The 1% Elites are ALL Transgender themselves.
So, if you are up at night wondering who is behind the new laws for the State to control the children look no further. They are the reason that transgender topics are on everyones minds.
MOST of the ones talking about it on both sides are likely transgender themselves. How about this, learn to look for yourself and question it all.
WHY do most “women” on the biggest news shows have visible MALE Adams Apples?
ANSWER: Because they are men wearing lace front wigs and posing as women;)
Do we need a national order for a collective eye exam?
If you are spending your time on so called “transvestigation” on social media, consider this, social media is their playground. I suggest we stop letting them be our seeing eye dog.
I am sharing my work into what it is and how this happens. Those hormones are something else.
Take a look for yourself.
Be your own seeing eye dog.
We are in fact surrounded, but don’t just focus on the celebrities, use these tools I am sharing with you and look for yourself. Look back at old high school photos, people have shared them on social media if you don’t have your own copy. I think you will be quite amazed at what you start to see.
Our DNA has been morphing over time, the influence of the 1% on the general population has been to get parents to agree to physically mutilate their own children. Since when did it become okay to allow children to decide for themselves to MUTILATE themselves, while the adults watch?
There must be some word for this horrific sacrifice of a child’s fertility. Some word beyond just evil to describe a society and any kind of acceptance of the mutilation of children.
AND RIGHT now, it is in the open. A war on women and children is what it is called, or eugenics, you can look and decide for yourself.
Now if a child tells a teacher they think they are some other sexes, that is being kept from parents.
If there was ever a time to get children out of school, now would be it.
Is there a bottom to this horror? Will it keep happening? Only we can decide that fate.
YOU DO NOT have any rights over your own children, you never did. Laws are quickly changing all over, prepare or this will not go well for the children.
Circle those wagons.
Learn what to look for, you might be surprised to see your local “authorities” are all hiding in plain sight transgenders themselves, I have looked. The TOP OF MOST small and big towns are transgender.
WATCH THIS VIDEO TO LEARN NOW IT WORKS This video explains how the elite’s transgender themselves via hormones, who they are and where do they get the children from?
An 1856 depiction of the Sabbatic Goat from Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie by Éliphas Lévi. The arms bear the Latin words SOLVE (dissolve) and COAGULA (coagulate), reflecting the spiritual alchemy of Lévi’s work.
Baphomet was originally conceptualized as a paganistic demon that represents equality, which is why it is half-human, half-animal, and both man and woman.
This is because from ancient times until the present, Satan has always been depicted as being both male AND female, with BOTH genitalia (female breasts and a male penis).
The baphomet is a symbol of occultism, whose meaning has evolved over the centuries. The History of Baphomet. The name dates back to the Inquisition and torture of the Knights Templar about 1100 who, according to French chroniclers of the Crusades, confessed to worshipping a heathen idol called Baphometh.
Some scholars believe “Baphometh” was simply a corruption of “Mahomet” – the Prophet Muhammad.
Sabbatai Zevi[a] (August 1, 1626 – c. September 17, 1676) was an Ottoman Jewish mystic, and ordained rabbi from Smyrna (now İzmir, Turkey). His family origins may have been Ashkenazi or Spanish. Active throughout the Ottoman Empire, Zevi claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah and founded the Sabbatean movement.
The False Messiah of 1666 In 1666 Sabbatai Zevi declared himself to be the messiah. More than half of the world’s Jewish population in the 17th Century came to accept and follow him as their messiah.
Sabbatai Zevi, who proclaimed salvation through sin, was condemned as a heretic by many contemporary Rabbis.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were made public over 100 years ago. …
“Three hundred men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of the European continent, and they elect their successors from their entourage.”
The Zionist World Order or New World Order [ZWO / NWO] is the desired outcome. It will be accomplished by control of the money and the media.
Goyim are mentally inferior and can’t run their nations properly. For their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them with a single government. This will take a long time and involve much bloodshed, but it’s for a good cause. Here’s what we’ll need to do:
0 Place our agents and helpers everywhere
1. Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
2. Start fights between different races, classes and religions
3. Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
4. Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
5. Appeal to successful people’s egos
6. Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
7. Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism
8. Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
9. Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
10. Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
11. Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
12. Rewrite history to our benefit
13. Use our media to create entertaining distractions
14. Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
15. Encourage people to spy on one another
16. Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
17. Take possession of all wealth, property and [especially] gold
18. Use gold to manipulate the markets
19. Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
20. Replace sound investment with speculation
21. Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments [FED, IMF, BIS, ECB]
22. Give bad advice to governments and everyone else
23. Blame the victim
Eventually the Goyim will be so angry with their governments (because we’ll blame them for the resulting mess) that they’ll gladly have us take over.
We will then appoint a descendant of David to be king of the world, and the remaining Goyim will bow down and sing his praises. Everyone will live in peace and obedient order under his glorious rule.
U.S. Jewish Billionaire Donates $2m to Transgender Study Program.
An American Jewish billionaire philanthropist in Chicago has donated $2 million to establish what is believed to be the first chair of transgender studies at a university, the Chicago Tribune reported Tuesday.
Jennifer Pritzker, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel who is believed to be the only transgender billionaire in the world, made the gift through her Tawani Foundation to the University of Victoria in British Columbia.
The Pritzker family is the 15th wealthiest family in the world, with a combined $33.5 billion net worth.
A.N. Pritzker was the son of Ukrainian immigrants. He began investing in real estate and companies in trouble while he worked for his dad’s law firm.
Those original investments started the fortune of one of America’s oldest dynasties.
Ukraine Ancestry: Jewish Known for: Entrepreneurship, philanthropy Most notable family members: Anthony Pritzker, J. B. Pritzker, John Pritzker, Thomas Pritzker, Penny Pritzker, Daniel Pritzker Net worth: $32.5 Billion. Pritzker family history.
The Pritzker family in the United States can be traced back to Nicholas Pritzker, a Jewish Immigrant from Kyiv, Ukraine. He was born in 1871 and died in 1957. He descended from Jacob Pritzker.

