Prince Pavlos.

Prince Nikolaos of Greece and his wife Princess Tatiana are child traffickers and child murderers. All of the royal families are enemies of all of humanity. They need to be hunted down and eradicated. They are a disease of evil on the planet
HRH Prince Nikolaos was born on 1 October 1969, in Rome, Italy. He is the second son of TM King Constantine and Queen Anne-Marie.
Upon his university graduation (1993), Prince Nikolaos moved into TV production for Fox News in New York, gaining experience in writing, original shooting, graphics and editing. He returned to London in 1995 to work in the foreign exchange options department of NatWest Markets. From 1997 to 2003 he worked in King Constantine’s Family Office. Since then he has been active in consulting.

The Pagans motorcycle gang is owned by the House of Glucksburg and was founded in Prince George’s County, Maryland named after Prince George of Denmark.

Prince Frederick of Denmark with his wife Princess Mary of Denmark. The royals of Denmark are of the House of Glucksburg. Prince Frederick is a psychotic zealot and a child murderer that drinks human blood and bathes in the blood of murdered babies. The royals think they are entitled to do whatever they want. His wife Princess Mary is one of the most evil and torturous witches on the planet and she has high command over Wicca. She is what is rotten in Denmark. Princess Mary of Denmark is extremely narcissistic and extremely sadistic. Princess Mary is a cannibalistic mass murderer of children. She bathes in the blood of babies. She burns children alive and strangles children to death and she does this because she sexually gets off to it. Members of secret societies and initiates of the occult call normal people cattle and claim that raping, torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing people is the same as slaughtering and eating animals. This is why the authors of the Bible call humans sheep and why Zionists call people goyim or cattle. When they feel threatened and exposed they respond by torturing people with electronic weapons and witchcraft.
Mr. Søderberg is honored as a Knight 1st Degree of the Order of Dannebrog and the Chilean Order of Bernardo O’Higgins. He earned an MBA from the Copenhagen Business School in 1969.

Ane Maersk Mc-Kinney Uggla is the chairperson for A.P. Moller Foundation which owns and controls Moller-Maersk. She lives in both Sweden and Denmark. Moller-Maersk is headquartered in Denmark and is an international shipping company that needs to be shut down for trafficking children. Prince Pavlos Glucksburg of Greece worked for Charles R Weber which manages charters with Moller-Maersk. The name Uggla means Owl. Owls are symbols used by witches. Moloch was an ancient deity of child sacrifice and is accurately associated with the owl. Moller like Moloch.
A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S (Danish pronunciation: [ˈæːˀ ˈpʰeːˀ mølɐˈmæɐ̯sk]), also known as simply Maersk, is a Danish business conglomerate with activities in the transport, logistics and energy sectors. Maersk has been the largest container ship and supply vessel operator in the world since 1996.[2] The company is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, with subsidiaries and offices across 130 countries and around 88,000 employees.[1]
Total assets US$ 61.118 billion (2016)[1]
Ane Mærsk Mc-Kinney Uggla (born 3 July 1948), often referred to as Ane Uggla, is a Swedish-Danish business executive and the youngest daughter of Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller. Since 2012 she has chaired the A.P. Møller Foundation which owns the controlling stake in the Maersk Group, the world’s largest container-ship and supply-vessel operator.[1][2] She is considered to be one of the most powerful women in Denmark.[3]
Ane Uggla is married to the Swedish naval officer Peter Uggla from Stockholm.[3] She has two sons: Johan and Robert, both of whom are developing their careers at A.P. Møller-Mærsk.[2]
In 2005, Ane Uggla was decorated with the Order of the Dannebrog.[5]
Uggla (“owl”) is the name of Swedish noble family, probably originating in the province of Västergötland.
An Egyptian writing with a picture of an owl means \”mulak\” denoting the letter \”m\”.
Moloch[a] is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice.

Prince Christophe of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg the Duke of Glucksburg is a high authority in Germany and over the Greek, Norwegian, and Danish Crowns.

German Glucksburg coat of arms with a goose on the bottom right corner.

Count Ingolf and Countess Sussie attended the Queen’s ruby jubilee celebrations.[10] In 1964, when still Prince Ingolf, he acted as groomsman to his third cousin, Constantine II of Greece, on his marriage to Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark (also Ingolf’s cousin).[11]

Queen Margarethe of Denmark is a top authority over the World Health Organization and she specializes in causing mental diseases like Dementia and Alzheimer.

World Health Organization with the serpent of the Rod of Asclepius.