Nicholas Jacob Pritzker -Ukrainian-born American pharmacist and a lawyer
A.N. Pritzker and sons Jay, Donald, and Robert made their earnings by establishing the Hyatt Hotel chain and investing in them such as Marmon Group. Presently the wealth is split between the 13 family members of which 11 are billionaires.
The Pritzkers and Transgenderism
The Pritzker family, heirs to the Hyatt Hotel chain, today use their estimated $29 billion dollar fortune to speculate on the stock market, dodge taxes, buy politicians, and rip people off with predatory banking schemes.
The Jewish clan has made capitalist-activism, where money wrung out of working-class people is used to pay for the pet projects of the anti-social left, central to their plan to radically re-engineer America. The Hyatt Hotels have been specifically targeted in the past for their atrocious working conditions, while they have also raked in large illicit profits through Superior Bank, a usurious subprime lending racket that ripped off and ruined the lives of scores of poor people.
The money-lending venture was so abusive it compelled the government to force the Pritzkers to pay a $460 million dollar settlement. In a functional system they would’ve gone to prison.
One member, the billionaire Jennifer Pritzker, is a male-to-female transgender who served in the US military.
According to research conducted by Jennifer Bilek, “Jennifer’s” money, along with other figures like fellow Jew and transsexual Martine Rothblatt, has put the wind in the sails of the transgender top-down revolution, granting it scientific and medical credibility through the power of their checkbooks, along with trained operatives who have helped institutionalize it in the corporate world. The Pritzkers are heavily invested in the world of pharmaceuticals and science.
Through the Tawani Foundation, Jennifer has been able to corrupt and influence the direction of the ACLU, various military academies, medical institutions (including for children) and universities.
In recent years, Jennifer has donated millions to the University of Minnesota Medical Department’s Human Sexuality department, carved out a “Pritzker School of Medicine” at the University of Chicago, and a “Transgender Studies” chair, handpicked by Pritzker, at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. Other members of the Pritzker family donated $25 million to University of California at San Francisco’s child health department, which under the auspices of two Jews, predictably advocates for confused or ill young children to be given irreversible transsexual surgeries.
This money guarantees, in the very best case scenario, a veto on science that questions the validity of transgenderism, but often times just incentivizes these universities to produce pseudo-science in favor of it. UMN has a whole clinic dedicated to advocating in favor of and entertaining transgender insanity, targeting kids in particular.
The University of Chicago’s School of Medicine has been transformed into a laboratory for macabre “gender-reassignment” human experimentation, akin to Magnus Hirschfeld’s Weimar-era house of horrors.
The private grant system and for-profit universities have reduced science in the United States to the propaganda mills dedicated to affirming the ideological will of donors like the Pritzkers, as seen with Brown University’s inexplicable retraction and apology for a study that found transgenderism is nothing more than a socially constructed fad spreading via peer pressure. Brown later allowed for the study to be republished after rare but intense media scrutiny, but this case was symbolic of the pressure scientists are under to never question system dogmas set in advance by billionaires.
Penny Pritzker
The members of the Pritzker family have also been members of politics. Penny Pritzker who is the daughter of Donald’s is the erstwhile US Secretary of Commerce, and her brother J.B. Pritzker was the national co-chairman of Hillary Clinton’s in the 2008 presidential campaign and the Democratic candidate in the year 2018 elections of Illinois gubernatorial.
Penny Pritzker’s net worth is listed in Forbes as $1.8 billion, which is one hell of a heavy magic wand in the world of politics. Her wand would have been heavier, and her net worth higher, except that in 2001, the federal government fined her and her family $460 million for the predatory, deceitful, racist tactics and practices of Superior, the bank-and-loan-shark operation she ran on the South Side of Chicago.
Superior was the first of the deregulated go-go banks to go bust – at the time, the costliest failure ever.
US taxpayers lost nearly half a billion dollars. Superior’s depositors lost millions and poor folk in Sen. Obama’s South Side district lost their homes.
Instead of public service, the tradition in the Pritzker family seems focused on economic exploitation of others, skirting the law as much as possible, and shady dealings.
There is a strong tradition in the Pritzker family of outright money laundering and offshore tax evasion.
Before Superior Bank, the Pritzker’s controlled Frontier Finance, a loan company in Chicago that one source told Russo “is believed to be the secret to the origins of the family’s involvement with criminals.”
The president of Frontier Finance was Frank Buccieri. And Buccieri’s brother was the greatly feared “collector” for the Outfit, Fiore “Fifi” Buccieri, who Life magazine in May 1969 termed “leader of [Sam] Giancana’s assassination squads.”
During the bootleg wars of Prohibition, Buccieri was reportedly involved in at least 10 gangland slayings. In the 1960s, following Giancana’s rise to the day-to-day “boss” position in the Outfit, Buccieri served as a top enforcer and personal hitman. He was also involved in labor racketeering, bombing, arson and loan sharking.
As a loan shark, Buccieri would send his men to stake out employment offices. These thugs would pass out business cards to the unemployed that listed Buccieri as a “loan officer.” The mob generally viewed unemployed workers as poor loan prospects; however, Buccieri was so effective at intimidating his “juice,” or “loan interest,” victims that they would steal or rob to pay him off. Buccieri would often warn friends of a “juice” victim not to ride around with him, “because he is going to get hit.” When the victim heard this warning, he would quickly pay up.
Nicholas J. Pritzker at age 20 with Annie. He was only ten years old when the anti-Jewish pogroms broke out in Kyiv in 1881.
Pritzker’s great, great grandfather, Jacob Pritzker, was born in 1831 in Veliky Pryts’ky, the town in which her family name is derived.
THE Pritzker family has earned $32.5billion in net worth after creating a beloved hotel chain that started with just one location more than 60 years ago.
Abram Nicholas “A.n.” Pritzker
Abram Nicholas “A.n.” Pritzker, who died in 1986, created Hyatt Hotels & Resorts with his sons in 1957, which grew into a global chain of more than 150 hotels.
Abram was the son of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants, Annie P. (née Cohn) and Nicholas J. Pritzker. His father left Kyiv for Chicago in 1881 and worked first as a pharmacist and then, after graduating from DePaul University College of Law, as a lawyer. His father wrote a small book that has been passed down the generations, the theme.
How billionaire Pritzker’s became key backers of bail reform, ‘gender affirming’ care.
Jay Robert (J.B.) Pritzker
Jay Robert (J.B.) Pritzker is the easily the richest U.S. politician currently holding office.
With an estimated net worth of $3.6 billion, the former venture capitalist, tech investor and heir to the Hyatt Hotel chain poured $171.5 million into his 2018 gubernatorial campaign, setting a record for self-funding, according to Forbes.
Former US president Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama recently attended a groundbreaking event at the site in September with Illinois governor JB Pritzker.
The Pritzker family was ranked the country’s ninth-richest family in 2020.
They owe their wealth to Jay Pritzker (father of Thomas) who enrolled in the University of Chicago at 14, later graduated from Northwestern University Law School, and created the Hyatt Hotel chain, now a multi-national conglomerate, in 1957 at the age of 35.
Penny’s father, Donald, helped grow Hyatt, while his brother Robert (father of Jennifer) founded the international Marmon Group for autonomous manufacturing.
The three men are the grandsons of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants
Penny Pritzker, a billionaire in her own right who has donated $100 million to Harvard and is an alumna of the school, has come under fire because of her steadfast support of Gay — despite intense criticism over her statement to Congress addressing antisemitism last month, and what had been mounting questions about plagiarism.
“The Board Chair, Penny Pritzker, should resign along with the other members of the board who led the campaign to keep Claudine Gay, orchestrated the strategy to threaten the media, bypassed the process for evaluating plagiarism, and otherwise greatly contributed to the damage that has been done,” billionaire and former Harvard alum and donor Bill Ackman wrote on X this week.
Even more troubling chapter of Pritzker history: the family’s connection to Castle Bank of the Bahamas. According to Russo (pages 439 ff.) Castle Bank was the granddaddy of offshore money laundering and tax evasion. Castle Bank was set up in 1964 by former senior Office of Strategic Services officer Paul Helliwell, who had become an important cutout for hiding CIA funds; Morris Kleinman of the Cleveland organized crime family headed by Moe Dalitz; Burton Kanter, a tax attorney for the Pritzkers, and a board member of Hyatt; and Stanford Clinton, a partner in grandpa Pritzker’s law firm, and a trustee of the Teamsters Pension Fund, which was an important center of mob finances in the 1950s through 1960s. (Much of the financing for organized crime’s invasion of Las Vegas came from the Teamsters Pension Fund, usually at absurdly low interest rates. Russo, p. 438, notes that Hyatt’s 1972 acquisition of the Four Queens casino was financed by a loan from the Teamsters Pension Fund loan at just four percent, saving Hyatt $8 million.)
Essentially, Castle Bank pioneered the development of offshore money laundering and hiding, and served not only to launder illegally obtained money for US organized crime families, but to launder money for the CIA to fund various covert operations around the world, particularly in South America. According to Russo, The Pritzkers and Transgenderism | National Vanguard
….it turned out that the Pritzker’s were the largest depositors in one of the most notorious offshore tax havens ever devised, The Castle Bank of the Bahamas, which was nothing less than an intersection of the Supermob, known gangsters, pop stars, a U.S. president, and the covert branch of the CIA–all of whom had good reason to hide their money from Uncle Sam.
Bahamian and Cayman Islands banks have long been valued by those wishing to hide their money because those nations absolutely refuse to cooperate with U.S. law enforcement.
Bank expert and author Penny Lernoux wrote of the main advantage of the Caribbean banks: “Relying on a strict code of banking secrecy that makes Swiss banks look like blabbermouths, hundreds of banks have set up operations in the Caribbean.”
Anthony Pritzker, Gisele Bündchen and Barbra Streisand
Anthony Pritzker runs the Pritzker Group private equity firm and was the subject of a mini scandal when he and his wife demolished a landmark Bel Air home and built a mega-mansion in its place. He’s seen here in 2019 with Gisele Bündchen and Barbra Streisand.