Prince Haakon Glucksburg of Norway is a top authority over alchemical secret societies and a top authority over the World Health Organization. Prince Haakon is a blatant lunatic and he is a child murderer and pedophile that needs to be painfully executed. The Norwegian royal family are not even Nordic. They are German and before that they were Scythian and Arab which is why Prince Haakon looks like an Arab.
Caradja, Karadja or Caragea (also known as Caratzas and Karatzas, Greek: Καρατζάς) is a princely house of Byzantine and Phanariote Greek origins, present as dignitaries in the Ottoman Empire, and established as hospodars and boyars in the Danubian Principalities from the late 16th century. The princely lineage remains present in Germany.

The Kardashians have Armenian ancestry which was part of the Byzantine and they are partly related to the Karadja family of the Byzantine. The Kardashians are Amazons and witches that sacrifice children and they are top members of the Coven of Moloch.
Kardashian (/kɑːrˈdæʃiən/; Armenian: Քարտաշյան [kʰɑɾdɑˈʃjɑn]) is an Armenian surname (from քարտաշ kʿartaš,

Edward J. Pavone
The Velentzas crime family is a Greek-American criminal organization operating in the New York City area.[1] Mostly active in the 1980s and 1990s with illegal gambling. Today the organization is still active in illegal gambling operating with the Lucchese crime family.

This female satanic programming is about programming women with predatory sexual sadism and sexual cannibalism. Once these women are fully initiated into sexual cannibalism, they turn into relentless fiends who are trying to destroy society for the purpose of trafficking children which they lust to rape, torture, murder, and cannibalize.
Princess Vittoria often manages a ruthless gang stalker and witch named Ashley Esther Dalene. Princess Vittoria is also a blood intoxicated psycho who terrorizes people with her sister and father Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano who resides in Ireland and oversees the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland, the Grand Lodge of Ireland, much of the Irish government, and the Irish Mafia. The Colonnas also covertly work with the Guinness banking dynasty which are Irish Mafia owners and major blood traffickers.

Princess Maria Teresa of Thurn and Taxis with her mother Princess Gloria of Thurn and Taxis. These two are extremely evil and hate filled. The Thurn and Taxis family have a badger on their coat of arms and are related to the north Italian House of Torre and Tasso. Taxis and Tasso mean badger. The Mars family which own Mars candy and are worth about 70 billion are really the Candia family of north Italy which were Venetian monarchs and sugar merchants. The Mars family are married with the Badger family an Anglicized version of Tasso. The Mars family are mostly women and they are sadistic witches that finance alchemists to torture people in society.
Alchemy is the manipulation of the human body and mind through chemicals. Witches are poisoners. Prince Maria Teresa and her sister manage a female gang stalker and witch named Jessica Connors.


William R. Hearst III is chairman of the board of Hearst, one of the nation’s largest diversified media and information companies.
In 1872, shortly after its discovery, the mine was sold for $27,000 to George Hearst of San Francisco, and was run by R.C. Chambers until 1901. It produced some $50,000,000 of ore. The Pinon, Walker & Webster, Flagstaff, McHenry, Buckeye, and other area mines also shipped small amounts of ore. By 1879, the Ontario mine was flourishing, with houses springing up near the mine and lower down the canyon, the site of Park City.
On Phoebe Hearst’s own death in 1919, Hearst inherited the ranch, which had grown to 250,000 acres (1,012 km2)[3] and 14 miles (23 km) of coastline,[25] as well as $11 million.

Austin Hearst or John Augustine Hearst is worth several billion and is another psychotic member of the Hearst family who also needs to be killed.
Hearst is the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Chestnut Holdings LLC, a private equity and agricultural development company.[5] He partnered with architect Philippe Stark and hotelier Alan Faena to develop the Faena Hotel+Universe in Buenos Aires.[6]
Christine Gomez-Martello a genetic sub human is employed by the Hearst family and she works for their television stations. She is from Long Island and is connected with various crime families which are involved with trafficking children. Her husband Vincent Martello is an associate of the Colombo crime family. Christine Gomez-Martello is a major child murderer and cannibal who terrorizes people with constant slander and lies. She is indescribably evil.

Triple H or Hunter Hearst Helmsley is a murderous gang stalking commander and agent of the Hearst family. The McMahon family are French-Irish and the Hearst family are French-Irish.

Action Bronson is a Jewish-Islamic-Albanian mobster and gangster rapper that is also employed by the Hearsts through their Viceland company. Action Bronson is a top boss over the Albanian Boys and Hellbanianz in the United States.
Action Bronson is the star of two television shows which air on the Viceland channel

At her trial, the prosecution suggested that Hearst had joined the Symbionese Liberation Army of her own volition. However, she testified that she had been raped and threatened with death while held captive. In 1976, she was convicted for the crime of bank robbery and sentenced to 35 years in prison, later reduced to 7 years. Her sentence was commuted by President Jimmy Carter, and she was pardoned by President Bill Clinton.

Miss Hearst, a student at Regis College in Denver, Colo., will spend her probationary period in San Francisco.

Tim Disney is a high level member of the Disney family and a pedophile. The Disney family are major pedophiles which is why there is a lot sexualization in their programs for children. Pedophiles often find ways to be around children like creating Disney Land and Disney World.
“Everything is quiet. There is no trouble. There will be no war. I wish to return.”
Hearst sent back a note: “Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.
Well of Tyranny

He worked for Bain & Company which is connected to Bain Capital with Mitt Romney as a co-founder because they are allied with the Earls of Romney in the UK which invited King William III of Orange to takeover the English Crown. The House of Orange are married with the House of Hohenzollern which are married with the Wellesley family. Lord Frederick Charles Wellesley is another son of the 9th Duke of Wellington and is involved in the military. Lady Charlotte Anne Wellesley is married Alejandro Santo Domingo Davila and he is worth over 4 billion as part owner of Santo Domingo Group. Valerian Wellesley the 8th Duke of Wellington was a Knight of the Order of the Garter which are London’s reformed Templar merchants.
The Wellesleys often take the name Valerian because they are descendents of the Valeria Dynasty of ancient Rome. The Maximus dynasty merged a branch with the Valerias and Prince Valerio Massimo lives in London and covertly works with the Wellesleys. His grandmother is Dawn Addams and the Wellesleys are the Earls of Mornington. Dawn is morning. The Wellesleys finance human sacrifices to the Massimos of London which work with the Breakspear family of London. The Wellesley family also are the Dukes of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain granted by the Spanish Crown for fighting against the French in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. They are also the Dukes of Victoria in Portugal.
The Wellesley familys were also made Princes of Waterloo by the Dutch Crown for the 1st Duke of Wellington defeating Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo and were also given several thousands of acres of land in Waterloo, Belgium which they still own and currently recieve rent from Belgian farmers. The 1st Duke of Wellington was able to defeat Napoleon because the war was staged. The House of Bonaparte is allied with the Dutch royal family today. Arthur Wellesley the 1st Duke of Wellington was a member of the Congress of Vienna which was the basis for the United Nations and is what restored and strengthened the powers of the Vatican, Jesuits, and several European monarchies.

Arthur Charles Valerian Wellesley the 9th Duke of Wellington. He is a top authority over the City of London Corporation and he is covertly overseeing Wells Fargo through the Duke family and Warren Buffet and also overseeing Wellington Management Company in the United States which manages 1 trillion in assets.
I had chosen the name Wellington for the management company for a variety of reasons. I had been a student and admirer of the life of Wellington for years, and was fascinated with the history of his military campaigns. My admiration for the “Iron Duke” carried over to many things English, especially antique silver and furniture.
Wellington Management Company is a private, independent investment management firm with client assets under management totaling over US$1 trillion.
In 1928, Philadelphia-based accountant Walter L. Morgan established the first balanced mutual fund in the United States, the Wellington Fund.[3] Wellington Management Company was incorporated in 1933.
In 1951, the firm hired John C. Bogle, who succeeded Morgan as chairman in 1970. In 1967, Wellington merged with Boston-based investment management firm Thorndike, Doran, Paine & Lewis.[4] Bogle left in 1974 and established The Vanguard Group, retaining Wellington to manage some of Vanguard’s funds.[5]
Arthur Charles Valerian Wellesley, 9th Duke of Wellington OBE DL (born 19 August 1945), styled Earl of Mornington between 1945 and 1972 and Marquess of Douro between 1972 and 2014, is a British aristocrat and politician.
Deputy Chairman of Thames Valley Broadcasting Ltd between 1975 and 1984.
Director of Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia Ltd between 1977 and 1980.
Councillor for Basingstoke Borough Council between 1978 and 1979.
Director of Eucalyptus Pulp Mills Ltd between 1979 and 1988.
Director of Transatlantic Holdings plc between 1983 and 1996.
Director of Global Asset Management Worldwide Inc between 1984 and 1999.
Deputy Chairman of Deltec Panamerica SA between 1985 and 1989.
Chairman of Deltec Securities (UK) Ltd between 1986 and 1989.
Director of Continental and Industrial Trust plc between 1987 and 1990.
Deputy Chairman of Guinness Mahon Holdings Ltd between 1988 and 1991.
Director of Sun Life Corp Ltd between 1988 and 1996.
Director of Rothmans International Ltd between 1990 and 1993.
Chairman of Dunhill Holdings Ltd between 1991 and 1993.
Deputy Chairman of Vendôme Luxury Group plc between 1993 and 1999.
Chairman of Framlington Group Ltd between 1994 and 1999.
Chairman of Sun Life & Provincial Holdings plc in 1996.
Director of Pernod Ricard S.A.