Nephew of Hyatt hotel chain founders Matthew Pritzker is sued by woman for $25MILLION over alleged 2009 sexual assault in NYC while she was ‘incapacitated.
The accuser alleges investor and philanthropist Pritzker ‘engaged in sexual acts without her consent…while she was incapacitated and could not provide consent.’
Combatting human trafficking together: Hyatt Hotels Foundation pledges $500,000 donation to help launch trafficking survivor fund.
HOW transgender WOMEN keep their PENIS – COWS are the secret to PENIS development.
Martha Washington (June 2, 1732–May 22, 1802) was the wife of George Washington. She holds the honor of being America’s first Lady, though she was never known by that title.
Celebrities you never noticed have lazy eyes
These stars have wonky eyes 
Jeff Bezos, the former Amazon president and CEO, suffers from Ptosis, an eye condition that causes the upper eyelid to droop over the eye, sometimes referred to as “a lazy eye”. His right eye droops a bit lower than the left. Bezos has never publicly acknowledged its unusual appearance nor commented on why it looks different to his left
Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt & Franklin D. Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884, in New York City. Her father, Elliott Roosevelt (1860-1894) was the younger brother of Theodore Roosevelt, and her mother, Anna Hall (1863-1892), was from a wealthy New York family.
George H.W. and Barbara Bush
George H.W. and Barbara Bush
Barbara Bush
Barbara Pierce Bush (June 8, 1925 – April 17, 2018) was the first lady of the United States from 1989 to 1993, as the wife of President George H. W. Bush. She was previously the second lady of the United States from 1981 to 1989, and founded the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy
Her father was a businessman who worked at the McCall Corporation, descended from the Pierce family that included U.S. president Franklin Pierce
Pierce’s mother, the daughter of a Supreme Court of Ohio justice.
George H.W. and Barbara Bush
George H.W. and Barbara Bush
George H.W. and Barbara Bush
Barbara Bush
George Walker Bush and Barbara Bush
Nancy Davis Reagan was an American film actress and the first lady of the United States from 1981 to 1989, as the second wife of President Ronald Reagan.
Claudia Alta “Lady Bird” Johnson (née Taylor; December 22, 1912 – July 11, 2007) was the first lady of the United States from 1963 to 1969 as the wife of President Lyndon B. Johnson. She served as the second lady from 1961 to 1963 when her husband was vice president.
“Lady Bird” Johnson & President Lyndon B. Johnson
Was Golda Meir secretly LBJ in drag? We report you decide!
Lynda Bird Johnson Robb
(First Lady of Virginia (1982 – 1986)
Lynda Bird Johnson Robb
Lynda Bird Johnson Robb
Lynda Bird Johnson Robb
Pat Nixon, First Lady of the United States
Richard and Pat Nixon
Richard and Pat Nixon
Pat Nixon: A Trailblazer
Pat Nixon
Richard and Pat Nixon
Pat Nixon
Julie Nixon Eisenhower
Julie Nixon and Tricia Nixon—Today
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatch
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen (German: [ˈʊʁzula ˈɡɛʁtʁuːt fɔn deːɐ̯ ˈlaɪən] i; née Albrecht; born 8 October 1958) is a German physician and politician serving as the 13th president of the European Commission since 2019.
She served in the German federal government between 2005 and 2019, holding successive positions in Angela Merkel‘s cabinet, most recently as minister of defence. Von der Leyen is a member of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its EU affiliated group, the European People’s Party
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen
Christine Lagarde
The new President of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde adds her signature to an oversize euro banknote at the ECB in Frankfurt, Germany, Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2019. (AP Photo/Michael Probst)
French politician and lawyer who has served as President of the European Central Bank since 2019. She previously served as the 11th Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund from 2011 to 2019
Christine Lagarde
- Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde
Nancy Davis Reagan & Ronald Reagan
Nancy Reagan & Ronald Reagan
Nancy Reagan
Nancy Reagan & Ronald Reagan
Mamie Eisenhower
“Mamie” Eisenhower was the first lady of the United States from 1953 to 1961 as the wife of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Born in Boone, Iowa, she was raised in a wealthy household in Colorado. She married Eisenhower, then a lieutenant in the United States Army, in 1916.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower & “Mamie” Eisenhower
President Dwight D. Eisenhower & “Mamie” Eisenhower
“Mamie” Eisenhower
“Mamie” Eisenhower
President Dwight D. Eisenhower & “Mamie”
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Laura Lane Bush (née Welch; born November 4, 1946) is the wife of President George W. Bush and was the first lady of the United States from 2001 to 2009. Bush previously served as the first lady of Texas from 1995 to 2000.
Jenna Welch, mother of former first lady Laura Bush
Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi’s daughter on her mother: ‘She’ll cut your head off and you won’t even know you’re bleeding
Alexandra Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi & Alexandra Pelosi
Alexandra Pelosi
Alexandra Pelosi & Nancy Pelosi
The Not SO Hidden Life of the Transgender Kennedys
The men are really women, and the women have the MALE Adams Apple.
Jackie Kennedy Invented Camelot Just One Week after JFK’s Assassination
Was the Moon Landing Fake?
Fake Moon Landing PDF : Fake Moon Landing.docx
Why Jackie Kennedy Refused To Remove Her Blood-Stained Pink Chanel Suit
The Kennedy Family
Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kennedy was the matriarch of “The Kennedy Clan,” which was embedded in the American political culture of the last half of the twentieth century like no other family.
Inventors of “Camelot,” the Kennedys were perhaps the closest thing to a royal family that America has ever known.
They arrived at such a station through ambition, wealth, and fierce family loyalty, coupled with exuberance and glamor, honorable service to the nation, and family tragedies impossible to keep private.
No family has had such a powerful hold on the American imagination.