The eighth duke still enjoys the title and around £100,000-a-year from the longstanding tenants who occupy the land.Besides being a British peer, he also belongs to the Dutch, Belgian,[6] Spanish and Portuguese nobilities.The Gens Valeria was a patrician family at Rome, prominent from the very beginning of the Republic to the latest period of the Empire. Publius Valerius Poplicola was one of the consuls in 509 BC, the year that saw the overthrow of the Tarquins, and the members of his family were among the most celebrated statesmen and generals at the beginning of the Republic. Over the next ten centuries, few gentes produced as many distinguished men, and at every period the name of Valerius was constantly to be found in the lists of annual magistrates, and held in the highest honour. Several of the emperors claimed descent from the Valerii, whose name they bore as part of their official nomenclature.[1]
The Valerii Maximi appear in history down to the First Punic War, after which time the surname was replaced by Messalla or Messala, a cognomen derived from the city of Messana in Sicilia.
The Devils Diciples Motorcycle Club (DDMC) is an outlaw motorcycle club that was founded in Fontana, California in 1967.
Fonte is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Treviso in the Italian region Veneto, located about 50 kilometres (31 mi) northwest of Venice and about 35 kilometres (22 mi) northwest of Treviso.
House of Fonte
fonte f (plural fonti)
spring (of water)
source or fount
Arthur Gerald Wellesley, Earl of Mornington (born 31 January 1978), also known as simply Arthur Mornington, is the elder son of Charles Wellesley, 9th Duke of Wellington. Since 2014, following the succession of his father as Duke of Wellington, he is entitled to the courtesy title of Marquess of Douro but continues to use the title Earl of Mornington.
The Wellesleys are an aristocratic Anglo-Irish family. Through his mother, Princess Antonia of Prussia, he is a great-great-grandson of Wilhelm II, German Emperor. As a descendant of Queen Victoria, he is in the line of succession to the British throne.
The royal families of the Hohenzollern and Orange have been connected to each other by marriages since 1646. Wilhelm II was therefore allowed the title Prince of Orange.

Arthur Wellesley the 1st Duke of Wellington
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, KG, GCB, GCH, PC, FRS (1 May 1769 – 14 September 1852) was an Anglo-Irish soldier and Tory statesman who was one of the leading military and political figures of 19th-century Britain, serving twice as Prime Minister. His victory against Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 puts him in the first rank of Britain’s military heroes.
He was appointed Ambassador to France,[141] then took Lord Castlereagh’s place as first plenipotentiary to the Congress of Vienna, where he strongly advocated allowing France to keep its place in the European balance of power. On 2 January 1815 the title of his Knighthood of the Bath was converted to Knight Grand Cross upon the expansion of that order.[142

Georgiana Seymour
(m. 1808; her death 1813)
Anne Wellesley (m. 1816)
The family, members of the Episcopal Church, had originally been of Catholic English stock, descended from a 1634 immigrant from Devonshire named Richard Duke, who came to Maryland aboard the “Ark.”[5]
Warren Buffet is a majority owner of Berkshire Hathaway which owns about 10% of Wells Fargo. Warren Buffest is worth nearly 90 billion and was educated at Columbia University which is a college created by a British royal charter.
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is an American multinational conglomerate holding company headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. The company wholly owns GEICO, Duracell, Dairy Queen, BNSF, Lubrizol, Fruit of the Loom, Helzberg Diamonds, Long & Foster, FlightSafety International, Pampered Chef, and NetJets, and also owns 38.6% of Pilot Flying J;[3] 26.7% of the Kraft Heinz Company, and significant minority holdings in American Express (17.6%), Wells Fargo (9.9%), The Coca-Cola Company (9.4%), Bank of America (6.8%), and Apple (5.22%).[4]
Henry Wells (December 12, 1805 – December 10, 1878) was an American businessman important in the history of both the American Express Company and Wells Fargo & Company.[1]
His original ancestor was an English immigrant Thomas Welles (1590–1659), who arrived in Massachusetts in 1635 and was the only man in Connecticut’s history to hold all four top offices: governor, deputy governor, treasurer, and secretary.
Thomas Welles (c.10 July 1594 – 14 January 1660) is the only person in Connecticut’s history to hold all four top offices: governor, deputy governor, treasurer, and secretary
A brother of Alice Tomes, also named John Tomes like his father, was a faithful royalist who during the escape of Charles II sheltered him in his home on the night of 10 September 1651 when the king was a fugitive after the Battle of Worcester.

Arthur Mornington Partner
The AODA is a traditional Druid order rooted in the Druid Revival movement of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. We walk a path of nature spirituality and inner transformation founded on personal experience and reconnection with the living earth. Our work offers an opportunity for modern people to experience the teachings and practices of Druidry in today’s world.
How 1,600 People Went Missing from Our Public Lands Without a Trace
Archdruid of Water: Dana O’Driscoll
Archdruid of Fire: Adam Robersmith
Archdruid of Air: Kelly Trumble
The Grand Herald: Adam Milner
Grand Almoner and Mentor Coordinator, Claire Schosser
AODA Secretary: Jason Stieber

Philip Carr-Gomm is the head of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids in the United Kingdom.
Greg Humphries – A member of OBOD and various magical groups for over 20 years I am passionate about re-discovering the skills and knowledge of our ancestors. Through my travels in the Amazon, the Arctic and the Middle East I have listened and learned from the indigenous people who live in those places and bring the essence of that to my teaching.
The Corsini Crime Family
The Corsini family are a top family of the Black Nobility that originated in Florence. They have connections with the Vatican and palaces in Rome as well as family branches all over the world. They own a vineyard and winery as well as villas used as a hotel and apartments. They are the top owners of the Corsican Mafia along with the Medici and Bonaparte families. These families are the architects of modern Zionism and their ancestors were the parents of many Sephardic-Babylonian bloodlines. The Corsinis are high level managers and architects of Kabbalah. The Corsinis and Medicis were the most dominant international bankers before the Rothschilds and developed many modern banking systems used today.
The Bonaparte’s are part of the “Bon” clan of Florence like the Bonciani, Bonsi, Buondelmonti, and Buonarroti families. Gstadd in Switzerland is Corsini territory with the Scherz family which own a hotel there called Gstadd Palace. Scherz means heart just as Cor means heart. Steve Wynn a billionaire involved with casinos has a residence in Gstadd and is an agent of the Corsinis. Jean Claude Mimran is a billionaire with Corsican ancestry and he resides in Gstadd and owns the Alpina Gstadd hotel.
Saanen Bank is a private bank in Gstadd, Switzerland headed up by its CEO Jurg von Allman. Saanen Bank conceals the criminally obtained wealth of the Corsinis.The Corsini family are above the Medici family which are then above the Bonaparte family. The House of Corsini are very high level. There are covert mafias known as the Union Corse in Corsica and France like the Brise de Mer clan. The Corsican Mafia ran the heroin trafficking from Turkey to France and then to the US with the Lucchese crime family also deeply involved.
The French born Lucien Conein was a OSS/CIA agent who worked with Corsican Mafia. Later Conein was appointed by Nixon as the head of the DEA’s secret operations. Conein died in Maryland. Charles Bonaparte of the French-Corsican Imperial House of Bonaparte was born in Maryland and was the founder of the FBI. Cipriano Ferrandini was a Corsican that immigrated to Maryland and was accused of organizing a plot to assassinate of Abraham Lincoln.
The Lucchesi-Palli family are Roman nobility with ties to Florence and are the owners of the Lucchese crime family in New York. The Medici family produced two queens of France. Sampiero Corso was born in Corsica and he served the Medici family as their soldier. The Corsini, Medici, and Bonaparte families are the hidden owners of the Union Corse or Corsican mafia clans.
The Corsican Mafia is still active and headquartered in Baltimore and they are mixed with the Italian Mafia. They illegally import opium into the United States through the ports in Baltimore. The African-American mafia then sell the drugs in the streets for Cosa Nostra as the modern day Council which was originally based in Harlem and ran by African American drug dealers that worked with Cosa Nostra. The Drug Council still exists and is run by the rap/mafia groups the Diplomats or Dipset, D-Block, and Wu-Tang and is mostly managed from Yonkers but also through recording studios used as fronts.
NOE is a rapper from Baltimore connected with the New York Harlem rapper Jim Jones who is a covert member of the modern day Drug Council. Bossman is another Baltimore rapper connected with organized crime. Jim Jones and the Harlem based rap group the Diplomats are managed by the remnant of the East Harlem Purple Gang which is owned by the Medici family. Jim Jones and rappers in Dipset often wear purple. The Corsinis have made tens of billions from heroin trafficking over the decades.
Dead Man Incorporated is a white prison gang based in Maryland that serves black prison gangs and they are owned by the Corsinis and they are ruthlessly evil. The Corsini family are extremely secretive and clever and were one of the families behind the Napoleonic wars. The Corsini family used Napoleon Bonaparte to invade Rome to maintain a piece of ownership at the Vatican in an alliance with the Massimo and Colonna families. Their mafias are also extremely covert and even more so than the Sicilian Mafia. Tomasso Corsini and Lorenzo Corsini are members of this family and run their company Corsini Events.
Prince Piero Incisa della Rochetta’s mother was Princess Nerina Corsini and his father is Prince Amadeo of Savoy-Aosta. The Corsinis and Savoys are working closely together. They still own their Corsini palace in Florence with Countess Lucrezia Corsini-Miari Fulcis. The head of the Corsini family today is the really sinister Prince Duccio Corsini along with his father Prince Filippo Corsini and mother Princess Giorgiana Corsini. It has been reported by the media that Prince Duccio Corsini’s 21 year old son died in a bicycle accident. The Corsini family are very conniving and extremely evil.
Corsini family with Prince Filippo Corsini in the middle.
Believe in tomorrow, work hard, and take risks when the market calls for enterprise: the Corsini family has successfully followed this purely Florentine creed since they arrived in the city of Poggibonsi in Tuscany at the end of the 1100s. First merchants and then bankers, they were also often influential politicians and churchmen.
Filippo and Bartolomeo Corsini solidified the family wealth in the 1500s. They opened a bank in London and organized a private postal service so fast that it could deliver a letter to Florence in less than three days. They were responsible for building enormous real estate assets, protected through a complex legal structure in order to facilitate the process of inheritance (perhaps their time spent in Great Britain inspired them to use trusts to protect their assets).
The family influence reach its height in 1730, when Lorenzo Corsini (1652-1740), at the time 78 years old, was made Pope Clemente XII after four months of Conclave. He would remain Pope for ten years.