It was the 1980 Democratic Convention, and inside the trailers, top staff to President Jimmy Carter were nervously tracking their support among convention delegates, minute by minute. Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts was trying to take the nomination from Carter in an open convention.
Aristocratic Origins
During their heyday, the Kennedy family were called the “American royal family” by the press. Interestingly, there’s evidence that suggests the Kennedys have royal blood in their veins…
According to genealogist Brian Kennedy (no relation), the modern-day Kennedy family are descended from the Irish O’Kennedy clan (or Ó Cinnéide in Gaelic), who once ruled the Kingdom of Ormond during the Medieval Period.
More specifically, the modern-day Kennedys are descended from the Ó Cinnéide Fionn clan (a cadet branch of the Ó Cinnéide clan) with their progenitor being Diarmaid Ó Cinnéide Fionn, who lived in the mid-16th century.
Just like many other Gaelic clans, the Ó Cinnéide clan as a whole prospered until the Protestant Ascendancy in the 17th century, where the entire Ó Cinnéide clan lost all the land it still held to Protestant English and Scotsmen.
Having lost their land and the social standing that came with it, the Ó Cinnéide Fionn left their ancestral homeland before ending up in Dunganstown, New Ross, County Wexford, in 1740.
The Ó Cinnéide Fionn (eventually anglicized to just O’Kennedy, and later, Kennedy) lived in Dunganstown for several generations, until Patrick Kennedy was born there in 1823.
Between 1938 and 1940, Joseph Kennedy Sr. served and the U.S. Ambassador to the UK. Naturally, that involved attending quite a few political events with royalty—like this one that Kennedy and his wife, Rose, were seen at alongside King George VI and then-Queen Elizabeth in May 1939.
Throughout his prestigious career as U.S. ambassador, Joseph Kennedy made a number of infamous antisemitic remarks and successfully embarrassed the country by expressing sympathy for fascists in Europe. Rightly or wrongly, many people today remember Kennedy as a Nazi sympathizer and an all-around awful person.
Photos show the impact of hormones. Everyone on the screen is TRANSGENDER
- The hormones give them strange looks in the chin and neck area.
- You can see in the neck where they did surgery
- Surgeries on the Adams Apple.
- Men have wider teeth than women, you will notice most all these trans women have the huge teeth.
- Real men have longer necks, they have everything flipped.
- The women now all have the long necks and male jawlines.
- In real life, women have a smaller jaw and small chin.
MOST of them wear dentures
- MOST are wearing WIGS, Lace Front Wigs, use those eyes
Huge veins in the neck area 
Many of them have chin implants, you can see the scars on the face
Bruises under the neck from chin implant or neck work
The Podesta brothers – John and Tony – are creepy.
Most recently, John was the Clinton campaign’s chairman, but he has worked with Bill and Obama too. Tony is considered one of Washington’s most powerful lobbyists.
Red Shoes are recurrent motif in much of the pedogate material. It appears in photographs, art and emails. Attention was initially drawn to them by this photograph from Tony Podesta’s 65th birthday party.
Walt Disney and Hitler -Who Was Shirley Temple?
Video by Mitchell E. Brooks Mitchell E. Brooks – YouTub
Glossary of Transgender Terms
Terms of Identity
Assigned sex at birth: The sex (male or female) assigned to a child at birth, most often based on the child’s external anatomy. Also referred to as birth sex, natal sex, biological sex or sex.
Cisgender: A term for people whose gender identity generally matches the gender assigned for their physical sex. In other words, someone who does not identify as transgender. The word is derived from the Latin root “cis” meaning “on this side.”
FTM: Female-to-male transgender person. Sometimes identifies as a transgender man. Someone assigned the female gender at birth who identifies on the male spectrum.
Genderqueer and/or nonbinary: People whose gender identity and/or gender expression falls outside the binary categories of man and woman. They may define their gender as falling somewhere in between man and woman, or they may define it as wholly different from these terms.
Gender affirming: Adjective used to refer to behaviors or interventions that affirm a transgender person’s gender identity (e.g., a physician using cross-sex hormones for a transgender patient may be called gender affirming, as can the use of a correctly gendered pronoun.)
MTF: Male-to-female transgender person. Sometimes known as a transgender woman. Someone assigned the male gender at birth who identifies on the female spectrum.
Transgender: An umbrella term for people whose gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth. Transgender people may identify as straight, gay, bisexual or some other sexual orientation.
Transition: An individualized process in which transgender people move from living aligned with the sex they were assigned at birth to living aligned with their gender identity. There are three general aspects to transitioning: social (e.g., presentation, relationships, employment, names/pronouns); medical (e.g., hormones, surgery, mental health) and legal (e.g., changing gender marker and name on legal documents and identification). Each person’s transition path is unique.
Gender Affirming Medical Interventions
Bottom surgery: Colloquial phrase to describe gender affirming genital surgery.
Breast augmentation: Enlarging the breasts using breast implants.
Chest masculinization: A bilateral mastectomy that removes most of the breast tissue, shapes a contoured male chest, and refines the nipples and areolas.
Facial feminization surgery: Includes such procedures as reshaping the nose, and brow or forehead lift; reshaping of the chin, cheek and jaw; Adam’s apple reduction; lip augmentation; hairline restoration and earlobe reduction.
Facial masculinization surgery: Includes forehead lengthening and augmentation; cheek augmentation, reshaping the nose and chin; jaw augmentation; thyroid cartilage enhancement to construct an Adam’s apple.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): The process in which transgender people choose to take a prescription of synthetic hormones. For transgender women, that may include estrogen as well as testosterone blockers. For transgender men: testosterone (T).