Prince Lorenzo Corisni is the founder and owner of Corsini Events Group and a boss of the Corsican Mafia which has operations in Corsica, Italy, France, and the United States.

James Corbett’s information is all the same regurgitated anti-NWO information that they allow because that doesn’t expose who is behind it all. It’s not that all that what he is says is all false it’s that he is not telling the whole story and because he talks and acts nerdy he creates the illusion to some he is an intellectual.
James Corbett is an independent journalist who has been living and working in Japan since 2004. He has been writing and producing The Corbett Report, an online multi-media news and information source, since 2007.[CR 1][CR 2], “an independent, listener-supported alternative news source” featuring “podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.”[CR 3]
Palazzo Corsini is still owned by the Roman Corsinis.

Palazzo Corsini in Florence is owned by the Corsinis. The Corsinis have an alliance with the Capponis of Florence and they established a branch in Naples called the Capanos.
The Capponi are an ancient family of Florence.
The Capponi were in good company with the Antinori, the Corsini, the Salviati, the Guicciardini, the Rucellai, the Strozzi, the Tornabuoni
The Capano family, originally from Rocca Cilento, enjoyed nobility in Salerno where it was aggregated to the Patriciate of the Seat of Portarotese and to Naples where it was ascribed to the Patriciate of the Seat of Nest and, after the abolition of the Seats (1800), was entered in the Book Neapolitan Gold.
As Delaware’s leading real estate developer, we create spaces where businesses grow, families live, and communities thrive. Our company was founded by carpenter Louis J. Capano, and grew into Capano Management Company, a third-generation family-owned business.
With an enduring focus on craftsmanship and value to future generations, our dedicated team of employees manage an increasingly diverse portfolio of residential communities, retail centers, office buildings, hospitality ventures and construction divisions in Delaware and Florida.
Longtime developer Joseph L. Capano Sr. promised buyers that he would build hundreds of high-end homes in the Riverbend community in south New Castle. Instead, years later, the community sits nearly empty, with a dried-out pool, unfinished clubhouse and entrance road that appears to be sinking into the marshy wetlands.
Capano – a member of the prominent and notorious Delaware family of businessmen, developers and politicians – pleaded guilty in March to one count of bank fraud and one count of knowingly violating the Clean Water Act.
Louis Capano Jr. was caught bribing a politician in a zoning case in the 1990s, and also admitted trying to hinder the investigation in the murder case against his brother. Another Capano brother, Gerard, helped dump the victim’s body at sea. A fourth brother, Joseph, was convicted in an unrelated sex scandal.

Lucien Conein was born in Paris, France and was a OSS/CIA agent who worked with Corsican Mafia. Conein was also the head of the DEA’s secret operations. Conein died in Maryland.
Lucien Conein was born in Paris in 1919. Five years later his widowed mother arranged for him to live with her sister in Kansas City, who had married a soldier in the United States Army (he had served in France during the First World War)
While in France Conein working with the Corsican Brotherhood, an underworld organization allied with the resistance.
Conein later joined the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and was involved in covert operations in several different countries.
Two years later Nixon appointed Conein to the Drug Enforcement Administration, where he directed an intelligence-gathering and operations unit.
Lucien E. Conein
29 Nov 1919
3 Jun 1998 (aged 78)
Bethesda, Montgomery County, Maryland, USA

Michael Douglas Griffin (born November 1, 1949) is an American Physicist and Aerospace Engineer who is the current Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering.[2] He previously served as Administrator of NASA
Griffin holds seven academic degrees. He has earned a BA degree in Physics from Johns Hopkins University in 1971; a MSE degree in Aerospace Science from the Catholic University of America in 1974; a PhD degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Maryland in 1977;[6] a MS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California in 1979; an MS degree in Applied Physics from Johns Hopkins University in 1983; an MBA degree from Loyola University Maryland in 1990; and an MS degree in Civil Engineering from George Washington University in 1998.[4][5] Griffin was also working toward an MS degree in Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University before being appointed as NASA chief.

Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of United States House of Representatives is an agent of the Corsinis and from Baltimore, Maryland. Pelosi has Italian ancestry and she is a Dame of the Italian Order of Merit. Nancy Pelosi is extremely evil and malicious and she runs a large Democratic Wiccan coven of witches who are irrational, childish, and slanderous and many of them are prescription pill drug addicts. Nancy Pelosi is also colluding with Donald Trump the same way Trump works under the Savoys and she works under the Corsinis. The Savoys and Corsinis are close friends.
78-year-old mother of five and grandmother of nine from Baltimore’s Little Italy—the daughter of former three-term Mayor Thomas D’Alesandro Jr.—Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi.
In a recent visit to Little Italy, she told CNN’s Dana Bash, however, that she learned as much about politics from her mother, Annunciata M. “Nancy” D’Alesandro (née Lombardi), who was born in Campobasso, Italy, a southern region that was home to many of Baltimore’s Italian immigrants.
Pelosi On. Nancy
Luogo di nascita: Baltimora
Cavaliere di Gran Croce Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana

Charles Bonaparte was a member of the French Imperial House of Bonaparte as the great nephew of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and he was the founder of the FBI. The Bonaparte family originated in Corsica. Charles Bonaparte was born in and died in Baltimore, Maryland.
Charles Joseph Bonaparte, (born June 9, 1851, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.—died June 28, 1921, Baltimore), lawyer and grandson of Jérôme Bonaparte, youngest brother of Napoleon; he became one of President Theodore Roosevelt’s chief “trust-busters” as U.S. attorney general.
In the latter post he established the Federal Bureau of Investigation (originally the Bureau of Investigation)

NOE is a Baltimore gangster rapper connected with Jim Jones who is a member of the modern Drug Council. The Council was an African American mafia of drug dealers that sold heroin. The Council still exists and reformatted and is now run by gangster rappers from Dipset, Wu-Tang, and D-Block. Jim Jones is a member of Dipset or Diplomats which are a Harlem based gangster rap group. The original Drug Council was based in Harlem.
Jim Jones and NOE song and the lyrics go “pounds of that hot quinine and bonita.” Quinine is used for cutting heroin and bonita is Spanish slang for heroin.
bonita (spanish) – Heroin
Dead Man Inc. or DMI is a predominantly white prison gang with branches in many correctional facilities throughout the U.S.
Due to its increasing power within the Maryland Correctional System, DMI leaders were transferred to facilities in other states including Louisiana, Texas, and Florida. This has facilitated the spread of the gang. It has also been reported that DMI has been moving its operations into the streets of Baltimore. There are currently six main units in Baltimore City, one in Carroll County, and one in Howard County.
Tattoos include dogs, DMI, the numbers 4, 13, and 9 (4=D, 13=M, 9=I), and the pyramid with a severed eye of providence.
DMI was founded by Perry Roark, James Sweeney and Brian Jordan in the late 1990s in the Maryland Department of Corrections. Roark was a close associate of the Black Guerrilla Family and received permission from them to start an organization to unite white inmates in the system.

Corsini coat of arms shaped like a heart.
cuore m (plural cuori m, alternative plural cuora f)

Andrea Scherz the owner of Gstadd Palace Hotel is an agent of the Corsinis.
With its illustrious history, grand facade and vantage point overlooking Gstaad, this palace hotel is one of Switzerland’s most iconic places to stay and one of the nation’s only remaining family owned and run luxury hotels. Having grown up with the hotel and since made his mark on the luxury property as general manager, Andrea Scherz is the third generation to take Gstaad Palace forward.
We have the oldest nightclub in Switzerland and we have a fondue and raclette restaurant that’s built in an old bunker where, during the second world war, one of the oldest gold reserves in Switzerland was hidden – people book three months in advance to eat here and the entrance is an old vault door.

$3.4 billion (December 2017)

Prince Filippo Corsini with Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy and his wife Clotilde Courau. The Savoy family have residences in Gstadd.
Vittorio Emanuele Alberto Carlo Teodoro Umberto Bonifacio Amedeo Damiano Bernardino Gennaro Maria Savoia, the son of the last king of Italy.
Though the prince won the right to return to Italy in 2002, after more than half a century in exile, he has retained his Swiss residency and lives much of the time at his chalet in Gstaad or in a 30-room villa in Geneva.