Metoidioplasty: A surgical procedure that works with existing genital tissue to form a phallus, or new penis. It can be performed on anyone with significant clitoral growth caused by using testosterone.
Penile construction/phalloplasty: The construction of a penis generally includes several procedures that are often performed in tandem. They may include the following: a hysterectomy to remove the uterus, an oophorectomy to remove the ovaries, a vaginectomy to remove the vagina, a phalloplasty to turn a flap of donor skin into a phallus, a scrotectomy to turn the labia majora into a scrotum, a urethroplasty to lengthen and hook up the urethra inside the new phallus, a glansplasty to sculpt the appearance of an uncircumcised penis tip, and a penile implant to allow for erection.
Top surgery: Colloquial phrase to describe gender affirming surgery of the chest — either bilateral mastectomy or breast augmentation.
Vaginal construction/vaginoplasty: A procedure in which surgeons may remove the penis and testes, if still present, and use tissues from the penis to construction the vagina, clitoris and labia.
Pretty disgusting, the Royal liars.
The time they lied to hide the ‘shame’ of their mentally ill relatives.
The Queen Mother became the patron of Mencap in 1986 (they still boast about this on their website). Her patronage was appallingly hypocritical given she was complicit in hiding two of her own mentally disabled nieces into a mental institution – in order to ensure there was no embarrassment to the Royal Family
The Queen Mother was unapologetically obsessed with bloodlines & eugenics. The sisters – Katherine and Nerissa Bowes-Lyon were the Queen’s first cousins. But after being hidden away, their family told Debrett’s peerage (the aristocracy Who’s Who) that they….were dead.
They were abandoned, never getting a card or a visitor. That was the lie – the disabled members of the family were dead. When the scandal broke in 1987, the Debretts publisher said… “It is not normal to doubt the word of members of the Royal Family.”
Within hours of giving birth to Prince George in 2013, Kate Middleton appeared on the steps of the Lindo Wing in London looking immaculately put-together.
They wear a fake baby bump, waltz into the hospital, pretend to deliver and like magic walk out the next day with a real baby that some real woman had, not her. This is how it works; they are all in on the baby business. ALL of them the medical people, all of them in on stealing babies to give to trannys. Babies need their real moms, not a man in a wig pretending to be mom.
Kate upped the stakes for royal baby reveals with her appearance on the Lindo Wing steps hours after giving birth to Prince George
Although Prince George – who celebrates his 10th birthday today – was the centre of attention during this historic photocall at St. Mary’s hospital, royal watchers were wowed by how stylish Kate looked mere hours after her first labour.
Aside from royal baby bump, there was barely any indication that Kate had just given birth on 23 July 2013.
Mothers angry with pictures taken of Kate Middleton after childbirth: “I just wanted to scream.”
We are a nation of STUPID people, THINKING someone had those babies does not make it true. Holding a baby and taking it home does NOT make it really yours, now does it?
What GOOGLE has to say:
Truth : Photos Do NOT Prove Michelle Obama Is Transgender Woman!
This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS created to disparage Michelle Obama by misogynists and Republicans of the MAGA persuasion, and here are the reasons why…
Fact #1 : Michelle Obama Gave Birth To Two Girls
The claims that Michelle Obama is a transgender woman who was born a man is not only false, it’s absurdly ridiculous, because she gave birth to two girls – Malia Obama and Sasha Obama.
In November 2018, Michelle Obama even opened up about her experience with infertility, revealing that she suffered a miscarriage early in their marriage. Eventually she and former President Barack Obama resorted to in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to conceive Malia and Sasha.
“You can dress a pig up in satin and lace and it’s still a pig.”
Most of the elite fake women, still seem to have a penis;)
Eva Longoria, 48, looks sensational in a white one-shouldered swimsuit as she packs on the PDA with husband José Bastón in Marbella ahead of the Global Gift Gala
Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern she’s a man.
Timeline: How Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s pregnancy unfolded
It’s been an unprecedented journey for the family over the past nine months, beginning with Ms Ardern discovering she was pregnant in the middle of coalition negotiations.
She not only made her debut speech at the United Nations General Assembly, but brought her infant daughter, Neve Te Aroha, to do so, making her the first female head of state to bring a newborn to the high-level annual summit.
Pregnant, in power and setting a precedent.
An Australian reporter has been blasted on social media for a piece on Jacinda Ardern that screened on Australia’s 60 Minutes on Sunday night.
During the 13-minute report, Charles Wooley said he’d met many Prime Ministers, but “none so young, not too many so smart, and never one so attractive”.
William “Billy” Evans shares two young children with Elizabeth Holmes and appeared alongside her daily during her months-long trial.
WTF with her/his neck. AND where did they get the babies from?
Sofía Vergara Slaps Jimmy Kimmel, Says Her “Penis” Is “For Sure Bigger” Than His
But things quickly took a darker turn, as online comment sections tend to do. When Jimmy read a comment about Sofia having “a man jaw,” being “ugly,” and having “a more annoying voice than Fran Drescher,” the Colombian born beauty wasn’t exactly amused.
But Sofía’s tipping point came when Jimmy read a comment asking, “Has anyone checked for a penis?” She slapped him across the face and stormed offstage. Jimmy pointed out he was just repeating comments written on the Internet, but Sofía got the last word on the penis insinuation, telling the late-night host hers was “for sure bigger than yours!”
Obama told us he’s honorable — but he’s just another liar.
Here is a fake yearbook photo of “Michelle” photoshopped to look like a female:

Obama, Bill Gates and Michael
She was born on the South Side of Chicago to working class parents, who raised her and older brother Craig in a small bungalow with a strong emphasis on education. Michelle and Craig were often mistaken for twins and were both highly intelligent children. They learned to read at home by the age of four and skipped second grade. Michelle’s family were part of “Black Chicago,” a community that came from the Great Migration of Black Americans from the South to the East and Midwest looking for work. Despite the discrimination they faced, Michelle was raised to never use racism as an excuse for failure.
She followed her big brother’s footsteps and went to Princeton University to study Sociology with a minor in African-American studies. While at Princeton, she created a reading program for the children of the school’s manual laborers. Her dissertation, entitled ‘Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community,’ explored the links between fellow Black alumni and their communities. After graduating from the Ivy League school cum laude in 1985, she studied law at Harvard University and battled with constant casual racist remarks, despite the school’s efforts to stop it. As a Harvard Law student, she participated in numerous demonstrations demanding for a more ethnically diverse student body and faculty. As a graduate of Harvard Law School, Michelle is one of three first ladies with a post-graduate degree.
As she was finishing up her first year as an Associate at the Chicago branch of Sidley Austin specializing in marketing and intellectual property law, 25-year-old Michelle was given a summer intern to advise in 1989. She was initially reluctant to date 27-year-old Barack Obama, worried about how it would look at work. The first couple had their first kiss outside a local mall, where a photo of Michelle and Barack kissing was posted on a plaque outside the mall to commemorate the historic moment in 2012. They dated for two years before he popped the question and their love story is soon to be played out in upcoming biopic Southside With You. They wed at Trinity United Church of Christ on October 3, 1992.
In 1991 Michelle left corporate law to pursue her passion in public service and to help her soon-to-be husband find networking opportunities. She worked her way up from being the Assistant to Mayor Richard Daley to being the Assistant Commissioner of Planning and Development for the City of Chicago. By 1993 she founded Public Allies Chicago, an AmeriCorps national service program to help young people develop the skills needed for public service careers. In 1996 the fashion icon became the Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago and developed their first community service program. At the same time, she was canvassing for signatures and throwing fundraising events for Barack’s run for Illinois State Senator.
The 44th First Lady started working for the University of Chicago Medical Center in 2002, a sleeping four-month-old Sasha was clearly a good luck charm at her interview for Executive Director of Community Relations and External Affairs. As well as juggling her work with raising her two girls solo, while Barack was working in Springfield, Michelle also sat on the Chicago Council board on Global Affairs. By 2005 the supermom’s executive role at the University of Chicago Medical Center was promoted to Vice President and she took home a hefty annual salary of $212,000. She kept this role on until President Obama’s inauguration in 2009.
As a First Lady, Michelle is known for her relatable speeches, her tactful honesty and her ability to break down barriers and connect with people from all walks of life. Her hard work over the years in her own career and in support of her husband’s career has made her a role model; as a woman, a mother, a wife and a person of color. Maintaining a sense of normalcy and giving a healthy childhood to her girls, Malia and Sasha, has always been her main priority. For this reason, she has unfortunately opted out of ever running for President. However, being the First Lady will certainly not be her only claim to fame once President Obama’s second term comes to an end. It is clear from her active engagement with the public over the years that Michelle’s contributions to society are not over yet. Watch this space.
The former first lady also posted a photo of herself as a girl with her parents, Fraser and Marian Robinson, sharing tributes to each of them