Jean Claude Mimran is a billionaire with Corsican ancestry and he resides in Gstadd and owns the Alpina Gstadd hotel. Jean Claude Mimran is an agent of the Corsinis.
Sugar merchants are often involved with cocaine trafficking.
In the sultriness of Senegalese November, the plane revolves over the sugar cane fields, 8200 hectares of clay-glued green squares. Jean-Claude Mimran – the value of the corporation of the same name is estimated in the BILANZ list of the 300 richest to about two billion francs
In any case, the French industrialist, who has been living in Gstaad for 18 years, left his legendary restraint in the Swiss mountains behind to allow us to be nibbled by the African sugar. His father, Jacques Mimran, built the sugar factory Compagnie Sucrière Sénégalaise (CSS) in Senegal in the early 1970s.
Many an observer shook his head and saw the fortune that Mimran invested in the salty soils on the Mauritanian border as lost. Others sneered that Mimran would harvest nothing but a “salt pipe.” “My father was an adventurer,” says son Jean-Claude.
But as soon as the factory was completed in 1975, he died. “All our money was in sugar cane at the time. If we had not moved on, we would have been in underpants. ”
Sugar Merchants often mean Cocaine
It would not have been the first time. As a Sephardic Jew, born in poor conditions in Algeria and married a Corsican, Jacques Mimran worked his way up from nothing to the sugar manufacturer and later to the shipowner.

Trump has been a documented friend of Bill Clinton.

Trump has Steven Mnuchin and had Gary Cohn and Dina Powell in his Administration and they were all top executives for Goldman Sachs. Trump nominated Goldman Sachs executive Jim Donovan to become Deputy Secretary of the US Treasury.

Trump appointed Jared Kushner as a senior adviser and his company RealCadre LLC was financed by George Soros and Goldman Sachs. Jared Kushner is also a Kabbalist Chabad member. Kushner’s father Charles Kushner was arrested for tax evasion and witness tampering. Joshua Harris’s Apollo Global Management financed Kushner Companies with hundreds of millions. Apollo Global Management owns what was once Blackwater and is a major investment company monopolizing industries.

Trump is a strong supporter of Zionism.

Trump with Ronald Lauder a Zionist billionaire and President of the World Jewish Congress.

Trump and Kushner met with the Saudis and sold them hundreds of millions worth of missiles and then the Saudis increased their bombings on Yemen. After their meeting the Saudis invested 40 million into Blackstone and pledged to invest 1 billion in Blackstone which is owned by Stephen Schwarzman. That is fraud and bribery.

Trump has been advised by Erik Prince and Joseph Schmitz who is a Roman Knights of Malta and they were both Blackwater executives. Blackwater was involved in murdering Iraqi civilians and trafficking weapons. Joseph Schmitz was also Inspector General for the US Department of Defense under George Walker Bush.

Trump has connections with the convicted sex offender and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and can be seen in photos with Epstein on 3 different occasions. Epstein is from the Eppstein noble family of Germany which ruled in Rodheim vor der Hohe, Germany which is where Hillary Clinton’s Rodham name derives from.

Trump with Jeffrey Epstein again. Trump said “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years,” “Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Many of Donald Trump’s supporters claim Trump is shutting down child trafficking networks yet he employs people who are actually shutting down investigations into underage sex trafficking networks.

Trump with Epstein for the third time. Trump was named in a lawsuit against Epstein.

The Bourbons and the fascist dictator Franco stole hundreds of thousands of newborns from mothers at hospitals. Franco installed the Bourbons to rule Spain after he caused the civil war. The Francos married with the Bourbons and are French and Spanish nobles today. Both the Bourbons and Franco were involved in kidnapping hundreds of thousands of newborns which occurred under their authority at Roman Catholic Spanish hospitals.

Donald Trump is a multi billionaire and an international businessman as well as the essence of everything he pretends to be against.

“My daughter’s beautiful, Ivanka she’s…” – Donald Trump
“By the way your daughter…” – Howard Stern
“She’s beautiful.” – Donald Trump
“Can I say this? A piece of ass.” – Howard Stern
“Yeah” – Donald Trump

Trump with the Italian royal family the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and their direct ancestors officially established the Jesuits or Society of Jesus. Trump was Jesuit educated at Fordham. Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump went to Jesuit Georgetown. None of them are Roman Catholic. Paul Manafort went to Jesuit Georgetown. Mick Mulvaney is Trump’s White House Chief of Staff and went to Jesuit Georgetown. Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly also went to Georgetown. Trump appointed Kirstjen Nielsen as Secretary of Homeland Security and she went to Georgetown.
Donald Trump is friends with Prince Roffredo Gaetani of Roman-Vatican Black Nobility who is an owner of the Gambino crime syndicate and Philly Mob which built and run Atlantic City where Trump has owned casinos.

Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump dated Prince Roffredo Gaetani for years. The Gaetanis are a papal bloodline that ruled as princes and counts all over Lazio and in southern Italy where the mafia is prominent.