She was so smart that she skipped second grade.
When she moved to sixth, she was chosen to attend a student excellence program and learn French.

Michelle with her mother, Marian Robinson.
Michelle shared this photo of herself with her mother Marian and her brother Craig to mark Mother’s Day earlier this month.
Michelle with her brother 2 years older, Craig Robinson.

Since she was a child she loved to dance.

He graduated from Princeton with honors in 1985.
After Princeton, he went to law school at Harvard and majored in copyright and marketing.
“People told me not to be so ambitious or fly so high, that I didn’t have enough to go to a university like Princeton. I ignored all that and focused on my application.”
While working at the law firm Sidley & Austin, she met Barack Obama, who was a summer intern at the same company.
I didn’t want to date Barack at first.
They worked together and I didn’t want to mix that up. He was just an intern, and she was part of the firm (something like his boss), but she finally agreed.

On October 3, 1992, at the age of 28, Michelle married Barack.

Michelle would become first lady in 2008.

Obama first visited his paternal family in Kenya in 1987, just months before he went on to study at Harvard University. Since then, he has visited the country three times, including as a U.S. Senator and last year as president. Obama barely knew his father growing up and most of the memories he has about him only coming from narratives he could piece together from close relatives. Despite his disconnect with Obama Sr., he has still managed to forge an amazing connection with his paternal roots.
Sibling Rivalry
Ahead of the third and final U.S. presidential election debate on October 20th, President Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, announced his support for republican candidate Donald Trump, adding that he would be attending the debate as his guest in what was clearly an attempt to antagonize his distant sibling.
While it is not exactly clear when or why relations between the two brothers soured, it’s obvious that Malik is bitter and resentful. He has repeatedly criticized President Obama for doing little or nothing to support the extended Obama family back in Kenya.
In an interview with the New York Post, Malik claimed that President Obama was unwilling to support a foundation Malik had started in their late father’s name. “My brother didn’t help me at all,” he said adding that “he wanted me to shut it down when I set it up.”
Relations between the two have not always been frosty. In fact, Malik was the best man at President Obama’s wedding to Michelle in 1992. Obama would later return the favor at Malik’s wedding. In addition, several picture records of the Obama family show the two had at one time enjoyed a close relationship.
In 2013, following his half-brother’s second successful presidential campaign, Malik attempted to cash in on the Obama brand by making a run for the governor of Siaya, the district where the Obama family is from. He lost woefully, securing just 1 percent of the vote.

This is a meme that is widely shared:
This meme features photos of a man and woman, implying they are the real parents. The story behind the false claim is found by a reverse image search that leads to videos and articles with purported details to support the claim. This one was published on YouTube in 2016 by “The Underground Resistance Network” with the title “ARE THE REAL PARENTS OF OBAMA’S DAUGHTERS FAMILY FRIENDS? MICHELLE OBAMA IS A KNOWN TRANSSEXUAL — SO HOW DID SHE ‘GIVE BIRTH’ TO MALIA AND SASHA?”
Other false stories published in the last several years include “Malia And Sasha Obama Were Loaned by Their Real Parents So America Would Accept The Fake First Family” and “Documents Surface Proving That Michelle Obama Never Gave Birth To Malia And Sasha.” They all attribute the “proof” to a story on titled “Where Are Obama’s daughter’s Baby Pics And Birth Records.” That story is no longer on that page. It just reads “Not Found.”
The couple in the photos is Dr. Anita Blanchard and her husband Marty Nebitt. The husband and wife have been among the Obamas closests friends in Chicago for decades. Dr. Banchard, who specializes in obstetrics and gynecology, delivered Malia and Natasha (Sasha) on July 4, 1998 and June 10, 2001, respectively, at University of Chicago Medical Center, according to the New York Times. Nesbitt is served as Obama’s campaign treasurer in 2008 and is now chairman of the Barack Obama Foundation.
The claim that Blanchard and Nesbitt are the real parents centers on three points:
1. There are no photographs online, accessible by a Google search showing Malia and Sasha as young children. False. Lead Stories did a quick Google image search and found this photo of the two children at ages 6 and 3 at their father’s senatorial campaign office in 2004.
And this is Malia with her parents in 2001 before Sasha’s birth:
We could show many more, but let’s move on to the next point.
2. Malia and Sasha don’t look like Barack and Michelle, but they sure look like Anita and Marty. It proves nothing. A cursory comparison of a child’s photo with an adult cannot determine if someone is or isn’t a that child’s parent. That’s why courts (and Maury Povich) require DNA tests to prove paternity. To the average white eye, Malia might look somewhat like Nesbitt, but she looks remarkably like Barack Obama. See below:
3. Former first lady Michelle Obama is a man and cannot give birth. This is a claim made for years by infamous conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who posted a video in 2017 claiming “final proof” that she has a penis.The Independent newspaper reported. “In the video, Mr Jones shows a series a pictures of Ms Obama and points out to pleats in her dresses and trousers he says is evidence she has a penis.” Jones says this:
“Michelle appears in photos and videos to have a very large penis in her pants, her shoulders are wide, her face is very, very masculine. She looks like a tranny. And so you ask yourself are the children a beard for Obama and of course Michelle Obama or Michael Obama as he has called her.
Having recently obtained official documents from the state of Illinois, here is what I can say with assurance: I found proof in official documents that Michelle Obama registered to vote as a man in 1994. I also have official proof that, after 14 years of voting as a man, Michelle Obama changed her sex in 2008 from male to female. This is not more social media silliness, this is fact. I obtained the documents from the Illinois State Board of Elections only last week. Here is Michelle Obama’s official voter registration card from 1994 when she registered to vote as a man. The letter M is circled under Sex.
Then, on July 14, 2008, with her husband about to be nominated by the Democrats for the presidency, she changed her sex from male to female.
He’s gay, she’s a man, the kids are adopted and it’s all a big CIA & Mossad mediated puppet show for the masses at the behest of their NWO puppet masters.Truth, plain & simple…!! Now Wake-up!!

Michelle Obama’s Appearance On Ellen
Now on to example number three which is a bit gross. So I apologize ahead of time. Michelle Obama on one of his appearances on the Ellen Show, decided to dance. The problem? Whatever was holding his penis in place was loosened and as Michael Obama is dancing, you can see his penis moving. Yeah I know I’m sorry, but here’s the video for proof.
Obama’s transgender ex-nanny: He laughed at my lipstick

The Associated Press today published an exclusive interview with the transgender former nanny who looked after Barack Obama during his childhood in Indonesia. Evie, who was born a man but believes she is a woman, has fond memories of the young future President, who was known back then as “Barry”:
Evie was 8-year-old Barry’s caretaker, playing with him and bringing him to and from school. Neighbors recalled that they often saw Evie leave the house in the evening fully made up and dressed in drag. But she says it’s doubtful Barry ever knew. “He was so young,” says Evie. “And I never let him see me wearing women’s clothes. But he did see me trying on his mother’s lipstick, sometimes. That used to really crack him up.”
Evie, who has faced a lifetime of taunts and beatings because of her identity says that she has now decided it’s better to hide her true feelings.

Obama Detained 90,000 Children In Cages At The Border – Media Blackout reports: What followed was a barrage of angry tweets and an attempt by AP prove the claim false by conflating two narratives; the first being that Trump is putting separated migrant children in prison-like conditions – which the left quickly abandoned after it was revealed that viral photographs depicting the caged migrant children actually happened under Obama.
That claim then morphed into outrage over the Trump administration separating 20% of minors who enter the country from their parents – around 2,000 kids, while ignoring the fact that the Obama administration was also separating children from their parents, while widespread abuse of detained migrants under previous administrations was reported by the ACLU and the University of Arizona.
One woman interviewed was detained for nearly a month in CADC while she was six months pregnant. She was shackled during transport to and from the facility. At the facility, she was denied monitoring or treatment for an ovarian cyst that posed a risk to herself and the fetus, and received no response to her requests for prenatal vitamins or extra padding for her bed. Another woman interviewed was separated from her breastfeeding baby daughter, who was less than two months old, while she was detained in Eloy for two weeks. –University of Arizona

Hide those ugly male feet
Heels Hide male calves.
Distorts who has the long legs, hint: men have longer legs and arms.
Iman or I Man?
Katie Holmes
Kate Bosworth is an American actress who rose to fame as a young surfer in the box-office hit Blue Crush.
Steven Tyler

Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS)
Facial Feminisation Surgery – Part 1: ‘Gender Markers’ by MrMenno
Facial Feminisation Surgery – Part 2: Serious Business by MrMenno
Trans 101: Ep 16 – Dangers of Hormone Replacement Therapy [CC]
Do Airplanes Need FUEL? Are the Weapons REAL?
Fake ‘Military Weaponry’ Is All Just CGI By Aaron Dover
Airplanes – Do they need fuel??? Or part of the oil hoax?
YouTube Videos: Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne

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